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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. Damn poor legit guys have to play under same ip as adena selers. This world is so cruel
  2. Didnt you go there to protect your new bot characters to farm mats and adena? ^^
  3. Omg KingBottaki banned hahaha good. No1 needs you on this server. Go away already and everyone is going to be happy here. Once you bot, you never stop. Afraid to bot on main cos of Modoy, so you started boting adena? nice.. I love this server GZ MODOY YOU DID IT! Welcome to the jungle.
  4. They answered once already. If im not wrong San0 said class change wont be changed before 2.0. I guess if some problems appear after 1st months of 2.0 its gonna be up for discussion like always on this server :). Speculating didnt work well with several cases on this server so staff lernt on old mistakes and they wait for 2.0 1st to see if everything is ok. <- thats my guess
  5. Cos if u implement what i proposed u can implement limitbthat ppl can get cartain epic only once ( adding smthblike .(dot item) when u receive epic. Also cant ppl bot dv now and make advantage over you even if there is no event? In such event every1 could have fun, ppl could farm 1 -2weeks with orfen, they wouldnt make adena on event cos epix nontradeable and time limited and other event rewards would be shitty as always. Also if u make decent chance to receive time limited epic, ppl wouldnt need many quest items to get what they want so event items wouldnt be in big demand thus they would be cheap in market and bots wouldnt make bug profit on them.
  6. Cant rly agree cos buying egs for real money and farming mobz for quest items is totally different things. And yea i quited official aswell cos of pay2win "l2store events" it was the worst thing they ever made. About epics in event i think cool idea is epics time limited (14 days) with decent chance and thesr would be lvl3 epics. Ppl could test em, get excited etc.
  7. 78 lvl with hero weapon full buff and fruit 13 k hp, not to mention hero cloak Hero's Cloak Max. HP/MP/CP +10%, P. Def. +5%, M. Def. +10%, any Weapon Resistance +5, P./M. Critical Rate +20, Additional damage in PvP -10%. Returns additional 4% of inflicted damage to the enemy. Not available in a chaotic state. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or sold. Can be stored in private warehouse.
  8. well this destro has probably full con setup cos he has 4k hp more with great sword than hooldium
  9. I would say aq = 500kk, core =1b, orfen 1,5-2b
  10. 100% quote. Enuff said
  11. I would say AD pt has 1 exception - D4re, this mad boi..
  12. Actually i dont hate NF I also respect some pts in Rebirth also (for example AD). Mby cos they are good as ppl not toxic crap like some ppl in Jungle. I dont rly like pizdolas but i know he is good player and sadly he is cancerous in game (bsoe master and pking with pr box) but atleast hes not toxic and retarded on forum. And the most important - as far as i know he is fair player, didnt see him boting.
  13. You said same after duel with me that i had full epics etc while i had only aq lvl 3. #STRONK PROOFS
  14. U need to adapt to new system
  15. Rizos

    saving UI

    Uninstall botaki, learn to play with hands noob
  16. I would say in endgame when u have cap crit rate runes top lvls etc yes, i would pick blunt over sword for 1v1/oly/small scale pvp only cos of stun (remember u stiull can use 1 stun - armor crash - with both sword and blunt). For other situations sword,
  17. Rizos

    My intro project

    Also try to animate Myrtan Gladiator words, it would look much cooler
  18. Rizos

    My intro project

    Good idea to make intro. My advices: - make kiling scenes like 50% longer. Mby its just me and my old eyes but these scenes switch too fast to notice whats up - Work on quality of these swords and shield logo - looks rly "cheap" and try to fill background with smth mby, it looks so empty - Also i guess its just begining of intro and u want to share with us but like 20-30s intro will look much better.
  19. No, average dmg will always be the same, so if you had high lvl rune for crit rate and have same crit rate with blunt and sword, and same p atk in weapons tgen dps gonna be same. But in reality blunt will always have lower crit rate than sword plus if you play destro ull get even more crit rate for sword in zealot, but you wont get such bonus for blunt. So on destro sword dps>blunt dps, but with blunt you can use hammer crush.
  20. Фанатик В течение 1 мин. сопротивление отрицательным эффектам +80%, сопротивление отмене положительных эффектов +40%, Скорость +30. При использовании меча / дробящего оружия / древкового оружия / кастета Точность +6, Скор. Атк. +30%, при использовании меча / древкового оружия шанс Крит. Атк. +100, при использовании меча / дробящего оружия / кастета сила Крит. Атк. +100%. Расход MP для физических умений -50%, эффективность восстанавливающих HP умений -50%. Доступно только при HP<30%. Translate into english: Zealot For 1 minute. resistance to the negative effects + 80%, the resistance buff canceling +40% +30 speed. When a sword / blunt weapon / spear / brass knuckles Accuracy +6 enemy. Spd. + 30% when a sword / spear Critical. rate +100, when a sword / blunt weapon / fist weapon Critical damage. + 100%. MP consumption for physical abilities of -50%, the effectiveness of reducing abilities HP -50%. Only available when HP <30%. Source: https://l2central.info/classic/Фанатик_-_Разрушитель P.S. L2wiki.com/classic has bugs
  21. give link to proof this bullshit please.. or change dealer
  22. dude plz stop smoking weed. wait what? Every weapon has same crit dmg and its 2x more dmg than normal attack. Things like angelic icon, zealot increase crit dmg. What differs blunt from sword? Sword: base crit rate 80, atk speed fast, accuracy +0, dmg random factor +10% -10% Blunt: base crit rate 60, atk speed fast, accuracy +8, dmg random factor +25% -25% Source for most of info : https://l2wiki.com/classic/Weapons ALSO I DONT BELIEVE IT WAS DIFFERENT AND BLUNT WAS EVER GIVING MORE BASE CRIT DMG THAN SWORD. If im wrong then plz give a proof. pretty close but this info is form interlude and it changed a bit, blunt gives 8 accuracy and "6" or "60" crit rate depends how u count it and random dmg is 25% i believe
  23. Actually perkunas(clan) was low on their power yday. Uchihapizdachi and half cp off :S. There were some nice pvps but playing with boxed supports and 2 archers only sucke a bit . Having ally in such cases is rly good)