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Everything posted by kkthx

  1. lol that was pretty sht, want my 5 seconds of life back (yes was rewinding this crap) edit: most gay face + hairstyle u can combine in L2
  2. Whats the reason of that? Can u code it? Coz i think game devs have much important tasks to do right now.
  3. kkthx


    1st one, yesterday there was problem with clan unity buff not appearing on buff bar, so we have been told to update client, now we can see unity on buff bar, but i guess now this glitch appear instead. Maybe u got not updated client yet?
  4. kkthx

    First days with TH

    @Poseidon lets call spec.
  5. what so u just try to earn free exp coz u didnt use exp scroll but u got ur rb exp?
  6. kkthx

    First days with TH

    @Myrtan are u going to make thread that daggers are weak like other dagger wanna be or u are fine?
  7. just bcoz they rolled from PR
  8. u forget its not working when u re on Legiana level stop boiling kid or ur heart will stop and take some dagger lessons so u can come and apologize me
  9. u re retarded like all others posting about weak dagger each week, if u were smart enough u would find 10 threads like this proving u re noob but u re not enough skilled to even search forum so why u participate to play dagger, lel
  10. @Koll update bot protection already.
  11. in 240p i dont want to watch even p0rn
  12. dont do this, first was crap
  13. what? if u think so u re free to kill every rb u want, why u share ur secrets... even which i doubt
  14. good and playable, theres nothing else to say for u to join. Else u join or not, server wont notice, and u can have fun or not, up to u.
  15. they recompensate their lil benises
  16. why u want compensation? for pushing gms? they said this can happen, but u wanted 2.0 so u had it, with crashes, now u want also compensation, u filthy ignorants, kek.
  17. but not for server. If he bought PA he did it by buying adena from RMT, kek
  18. i dont want. My reward is possibility to play on this server with 2.0 update.
  19. kkthx

    B grade

    not even soulshot bonus?
  20. kkthx

    B grade

    so OE b grade weps have any boost in 2.0? Coz when u link it for example +10 wep u see some extra numbers + soulshot bonus.
  21. np. playing 6 months with main+4 box and relog when war gank every 10min.