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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. Agree, I think he would fix many OL "bugs" :DD
  2. Orfen: С определенным шансом переводит 3% от нанесенного противнику физического урона в MP.
  3. GMs cant trust in everything you just say without posting any proof. You are one of sides in server and ur not objective. Same rules for every1
  4. Im against any custom skill to any class also rush for destro, get a clue. Nothing is started cos there isnt any custom skill added to any class yet. Oh almost forgot, the only custom skill added so far is buffer summon on summon classes in 1.5, and u are still not satisfied. Mby consider changing chronicle if u dont like classic?
  5. 1 watch the movie again and ull notice he get mp from hiting mobs not from spaming potions. I dont know how its supposed to work on our server (ask San0 which server features we follow mostly) and dunno if it isnt same on ru? and i dont care since i dont have orfen. I just point out that in korean server it works on physical skills. WHat u gonna do with that knowledge, i dont care 2. I played since c3 untill god chronicles, and before ncsoft introduced attribute system (fire stones etc), resist bufs were very powerful. Unholy resist lvl 3 was decreasing necro dmg by 30%. Elemental protection by 20% from water wind earth and 30% from fire etc. On hellbound they changed these skills to give "30" instead of "30%" resist. This "30 points" were giving fewer % of real dmg reduction and surely lower than 30%. Then the scaling of attribute was further change in gracia, then again changed in h5 and again changed in god. In god every 1 point of resist was actually giving very very little % of resist and also there were breakpoints in characteristic. Sometimes you could add 50 resist to one attribute and there was 0% dmg reduction and sometimes you needed to get only 1 resist point more and you could gain 10+% dmg reduction. I hope i clarified things a bit, a bit complicated to explain in english, dunno if u gonna understand 3. Why are you flaming me? I just said these buffs work correct here and i guess u have same opinion so why do u flame me? Go read again my post. I Touched topic of resists to answer previous post. Also in my opinion if the power of old resist buffs would return, mages wouldnt be balanced in pvp (too weak dmg)
  6. 1. Its custom skill because this skill doesnt exist on official 2.0 classic, i dont care how you gonna call it but it always gonna be custom skill 2. Summon friend skill has HUGE INFLUENCE on game. PPl gonna make box summoners low lvl just for summon friend and keep em in loa heart, toi 13 just to summon their wc and the whole pt, or to come back fast on spot after restock, or to summon themself in hard locations to hunt pk. There are plenty of game influencing examples in this skill. Its strong global skill. 3. In my opinion summon friend is much more influencing than some sh1t nukes on some low popular class. Just because of summon friend skill plenty of ppl would make box summoners to take advantage over other players. Wanna summon ppl, make wc 76+. Its so hard to make for some reason. 4. They are already helpful in pt. When i had my own cp i used warlock in archer pt as bishop. He had infinite mp and btb bts buff + cat buff, He was WAY BETTER than bishop for pve, pvp was a bit different story cos of power on heals but still he wad soing pretty well. Was rly powerfull support, stop cry and go play. Also if u add just 1 custom skill to 1 class, u gonna "OPEN GATE" for all ppl beging for skills, and every1 gonna ask why summoner got custom skill, and my class doesnt get? Wanan start drama?
  7. Dont add fking custom skills to classes please. Many classes on classic miss their old skills, deal with it. You add 1 skill to 1 class, then there will be again 30 threads about adding fear to sps, pain of sagi to pr, crush of doom to destro, etc etc
  8. If u wanna help GMs fix bugs, post 2 videos in ur bug report, 1 from our server and 1 from offi and point out differences. It proofs that smth is wrong and also help gms to change it into good way
  9. I think its whole "attribute" system being weak. Holy weapon gives like 5% dmg and unholy resist 5% def right? Cos its system from god. I think it works same here as on offi
  10. I agree with you many debufs are working "strange", They have strange landrate with or without bufs. Many of them may be bugged i agree. I noticed strange things also. But instead of crying on forum go test, make a movie with test and then put other movie from offi to proof they work wrong, Just what i do everytime i find a bug. Right now you say bugs are fixed cos of UQ but i dont see many serious bug reports from you, you only qq on forum and dont proof anything to help gms fix the bugs. I would say cyane does the biggest job about this. About dex it works correct for 1.5 server. Go cry to ncsoft if u dont like it cos it rly affect atk speed and physical skill cacting speed
  11. Hmm, didnt know it changed on classic, cos it always had "shield avoiding" feature. And since i played tyrant and he had shield avoiding thing in hurricane assault i thought gladi has also. But wiki skill description says gladi doesnt have
  12. ​xaxaxaxa 1 orfen not broken he must regen just for magick skill. 2 so you noob if you play so long and dont see CD who is 2 time faste than must be. 3 anchor dont have so big land rate, and mental now +/- work, but stun resists dont work at all. on WL i have 1200 p atak and hit you just 500-700 dmg. admin have screen abaut dmg. i have hit more 600-700 dmg SWS, with song P def and 1 lvl more than you, so you wana say you have more p def than SWS with song ? 4yes you use. lots of your movi ans screen we check and see. also we have tons of chars and chars from ally, all from us change now and use - 15 dex who not efected atak speed, skill speed, just nothink change. so dont lie my friend. who have 1,5 k cast ? maby 1100-1200 max. and we hit you with OL 74 full bufed 600 dmg and with mag 74 full bufed 1200-1700 when you hit the same mag or me, heavy armor 1900-2600dmg. Dmg is secound my question, more intresting is Orfen regen mp, stun chance, and CD for most pover skill who is 5 sec, also abaut skill attack speed with -15 dex ​1. orfen is broken for u and him so where is the problem? 2. LF BUG FIX fast 3. He is glad, His skills avoid shield def, he gets dmg fonus from momentum and his skills have high power + he uses "hex"debuf. How can u compare WL dmg to glad? 4. Dex affect skill cast speed pretty much. When i put -5 dex on archer i could already notice i cast stuns a bit slower. But look who is talking!! Mage party who goes -15 men and loose 200 mp and 1 mana regen? Hahaha and you complain about - dex? he lost 100 atk speed and u 200 mp, wondering what is bigger :D. Bout stin chance lf test but i noticed some debufs like DA fear are not rly resisted by mentalshield, just static 90% chance value or smth, while others like WC fear dont land even w/o mental. Smth is broken with wc fear in my opinion, about DA dunno, need some tests also
  13. Orfen shouldnt work on physical skils? Hmm thats interesting. 2:20. About TSS i thought its only bugged in test server
  14. So u think u hit avadon necro for 6,4k and Bw light HE for 3k? necro has 2x lower p def than ligh HE? its 1,6k + 1,6k bro
  15. yes so low hp and so low dmg, to necro 1600 + 1600 summon, to archer not even 3k, double shot crit on full hp does more :P. Explain much why no1 plays this char anymore. Now imagine killing wl/tyrant/glad and other warriors when u make 1-2k dmg to them and they have 10+k hp cp. Thats why i said it much more worth not to risk ur life and pray for crits with auto attack- more dmg and safe and easy for healer> double shot seems to be better- MUCH more crit rate and can be casted on full hp
  16. I wouldnt be so sure yet there will be rush on destro
  17. Whats this thread? VR having fun again in partisan?
  18. Rizos

    +25 failed!

    ​So soulshot % bonus from enchanted weapons will be implemented?
  19. FC is not about "hp missing VALUE" but "HP missing %tage"> for example if u have have 100hp/10 000 max hp ull do same dmg as if u had 10 hp/1 000max hp. About farming with fatal counter unfortunately its not worth here cos it does smilar dmg to auto attack crits. U know PRs exped too fast, many of them outlvled rest of server by 10 lvls so admins had to nerf not only their pvp dmg but also solo pve tool . Ok jokes aside, if u wanna farm with FC, ull make same %/20 min if u go 1shot doom knights and box ee for recharge, as if u woudl box pp + pr. Atleast ppl have some alternative to exp with friend ee or if pp is taken. edit: here u can see how it works in LOA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6c81uGVARvE not worth the mana
  20. Now pr vs sps: if pr goes on low hp to FC he gets 3 nukes before he can cast fc and he die and loose. IF pr goes on full hp he cast 1st fc for low dmg and SPS can survive for sure even with 2h blunt. Then pr needs to wait 5s for skill reuse and cast another fc like 2s. So Are u trying to tell me SPS cant outdmg during that 7s? ​Ppl thinking archer is supposed to kill anybody in 1v1 when they duel are just funny Archer never kill in 1v1 duel, except he land stun. Archer is not "Duelist" he is not supposed to make "duels" - he is assasin/rogue. He ganks and start fight before enemy even realize he is getting hit by archer. Then he can make as much damage he wants depends on enemy how fast he realize hes getting hit. So keep dreaming of 1v1 on archer and go back sleep Before u say: "HURR DURR BUT ON OLYMPIAD ARCHER CANT GANK" yes, he can't so deal with it, archer is not class for arena, class for arena is Gladiator as his name says. On archer u can go on castle walls where u belong. U choose archer so dont except 1v1 its not char for that. That's conclusion for u if u alrdy go 50% offtopic. But here is alot of for topic also. ​Yes archers are not supposed to be duel class and they are not, they loose vs most of DDs. I dont compare classes in 1v1 condition cos its stupid, i just answered to that guy about sps vs pr cos he brought it 1st. Please stop offtopic, no1 asked u to speak again because you can tbring anything serious to this conversation. U have no clue about the skill so u start ur spam about 1v1. To the SPS lover : I thought we speak clearly abouut fatal counter. If u wanna 1v1 mage v archer normal conditions with using all skills then its mostly about stun landing or not, not about FC dmg. Also i would pick sr not pr for such pvp, much bigger chances to win.. But lets end this 1v1 offtopic cos it doesnt bring anything important here.
  21. ​Sure every1 can have his opinion and share it here. I just ask why every class on this server has skills like in official but PR is custom class? Like Progressive said l2 custom god? This pr is higher lvl than enemies on movie, yea so he even makes more dmg. If he hit same lvls dmg would be lower and i dont think its OP so ur argument is broken. Now pr vs sps: if pr goes on low hp to FC he gets 3 nukes before he can cast fc and he die and loose. IF pr goes on full hp he cast 1st fc for low dmg and SPS can survive for sure even with 2h blunt. Then pr needs to wait 5s for skill reuse and cast another fc like 2s. So Are u trying to tell me SPS cant outdmg during that 7s? Here are some screenshots from siege, 1st was lucky cos it was crit, 2nd was into avadon robe. OP DMG right? 1shoting every1
  22. ​1. Gra ma ponad 10 lat i jest naprawde duzo tematow do ogarniecia. grajac spokojnie "progresujac powolutku" na pewno bedziesz mial ogromna frajde z tej gry co dzien odkrywajac nowe rzeczy. Pamietam jak zaczynalem gre w l2 to najbardziej ekscytowalo mnie wlasnie odkrywanie mechaniki gry, skili na roznych klasach postaci, nowych miejscowek itp. Z założenia CLASSIC jest przeznaczony dla starych gracy ktorzy maja sentyment do starego dobrego l2 i z pewnoscia na poczatku beda mieli duza przewage nad toba w pvp ze wzgledu na duza wiedze. Ale jak najbardziej polecam ta gre a szczegolnie ten server. Exp idzie powoli i zanim wbijesz wyzszy lvl to bedziesz mial duzo czasu na ogarniecie. 2. Instancji/dungeonow nie ma. to byla czesc gry ktorej nie lubili oldschoolowi gracze, a dla nich powstała ta kronika. Moim zdaniem to czyni gre duzo bardziej interesujaca i daje duzo mozliwosci interakcji z innymi graczami i okazji do pvp. Jesli nie lubisz pvp, to moze byc dla ciebie problem. Co chodzi o klasy supportujace to bardzo dobrze trafiles. Wybor jest ogromny. Masz do wyboru klasy leczące(bishop, elven elder, shilien elder a nawer prophet). Masz magicznych buferow ( warcryer prophet shilien elder overlord) i fizyczne klasy supportujace (blade dancer i sword singer). Z reguly kazde party potrzebuje 2 healerow 1-2 buffera i zawsze blade dancer + swordsinger. Ktorakolwiek klase bys wybral z pewnoscia nie bedziesz mial problemu ze znalezieniem party bo na serverze jest duzy deficyt supportow. Nowemu graczowi polecam bladedancera albo swordsingera, ewentualnie warcryer. 3. max lvl to 75. Classic nie bazuje na ENDGAME. Tu nie ma endgame, gra jest tak zrobiona zeby ludzie nie osiagali max lvla. Zanim wyexpia 75 to wchodzi nowy update z jeszcze wyzszym max lvlem. Dzieki temu cala rywalizacja i pvp sa czescia gry od pierwszych lvli a nie dopiero na endgame po paru miesiacach gry. Ja gram tu 5 miesiecy i mam 66 lvl, do 75 naprawde mi daleko. Jest kilka osob z lvlami 74-76 ale graja tu rok i bardzo duzo expia. Max lvla nie wbijesz tu nigdy nie spieszac sie nie o to tu chodzi zeby wbic max lvl. 4. Na endgame jest sporo do roboty ale ciezko wytlumaczyc nowemu graczowi bo itak nie zrozumiesz nie grajac w ta gre. Poza tym tu nie ma endgame nie liczas paru NOLiFE party na serverze 5. kupujac premium mozesz zalogowac jednoczesnie wiecej niz 1 klient. Duzo ludzi kupuje premium zeby moc expic solo. Bez bufow praktycznie nie da sie expic i ludzie loguja sobie drugie konto z buferem. Jak masz zamiar grac supportem to raczej ciebie ten problem nie dotyczy i teraz widzisz dlaczego jets latwo znalezc party supportem. Poza tym innych profitow nie ma. Nie ma p2w dlatego gra cieszy sie duza popularnoscia. Oczywiscie jak sie postarasz to kupisz gdzies na allegro itemy czy wyexpiona postac ale nie ma to zbyt duzego wplywu na gre. ta gra ( szczegolnie ten server!) jest idealna jak nie masz zamiaru tracic kasy. Sprowadz tu jakis kolegow, napewno bedziecie miec wiecej frajdy grajac razem. Do lvla 40 bedziesz musial raczej expic solo bo wiekszosc ludzi na serverze ma 45-75 lvle
  23. WOW didnt see such a clueless post for a long time. Read the thread 1st before posting such a bullsh1t. Person who doesnt have ANY clue about the skill the discussion is all about and lives in word of dreams where FC dmg is based on enemy hp. Dude you dont even know how the skill works on our server, not to mention official server and you want us to waste our time and read ur clueless posts here? If u read whole thread mby u wont make clown out of urself next time. Stop huminilating yourself and go back to cave. Its just a good advice for you Here is some link for you because i think ppl like you cant do anything without others pointing em with finger https://4gameforum.com/threads/594232/