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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. Was lazy to search since i turned pc off ^^
  2. Im not sure if u are right about it but you probably check l2wiki which has classic 2.0 database and we use 1.5 classic client. Not sure tho if it changed on 2.0
  3. In cp contest, yes they would probably win, in clan contest - nope
  4. Finnishing in 4 min, too long movie
  5. Everything better at work than the actual work Couldnt find drama llama rule 34. I think i found 1st exception.
  6. I think doesnt matter what you do in game or who you kill, you will always 69 with Myrtan
  7. Rizos

    Summer Time Event!

    Nice event. Finally decent rewards. Are the event items tradeable? P.S. how much did you pay to modoy for posing in these photos?
  8. Btw no drama to read today at work
  9. I vote for JungleForces. Definitely the best clan on the server, pushing their ally hard to be strong. I think Myrtan is the best player there and KingLeonidas the best party leader. They also have clan leader acting rly adult and responsible. They are fair players, never scammed any1 and nobody saw any1 in that clan boting. O wait is it new troll topic?
  10. Depends on time, i made screenshot 20 min after siege start, in the end of siege it was 19X also
  11. AHAHAHAHHA THATS MY FAVOURITE QUOTE! I think this will be the most popular answer to your own posts on this forum. Holy sh1t HYPOCRiTE LVL HARD!
  12. The only emotion i cant control right now is my laugh when i read your lie posts
  13. Dont forget to brush your your teeth after you finnish sucking Jungle c*cks, little liar member of clown9 cp that cant control ur emotions P.S call @Harley Queen to help you like everytime you start flame war, cos you cant even flame properly
  14. Dude i talked to you personally on pm, why do i need to ask 3rd person? there are 3 facts: 1. You moved prime to 9 or 10 pm - every1 knows it 2. Perkunas farmed EU prime on ABG almost for free, there were just some casual ganks - every1 saw it and knows it 3. You changed ally cos you couldnt farm ABG - Said by you on forum multiple times Now Why are you trying to lie? Every1 can see that you lie, why are you humiliating yourself? cmon
  15. Im talking about the times when i asked u and u pmed me :DDDDD. Myrciu you are such a liar and every1 can see it right now, dont even try to defend urself cos every attempt todef urself makes u lie about another thing. Shame on you liar, stop ridicling yourself, thats a friendly advice
  16. Also i wonder why you changed ally if you controled ABG ;d
  17. Strange cos i saw ABG clear for several days and i was staying bored - no enemies coming so i pmed u to get some info why you stopped playing and u answered me this
  18. You told me in PM that your CP control abg in EU prime, then i asked you when EU prime starts in ur opinion cos i saw 4 prs of perkunas on ABG everyday free farmins in EU prime, and u said that in ur cp Prime starts at 22 . So you want to tell me that your cp control abg when you dont have prime? Nice stronk cp
  19. You were startng prime at 21 (22 greek time) and you said its when EU prime starts on this server :DD
  20. Damn, Phoenix wake up and cleared 1/3 of the posts here. Looks like 30 post reports were worth it. P.S 500 likes gg !