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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. modoy hero izi, outfarmed oponents by 100+ pts
  2. Rizos


    Drama lama /summon lama @GanjaRockzZz P.S. from what i understood Stiba not good pepik and even his own mates leaving him
  3. Rizos

    B vs C grade

    No adena to make test on offi
  4. Rizos

    B vs C grade

    I think its bug.
  5. CP party - Constant Party party?
  6. Rizos

    Jackals GhostHunter fun

    yea well, i see from 2 of ur posts :D. Someone is triggered.
  7. Rizos

    Jackals GhostHunter fun

    U play sh1t class, u play it bad, u make bad movies with bad content. Didnt coment ur movie in ur topic cos didnt want to offend u, but since u go ham on me just cos i said pw makes sh1t dmg and need a lot of time to kill any1 then here we go.
  8. Wow kingbotaki banned even on forum and made new acc? Holy sh1t, is it possible to bot on forum and get banned?
  9. Rizos

    Jackals GhostHunter fun

    not to mention how much time he needed to kill these 2 characters :DDDD. That movie was comedy
  10. Rizos

    Jackals GhostHunter fun

    Nice movie, except puting fights vs afk pt with only 2 guys non-AFK, that was useless to put in movie :X. Finally some normal dmg dagger movie, not these pw/th trash :D. Nice edit. AW FTW
  11. Bro on this server u can even chain pull person on guard talik :D. Also waste of time to read posts from such clueless ppl like tonearest
  12. This sh1t is already on ru off
  13. Rizos

    Sytuacja na rynku

    Tu jest server classic a nie normalne l2 typu c5 czy interlude. Runy to taki odpowiednik SA w starym L2 https://eu.4game.com/lineage2classic/play/saviors/things/#rooney Runy wypadają tylko z RB
  14. Rizos

    Sytuacja na rynku

    kata na pathu "antharas' czyli za jakies 2-3 patche. 2.0 juz jest. Path 2.0 wprowadzil oly, 3 klase (wraz z nowymi skilami) sporo nowych lokacji na 65+ lvle i A grade. A grade seta chyba nikt jeszcze nie ma bo jest problem z unsealem. Ciezko wyfarmic itemy na unseal a grade. Nikt nie wie jaka cena bo nikt tego jeszcze nie ma. Co do cen matsow to nie wiem bo dawno tu nie gralem, ale ostatni raz jak gralem to byly dosc drogie. Solo na spoilu mozna troche zarobic ale w full pt farmiac runy z rb albo TOI na pewno wiecej zarobisz. Ogolnie jest regola ze najlepiej sie oplaca farmic rzeczy ktore wchodza w nowym patchu a wiec teraz na 2.0 najlatwiejsza adena na farmie itemow w toi na toi talisman i run z rb. Oprocz tego na pewno warto farmic enchanty szczegolnie B grade. Na tym servie jest custom feature i mozna spoilic ewc i ewb z mobow. Cena EWB jest z kosmosu wiec warto sie zainteresować. Co jeszcze warto farmic hmm. Ludzie enchantuja C grade wiec jak wbijesz 50+ lvl to zasuwaj na DV farm full plate/drake itemy jak i emi shafty. Cena emi rowniez z kosmosu (z 40-50kk?) A wyfarmic matsy i części na craft mozna pewnie w 2 dni
  15. Rizos

    dagger in wrist

    Dagger in wrist caused server crashes. It wont be avilable in game anymore!
  16. Rizos

    dagger in wrist

    Good. keep it like this.This broken OP skill :D. Im kinda suspicious about its high interuption rate
  17. Rizos


    Btw if some1 cares how it works on offi, summon also gets speed buff from transform dash. Check how fast is this pony
  18. In my opinion for solo farm (without boxed buffer) wc>bd=ol
  19. others dunno and dont care About AW i doubt i can make more pts solo without 78 skills than some allies gonna feed and im kinda lazy to do matches
  20. Dunno how its now, but when i played a lot here, club had much better stability than official has. Offi has like 10h downtime every week
  21. It should work like this.
  22. and then after 5 min attacking aden? hmm dark magic.
  23. #ProPlayerWhoKnowsEverything