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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. ​I guess u are used to have Orfen then . I played with friend sps and he required 3 rechargers just for himself to farm loa aoe
  2. yes he has skill corpse burst or smth like that. It detonates corpses of dead mobs/summons and make aoe dmg with high skill power(power same as death spike i think, sps has 50% of that skil power). It also can hit as many mobs as are in range (even 100) while sps aoe has limit and canhit maximum 15 mobs
  3. Necro cos ow lower mana consumption and no target limit on AOE
  4. No, when u receive B cry/C cry
  5. its obvious every1 who doesntr play PR will wote to nerf PR skills. So poll doesnt make sense cos most of ppl play other class than PR
  6. Make test on self lvl enemy than post dmg. Cose you post 3k when you hit me for 3k and taduliz overlord with full buff for 6100 crit. ​I dont need to do test, i already proved it works much worse than on offi, dunno why u came to cry in this thread
  7. No i dont cry about loosing to 75. its u crying that my pt pr. I just complain about bugged skill that i want to be fixed
  8. about CDL, CDL cast time 0,5s FC cast time 2s. CDL reuse 1s, FC reuse 5s gg
  9. dex doesnt give skill crit chance. we pr from u cos we are 65 lvls u are 75 and 3000 dmg on 100 hp is low if u hit necro with 4k cp(castle) and 5k hp(songs) for 1500 + 1500 into summon transfer pain and u die from necro 1shoted. And if u go on full hp and use FC/Double shot u hit necro for 700 + 700 transfer pain and u get 550 dmg reflected. Nice balance. Ask pinkcake how he pvp with 40% reflect and transfer pain
  10. IT WAS lucky crit pm fc(20% chance) and i had 100 hp and u had no song. If i dont crit its 3k. 3k dmg on 100 hp is that high for u when im 1shot?
  11. Meanwhile in giran: Pm with offers
  12. Also on mass pvp u are geting other pt OL heal and u are screwed. Dont forget its pvp vs mages without even WL(that totaly screw up archers and on our server every nuker pt uses WL) and there is not any fight vs meele cp. Meele cps eat archers like keltirs on our server
  13. 1st time sano is talking smth smart and i agree with him :O. Is it the end of the world?
  14. Rizos

    Lucky of Day

    I prefer deep blue glow but gz. Btw my bop still stronger 504 p atk :p
  15. U need to instal google dns. Check forum help section. Koll helped there ppl with same problem
  16. ​i dont think so, its just some small things in communication of clients<->server appearing at same time to make this happen, it shouldnt occur that often tho to give example sometimes this happens and when u play dagger, even if u see the back of the target, the visual appearance of the target says it is back, but in real game he is facing other directions or is a bit away from the spot ​ if anyone is interested, its becouse of the UDP connection type, instead of TCP/IP. connection between server and client is not monitored, imagine its a pipe divided in half, one half is incoming transmission and the other one is outgoing. and u just pour data there without worrying if it will go to the designated target or not. thats why nearly every time if u trget someon hell do a slight movement, becouse then your client sends request to recieve exact location of ur target and make the adjustments. ​SO i was +/- right, just didnt know how it works and what is its technical name
  17. loooooool, u guys think sano will fix it? Every1 rerol pr last 2 days
  18. Rizos

    WTS/T BOP +7

    WTT BOP +8 (504 p atk) For EMI +14/15/16 + adena
  19. believe me, for daggers its bigger pain :C
  20. i doubt cos even ncsoft never fixed it, its since l2 begining, i think its consequence of keeping low internet speed requirements of l2
  21. its bug of visual positioning. U see ppl next to u but they are a but further away, try to autoattack em and after that spam aoe skills to make sure ur next to them About ultimate, hes not flagged so ur not gonna make dmg to nonflagged ppl with nontarget aoe skil
  22. but the proportion man, 1500 fc 3100 auto attack, like rly? without cat buf or epics? on 2.0 with cov its gonna be totaly useless if its not yet