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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. i think this 10% is wrong, its like ww was giving 33% in fact it was 33, i think it gonna give 10 speed
  2. on dagger its just that u dont aoe with ur skills. Gladi hit 15 mobs for like 2k dmg with 1 skill so thats 30k dmg, you make 3k dmg with backstab and u expect to get same MP vamp as glad
  3. I also believe its 30 min reuse
  4. funny thing they actually never had this skill working properly here but they decided to nerf it straight away
  5. I dont think there is smth like "weaken skill"
  6. I respect ur opinion, every1 can have his own but stop flaming me. I think its not fair pr is the only class that is not oryginal like on official (except summoners geting buff summons). If u wanna balance pvp then change also skills on other classes that are OP, like wl da glad necro, and boost classes like TK, paladin etc, not just on 1 class, but in my opinion its better to keep skills as they work on official, than making custom server. I wonder how would u speak if u played gladi and sano would remove banana stun cos 80% of server thinks its OP. Just an example
  7. I think you should check on grankain if orfen works on WL cos it may be some balancing factor. If Wl rege mp with skills he may be too strong on pvp. Remember zerker on gracia final? Clarity/song of champion/reneval didnt decrease mana cost on rush impact. Even that +4 rapier trigger didnt work on rush impact, while working on all other physical/magic skills. Since WL on classic has same function like zerker on gracia, mby NCsoft made this intentionaly that wl cant orfen mp regen with skills. Im just guessing but for sure it needs confirm from some offi movie
  8. Well obiously most of ppl will be against it working correct cos most of ppl dont play archer and its normal but i honestly think this skill is balancing factor between archer partys and meele/nuker (talking clearly about 9v9/mass pvp) and this nerf makes archer partys weaker than others. I think every good meele party will agree that they eat archer partys like mobs. Ask for example Soil what he does with archers 9v9 :D
  9. Make test, will be cool. I made test with artiemes, without mentalshield it was like 70-90% ( he was 3 lvls higher than me), but with mentalshield lvl 4 it was like 20% only, mental shield resist trick switch a lot, i think it should resist but dunno how much.. Remember that on these movies from grankain ppl dont have mental shield on oly so it lands a lot
  10. Well for sure its easier to find pt as sws than as tank, and its also effective to pull trains. If u dont care about farming oly on 2.0 ( DA is rly good to do it) i think its better for u to play sws. Many CPs lf active sws
  11. He land it in fact into ur back, its complicated mechanics to explain but ill try. When you start to cast skill ur character is all the time facing to the same direction, when ur target moves around you you can see ur character turning around him while casting skill( for example OL drain) but in fact its only visual effect. Game mechanics consider ur char standing still when casting skill and not turning around. Here is example: you have dagger hiting you, you cast drain on him but as soon you start casting drain he runs behind you and cast backstab. Ur character visually turns around and facing him all the time while ur casting ur drain, but for game mechanics you are facing the same direction for whole skill casting duration. Now if dagger manage to run behind you and cast backstab before you finnish casting your drain, he will actually land backstab because game considers him casting backstab into your back even tho you visually see it like "facestabing you". Go test it in game, ull see how it works. The more casting speed u have, the more hard for dagger it is to "facebackstab" you because he has less time to run behind u and cast his skill. And if u ask if its bug- no its not, it works like this since c1 till late god chronicles and it also works same on our server. ​well, visual animation not always is same than real face or back when dagger use skills. what u see isnt always exact 100%, not delayed, when dagger use the skill. I mean, in fast moves of characters, ur internet conection, ur pc, ... miliseconds ... u can see visualy something but thats not the real 100%. I think many old l2 players with good known in daggers pvp, vs them or using them can understand what i say and if i am wrong or no. ​I played dagger for many years i know exacly what u mean
  12. It works well, there is only 1 bad thing, when u have tank you can pull mobs with few characters and then run near tank and he can mass agro and take train on himself, If u want to use sws as train maker, sws has to make train alone
  13. here is offi landrate: https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=pl&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.pl&sl=ru&tl=en&u=https://4gameforum.com/threads/564968/&usg=ALkJrhgM2vBzUkIwlkydKuLddrK8IyxaLA And here is the thing im suspicious about (backstab x2 dmg chance and STR). I think its broken on our server, would be cool if some1 can test it. I think making 99 str on test server should have HUGE impact on crit rate that u could notice instantly - like 50% chance compared to like 5% chance with 1 str. @Cyane, @Sano https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=pl&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.pl&sl=ru&tl=en&u=https://4gameforum.com/threads/560661/&usg=ALkJrhgdhlSWoF_R_YHyIlA2FPVFnsyrYw
  14. I think hide on our server has little bug, good that u noticed it. To zorgzor- try to play dagger few hours ull see it has around 30% chance to land blows from front, and backstabs miss from behind also. I payed pw 57 a bit and for me blow landrate felt to be very low but same as on these official movies. No idea if dmg is correct but landrate for sure. U just have wrong vision of it cos u only fight against daggers, u notice when they alnd blows but u dont notice when they actually miss. If u try to play dagger ull see how many blows they actually miss. Tho im suspicious about backstab x2 dmg crit rate, i saw 4game tests where this crit rate is influenced by STR value on dagger, i made dager 75 with 99 str on test server and couldnt notice difference in crit rate of backstab between 1 and 99 str. Dont have acc on offi to test it tho so dunno.
  15. For AOE pull i would pick SK - pretty high base speed, pasive for shield defence when mobs hit from behind, mass para skill on 2.0 might be useful also. Also its best pick for tanking rb - hex + powerbreak from cubic + slow + poison/bleed. For party support use as i said its good cos of cubics and paralize on pvp, but i consider DA to be better if u want to support ur party on pvp. Da has powerful fear that lands 80-90% on every1 around ur lvl or lower + shield stun, it also has big hp pool and panther summon that gonna have cancel an pretty good dps on 2.0 with beast shots, Also on 2.0 i think DA is the best pick for pvp because of insane crusher skill ( 10s reuse aoe skill with 6-9k power( dont rememebr exact value) it does high aoe dmg, cancel enemy buffs and decrease max cp pool buy 50%(?) and increase chance for debufs(?). Other tanks are considered to be weak on classic. All in all in my opinion on 1.5 DA>SK>other tanks, and on 2.0 DA>SK>other tanks
  16. You could do it in loa but sadly not on our server
  17. Most of them already did so who cares . On this server i feel like everything is against archers. VR doesnt work on bows but reflect dmg does, archers cant aoe while other pts POWERLVL on aoe, PR has nerfed skill while other classes remained oryginal, on 2.0 some meeles get rush - next archer nerf, dex doesnt give speed - archers/daggers get fcked the most, Evasion working with god formula(u never evade hits even on ue)- ofc daggers and archers get fcked the most, dye system? ofc mages go -15 men, obviously +12 wit gives bigger boost than any other dyes on fighter classes, warriors go -15 dex without high consequences and geting insane hp pool, archers? cant rly - dex (max -5), cant - str cos of big p atk scaling on pvp, and cant rly - con cos they are as squishy as sorc/sps already. And guess what? ill tell u funny joke - gladi has better "UE" than dagger or archer cos u know its such an agile class, even more agile than pw so why not (gladi 40% evasion chance+ 1 min duration + 5 min reuse, dagger 40% evasion chance 30s duration 15 min reuse, archer 20% evasion chance 30s duration 15 min reuse)- but at this one i cant complain cos its ncsoft change
  18. make macro: /attackforce /vendor use it with bow nad ull shot ppl w/o flaging or dealing dmg also
  19. They said about h5 starting after 2.0 update in january so i expect 2.0 in december/early january but i think its gonna be in december before xmas cos they obviously wanna use xmas oportunity to get new players so its better to have 2.0 already
  20. ​Hey MoDoy. I completely agree with you about the Doom set change and Fatal Counter being worthless on this server. I rarely used it during the siege; however, there was an unrecorded moment where I literally had 16 HP and used it on a robe--for a 4-5k crit. I might end up changing to SR at this rate. As for the party vs. party, we rarely have a front line group available during my prime. Most of the PVP that happens on my prime is just searching AB at the end of a farm session. Sieges are nice because all of our primes can accommodate for one another at the same time. I feel you though--a party vs. party would show a realistic archer scenario. I haven't played archer much in my L2 "career", and this is the first time rolling one on Classic, but I will say I dearly miss the C4 and pre-C4 days when being an archer relied heavily on placement and positioning (i.e. DEX factor and auto-attacking people from their backs), as opposed to what it is now: spamming Stun Shot (if you know you're a higher level than your foe); Double Shot; and counter-building passives with heavy armor sets. Cheers man, see you out there. ​Archer playstyle will be more like in old times when u get cov + great fury and ull make awesome dmg with auto attacks
  21. Atleast u have char working +/- like on offi and u have added buf summons which are not avilable even on 2.0 offi. Some ppl have to play costom nerfed chars . Ull forget about powi stats when u get ur beast shots finally . I agree wizzard servitor sux, but cmon, mby warlock gets advantage over pony but atleast PS gonna get rewarded for all this painful farm without recharge and shots edit: FOI 30s reuse? nice :O
  22. Yes its really good on self/pp bufs, U can gank pretty well even now with nerfed skill. Yesterday i managed to get lucky crit on FC on 200 hp and 1shoted taduliz for 6900 . Its strong for 1v1 ganks but for me l2 is not for 1v1 or ganks but mostly about mass pvp, fights for epics/spots 9v9 etc. In these scenerios u hit full buffed necro for 1000 + 1000 transfer pain and reflect 800 dmg on ur face. Also it nerfs PR exp potential, on offi he can duo pretty well with EE on low hp, here its not worth cos of 50% dmg. Its class without aoe and archers exp slower than meeles/mages in general, why would you nerf it even more, doesnt make sense.
  23. seems this topic was discussed already: http://l2classic.club/forum/index.php?/topic/11555-phantom-ranger-fatal-counter-bug/&do=findComment&comment=66774​ and i dont know what you ppl want? dmg like on korean or russian server which are ahead of us with p2w items? pls make a video where you show all damage of your pr crits, double shot(crit/norm) and fatal counter(crit/norm) on same mob. ​Dmg with double shot = dmg with FC with full hp on the end of test if u asked for doubleshot dmg also
  24. Dmg on fc 40% hp 2500-3000, dmg with crit aa 2500-2700.. with bop +0 and without epics. With enchanted bop crit dmg would be even higher, also consider cov on new chronicle and fc gonna be pretty shitty
  25. Rizos


    Also if u use for example ww scrol (60 min) it gets overwrote with wc ww ( same bug wc ww haveing bigger priority cos it used to give ww evasion and 40 min)