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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. dex gives rly little difference. If you want to exp as fast as possible then go +12 str - 15 con, pl set, good emi or bop and carry ur shots and arrows on bd ^^
  2. 1. Dude do you realize i 1st time play fking archer main in my life? I always played AW and Tyrant and i guess these classes have high skill cap so tell me more about it when u know nothing about me. 2. Dude u dont know jokes? I actually said i liked movie cos its rare class movie, i just pointed out what he could do better. Just learn to read or read my posts again cos it looks like u understood it wrong.
  3. Chill dude, im just kidding, I know switching weapon is cancerous, you cant just make macro and spam buttons cos its gonna get stucked etc. Im just laughing he uses dagger which doesnt give him any benefit except saving 0.5s on selfbufs cast speed, but he fails so many times during this pvp movie cos os using this sh1ty dagger
  4. Yea but i ment he could use sword and do same crit dmg while having like 3x more crit rate (with songs with blunt he has around 100? with sword should be close to 300 on zealot) So overall he wouldnt make harder crits but, much better dps
  5. I helped you to use proper words to express ur thoughts . Damn i tried to be polite but u provoked me so hard with ur posts and i had to edit it
  6. 1 hp moment lol Ppl here dont even know destro skills or what? Destro has skill which keeps him 1 hp and he cannot die for several seconds and after that he gets heal for % of max hp( Once kingbottaki used it on full hp, missclick i guess :D). When i read this topic i realize ppl think it was luck he was standing on 1 hp lol. Anyway was nice to finally see destro movie but i didnt like how u fail switching weapons (even myrciu does it better, ask him for lessons), and dagger? like wtf, u equip it in middle of fight and cant use skills- nice fails there, why do you even have this dagger? :D. Besides that it was fun to see som1 finally making destro working. About low auto attack dmg, well its 1.5, he has no cov, earth chant, probably no aq, no cat buff and bugged zealot so what can you expect? ^^
  7. For fun? Do they know what it means? When we attack 2 pts that try to reach loa 9v18, they pr and come vack 9v36. I guess they dont like to pvp
  8. Yes, Its our fault we dont have more ppl to compete loa and make daily pvps
  9. Keep observing server, especially china ally in EU prime, you are too fresh player here and you need to put many block together to understand how this server sides are working, after that we can come back to this discussion cos right now im not able to explain you cos u dont get anything i say. I think your info about numbers in EU prime is outdated 2+ weeks and i guess you dont understand whatd the difference between one big aliance and 2 aliances cooperating only on siege and playing in different primes. China simply powerlvl chars with orfen in EU prime ( they exp in pt of 1 pr + leecher boxes) in EU prime - am i wrong? There is zero comunication between china and WS in EU prime, they dont do ANYTHING together except siege once per 2 weeks. Dunno is it rly so hard to understand? Why do dthey cooperate? I guess china benefit form this deal cos they have WS to help em defend castle (they always keep atleats 1 castle), and WS obviously benefit from China help to def aden etc also. Simple deal.
  10. 2 pt heart, 1 pt corner before sniper bridge,1 pt corner after karik bridge, 1 pt karik bridge (thats how WS farmed before summer started), so yea 5 pt es on 70 lvl mobs (if u have some pts that kill 1 by 1, but they had some archer pts as far as i remember). About lvls of them dunno, i guess they are 65-75. Dude do we play same prime? EU prime? Cos ur 2nd sentence doesnt make sense, which WS cp farms loa @ eu prime? can u bring any name? I didnt play much last 2 weeks but i logged 4-5x and everytime WS had around 2 pt on abg and ES had 3+ pts in LOA. So i ask you again, are you even entering loa to check whats up there? ^^
  11. Dude you either have outdated info, or u swallow forum propaganda Rebirth farm loa, WS farm abg, China farm bs + abg (asian prime). You dont go loa i guess so you dont know whats going on there, but i can tell you last time i logged 5 partys of Rebirth free farmed loa, while WS had only 2 pts online so just farmed ABG cos no other choice. WS never has command channel with China except 2 hours/2 weeks (Sieges). They simply dont cooperate, they just dont kill each other (there are some exceptions tho :D). If you see Rebirth fighting vs Perkunas + China, its either coincidence that these 2 alliances are close to each other int that time (they dont comunicate) or its just siege pvp
  12. Rizos

    Gra ktos tu?

    Milego dnia, zycze szybkiego expa, napisz jak możesz, jaką klasę robisz
  13. Marr was actually my idol when i was starting my l2 "carieer" he used nick milky i think on celes aw
  14. Also about the video, the guy uses next target wisely(probably in some of macros in his bar) <- the thing which many ppl on our server still need to learm
  15. "what about not promoting other servers just subscribing to their channels so u can all have them together in your subscriber list on youtube " ??
  16. Holy sh1t i never saw these videos @_@
  17. Here you can put dagger movies from official. Would be nice foe dagger lovers to have em all in one place ^^ Here is new movie from mmds gran kain pw hero. I love the action @4:15 9v40+ ^^ https://youtu.be/ijk0TEf4ewo
  18. - I play from internet caffee, didnt know bot is installed here. - It must be some kind of mistake, i didnt bot but i received ban, im innocent there must be some kind of error in bot protection system. - Someone else logged my account using bot program.
  19. Ask anytime what u need in loa to make nice exp instead of staying in aden church
  20. Holy shit myrciu finally reached loa after half year. How come you didnt have this briliant idea for so long when you were staying in aden church for whole eu primed. I thought you had plenty time to think how to exp. Seems like it was too hard to get such briliant idea before
  21. Did some1 call my name? D4re is living in his onw world, as i said in my post in some topic several days ago ur cp are ok ppl except d4re who acts like crazy kid :D. 1. Uchi was making plans with AD about making new clan. TRUTH. 2. Uchi never begged any1 for anything, especially to leave clan. This part was hilarious. He didnt even ask or anything to make AD leave. 3. There was last discussion about it before u were kicked and ad asked uchi if we are going to leave or not (uchi + ad cp) and uchi said - no lets give this clan a chance for now, there are aq chars beeing finnished (by some cp i dont rememver which one) and lets see next 2 weeks if we can do anything on aq as clan/ally. So uchi made deal with ad to wait 2 weeks and check whatsup but the same or very next day ad went full crazy mode flamed biz and made biz kick him, then he asked uchi to leave and make clan and uchi answered that its not the agreement we made so uchi remained in clan and during next days we actually fought for aq etc. So in the end your cp didnt follow agreement we made so please hug this little kid d4re and tell him that its ok now and he can stop crying cos his story is not even close to reality If u want more details about the story then search on forum uchiha posts, he explained the story several times already