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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. We will talk again in 1 year when 50% ppl on server would have it. I agree epics should be strong but i dont like way its making some clases les useful ;/
  2. Do they need to rename to join ur cp? Nice movie, but this picture covering chat! I cant watch on it :D, PowerRangers fanboi? or WTF is that :D
  3. make soem tests on test server imo, instead of using empty words. Come movie would clarify a lot of things
  4. ​Tyrant gets rush on 2.0 update, so send ur cries to ncsoft, not here.
  5. ​agree with this, except part when u want t ogive gladis magic immunity, or nerf other classes, those are not solutions to the problem I know, i wanted to be obvious the fact that destroyer lacks of what makes him special. Being a destroyer means that you are strong as a tank, hit as a tank, and that you are as mobile as a tank. Being an archer means that range is your best friend, range, mobility, environment awareness and as all rogue classes,, luck. If an archer doesn't kite, he deserves to die and to lose his bow. I know that archers and wizzies who kite destroy destroyers (ironic, don't you think?), but destroyers should beat anything at close range. If destroyer means being a tank, what means when u play tank?​ ​he has sh1tload of hp/cp, while his skills are dealing pretty good dmg, not like tank which is suited to CC other pt, thats the difference this week i realized how fair would be to give destro rush with lets say 10-15 seconds, class which were supposed to be heavy and slow, will be now able to come to u every now and then casually and destroy u at melee range (once u get stun from him with archer, u are pretty much like 3 shot guy, i believe its same on mage) AND daggers, which were supposed to be mobile assassins will get shadow step with cooldown over 1 minute, while they have zero CC once they port inside, they are pretty much dead even by person who they jumped on ​Ok so shouldnt destro have big chance to beat archer 1 v 1. I think trend is like this, all warriors are strong for small pvps/ganks and very strong 1v1. I think that glad tyrant warlord have good kit to kill ppl 1v1 and they have either big speed or ranged cc. Why destro shouldnt have such kit also if he doesnt hit stronger than these classes at any point? do u think if destro gets 15-20s reuse rush he will be stronger than his warrior competition classes (wl,glad,tyrant)? cos i doubt. Warriors should be strong alone, daggers should be strong while being supported
  6. Rizos


    ye and u forgot to add korean random and special bonus for soil only
  8. Dunno what he means by strong as tank, but right now destro hit weak as tank i agree. I agree also that Destro doesnt offer anything special, making it tanky warrior doesnt make sense since he has no agro to force ppl hiting him.
  9. Rizos


    ​​that's what I just told u. That even 200% it means not impossible to stun. Because these percent goes in to some formula or smth. ​I guess u didnt understand the post with graph then. I said there exacly what u say now
  10. Rizos


    u talk bout trance. ok ill give u example from other chronicle also. I played GH on gracia final oly. I had full masterwork MJ set (80% stun resist), zaken (20%), frint(15%),antharas(30%) and grounding talisman (10% stun resist). And i was still getting rarely stunned by some random SKs/DAs/Destros in A grade with like 3-5% chance
  11. Rizos


    For sure it doesnt work this way, else you could reach 100% resist when you had 60+% basic resist and add 80% bonus to it but u can never reach 100% resist other way than out lvl by 9+ lvls or mystic immunity. It cant be linear function, it must be more like this - when u have mucho resist u are close to 100% resist but never reach it.
  12. Rizos


    ​math didnt change but mby translator (from korean to english i guess) wasnt good at math and he translated it wrong. Such thing happened with MANY skills in l2 history. I didnt test this skill (never played sh*t human race or 1key destro so never used this skill in my life, tyrant ftw and his zealot. Zealot is harder to use, has also sideeffects but atleast gives resist for all debufs including fear slow etc not like lion heart) so i cant tell you how it works or should work, but for sure shouldnt resist fear
  13. Archers r good on AoE, we farm everywhere, EV, DV, FoM. (+-2%exp up each train for 3min) Players r useless, its different, example Tribe/Perkunas, they can fight only with B grade+++ vs news players with C grade. ​Agree, i saw redlightSC sorc 72(?) ganking in forest of mirrors :D. Not to mention they always bring more ppl than u have. Archers (SR+HE) Lack aoe dps a lot compared to wl/tyrant/mages. Its just not that efective. It might be on low lvls mby or on mobs x1 or x2
  14. Wow, cant believe i missed this thread after spending so much time on forum. Thx for info, i think its well highlighted, 1st thread. I was blind ;P
  15. They never had aoe, and archers are useles for aoe. go loa/sos 1by1 or 1shot with fc
  16. Hey. I often try to find some information where to spoil ewc/ewb etc and its hard to do it on forum. We have some custom changes, actually pretty many of them, market in giran harbor, no enchants in shop, spoil of ewc, ewb, soon destro rush, summoner 56 lvl summons etc. I think we need some HIGHLIGHTED post containing all custom features so new ppl joining here wont be surprised and can know everything from the very begining plus old players can find importat data easily. Can you make 1 highlighted thread? like highlighted link on main page or on forum main page with all of the changes? I think its important
  17. Rizos

    ROK Video

    ​S*ka stop bsoe without clanhall) CHEATER!
  18. Rizos


    Thats great, keep going. We need streamers to attract more ppl. You might be interested in adding your post here: http://l2classic.club/forum/index.php?/topic/2859-talking-island-x3-streamers/&page=2
  19. i disagree. Lucky ppl that they were there, thats all. If some1 decide to quit and give items to randoms, let him
  20. ​There are 2 different masteries on warriors to increase p atk gap between 1 and 2 hand weapons on these classes to encourage them to use 2h weapons over 1h + shield. They both work for 2h sword/blunt, but only 1 works for 1handed
  21. We can help you exp once you hit 49, until that we are too high lvls so better exp our of clan and out of wars
  22. Hammer is very bad choice, you need to maximize efectivenes of your hunter song so pick high crit rate weapon.+12 dyes are good. i would go +12 str -15 con and crystal dagger(higher crit rate) or samurai long sword(good crit rate an high p ath because of sword mastery passive) and get pp/wc bufs. the best are bufs with zerk + vr and exp in forest of mirrors. Anyway its still better to find raidboss party, every rb party needs sws for songs and to agro and kite raid. 2nd option is AOE party but they are pretty rare on 4x lvls. Another option is that you can join our clan and we can help you exp when u reach 49 lvl . About armor, if u have a lot of adena and u gonna have vr buf you cane even pick up PL set, else best choice is full plate/(top luxury heavy composite set). Just dont buy full plate armor for 6kk, ppl try to overprice it, you can buy it easily for 3-4kk. U need to solo/rb probably until 49/52, after that you should be able to find good EV aoe partys, you will get awesome exp there. I think ppl still farm there everyday, but a lot of time passed since i was good lvl to exp there, mby smth changed :). After you feel like you exp in party everyday, probably around 52-55 you can chaneg your setup. I would pick up doom heavy set +12 con -15 str and cursed dagger (the one with critical bleed, bleed gonna make more dmg than if u huit with for example samurai on pvp plus you have good atk speed to cast songs and other physical skils) but you must be sure you are geting party everyday, you should have cp, else you cant exp solo anymore with such setup.
  23. ;D, give anchor to glad, because warlord has more stuns so why glad wouldnt get 1 debuf more