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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. Rizos


    I want to add my 5 cents. Wit doesnt give resist to any debuff and the conclusion on test that dyes changed landrate of fear by 5% is just matter of RNG and statistic error, not the real effect. Also I have tested debuffs on our test server some time ago where i could set men/wit to 99 to make effect bigger and easier to notice. Wit didnt have ANY influence on debuffs on our server, however MEN was for sure giving massive resist to poison, arcane chaos (3rd class debuf) and mabye slow(tyrant cripple) but im not sure about slow since it was several months ago. You are free to log on test server and make the test by yourself, i believe nothing changed since then. I believe its bug because on official con doesnt give resist to stun anymore, so men shouldnt give resist neither in my opinion but i cant find proof for that. I reported it to san0 but he said - no proof. I want to add that CON is still bugged and gives MASSIVE RESIST to stuns and BLEEDS! Ask sayomi, he played SK on oly, every his game i watched, his bleed was insanely resisted by + con build classes. To sum up MEN - mana regen, max mp, M def (ppl hit you weaker with nukes when u have more men), the more men, the lower chance to get spell cast canceled by enemy dmg. Also resist to small amount of debufs like poison and arcane chaos (which i believe is bug but cant find official test proof) WIT - More casting speed, more magic crit chance, more magic accuracy ( higher chance to hit higher lvl targets with nukes), more magic evasion (higher chance to avoid enemy nukes - they nuke you for 0 with cartain chance)
  2. Rizos


    Damn, mucho bullshit in this tppic
  3. Need to ask @San0 to add this emoticon to options ("like", "haha", "confused", "thanks") for such ocassions In last week i saw him in SM TS so im a bit confused :S
  4. Just needed to read this to know whats up
  5. Ask @MoDoy he knows the trick, did it once already
  6. i would say economy finally gets fixed... On offi EAB cost 300k and EWB 1.7kk, dont see reason on x3 server prices to be 20x higher.
  7. When the Olympiad is over, each participant gets a place in total ranking depending on how many points they have. All the participants are divided into categories. There's one rating for all classes, so if you're a Hero of your class it doesn't mean you're to be in top 1% of the general ranking.
  8. so it works correct. U dont get marks for pts, just for ranking, hero status and 1 win+10matches
  9. Im not english smartass but since u try to correct some1, you say "told me" or "said to me"
  10. Ye im blowing SM but in breaks when i can opem mouth i flame kktnxbuy sure
  11. I didnt say i have problem with feed, i just laugh from this hypocrite kktnxbye. Ask him to answer ur question cos looks like he has some problem
  12. Dunno, ask ur CL, he just accussed oponents of paying randoms for pts
  13. Dont wanna flame on forum guy who got fed cos in the end he deserved hero but u can easily ask on $ chat. I just hate hipocrisy from this liar kktnxbye calling other ppl liars
  14. well he killed u in 2nd match, didnt run 5 min ,so im not so sure
  15. Didnt you say some time ago that SR cannot beat gladi? :DD
  16. On offi there is not such option so i guess its removed on classic (Sadly)
  17. Modoy hero SR (nontag) or any ninja SR had over 200 pts?