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Everything posted by Africa

  1. Dion hills
  2. Africa

    Halloween Flash mob

    Seems like I'll miss it too
  3. ​Not useless but weak. I main summoners but I can't play them right now, I feel they are clearly behind compared to other classes. That feel should change once 2.0 hits the server, then me and several summoners will come back to their cats, unicorns and amorphous creatures! You should be leveling one now, to be prepared for 2.0
  4. ​Hello! Since the admins said that the skills will not be changed at all, you can take a look at this link Prophecy of FireReceives Soul Power for 5 min. For a member of a party increases Max HP by +10%, HP Recovery bonus by + 10%, P. Atk by +10%, P. Def by +10%, Atk. Spd. by +5%, and Debuff Resistance by +10%. Consumes 20 Spirit Ore.HierophantTypeActiveLevel76ItemScroll: Prophecy of FireCasting time4 sec.Reuse time4 sec. Chant of VictoryReceives Soul Power for 5 min. For members of a party HP / MP Recovery bonus +20%, P. / M. Accuracy +4, P. / M. Evasion +4, P. Atk. / M. Atk. +15%, Atk. Spd. / Casting Spd. +10%, P. Critical / M. Critical +15%, P. Critical / M. Critical Damage +15%. Consumes 60 Spirit OreDoomcryerTypeActiveLevel76ItemScroll: Chant of VictoryCasting time2,5 sec.Reuse time5 min
  5. Both can work perfectly. If you are soloing AoE then I think -CON works better, because most of the mobs will stay stunned anyway, they won't hit you that much if you do it right. DEX is weak in this patch, so -DEX can work too, you will cast your skills slower though.
  6. To be useful in a RB party you would need to get a bow regardless of whether you go warlord of gladiator. In AoE parties warlords tends to be better but gladiator is fine too. PvP wise... well, that's up to you, I think they are strong in different scenarios, so I don't see a "better" class here, just different strengths.
  7. Hola y bienvenido al servidor. El paquete de inicio te trae buffs y un arma top NG. Con el orc shaman en realidad es con el que mejor se puede levear incluso con no grade ya que su skill de daño en el tiempo casi no tiene en cuenta el arma que tengas. Con que esté dentro de tu rango de nivel, irás bien. Puedes aprovechar el evento del nectar y venderlos para sacar buena adena. Además, también puedes hacer la moon knight quest, que te dará una armadura grado D bastante buena. Sinceramente ahora mismo es como mejor lo tienen los low lvl para equiparse y levear, solo que hay que currarselo un poco, como siempre. Saludos!
  8. PM/Mail to "Africa8" or forum PM
  9. Forum PM or Mail "Africa8"
  10. We're all humans and we all make mistakes. Deal with it or keep crying for eternity.
  11. Africa

    patch problem

    You should always run L2 from updater, maybe take a screenshot?
  12. Africa

    Acquire XP

    Post screenshot
  13. As simple as a town. Town of Giran. Apart from the beautiful buildings, the town of Giran It's probably the most visited town by merchants, people who are crafting C grade gear or just to get their 3% XP buff (). It's a very luxurious and bigger city compared to other towns and that makes the town of Giran so special for me. All the ways lead to Rome. Or to Town of Giran.
  14. I use to level up with the mobs which don't have drop, only tons of EXP and it makes the leveling smoother (from 40+). My advice is that just play when you really want to play and not because it is your goal to go for lvl cap. Because going for lvl cap is very time consuming. I don't know, I just enjoy every aspect of the game, even being low lvl (20 - 40) is enjoyable for me. But if your joy is to go for lvl cap and be geared you will be consumed by the game, because the game really ask for your time . Also, I use to hear streams, videos or whatever that may entertain me while I'm lvling up.
  15. ¡Buenas! Acabo de crear un servidor de Discord. Para aquellos que no sepan lo que es, se trata de una aplicación de comunicación por chat y voz diseñada especialmente para gamers. Asi que es muy útil si alguien esta buscando clan, party o necesita ayuda. El link de invitación:
  16. Hey! I created a discord server for anyone who is looking for party, clan or just chat with other players. You can use discord in your browser but I recommend to download it. Invitation link:
  17. I can't help at all but I remember you and you're beautiful and it's a pleasure to see you back