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Everything posted by EtoRazEtoDva

  1. EtoRazEtoDva

    PK points

    GG will be soon on GK when you need to do quest...
  2. Die in cave ! Newest horror from the creators of such a great movies like "lost monkey" "cave beast strikes again" "drama never end 2" and "cry me a clan hall Soil" don't miss it guys.. Will be HOT!
  3. I've bought COLs from them for 1kkk so what ?
  4. Nice vid bro keep on frapsing, davai hero necro
  5. Strong biZZ said don't want debate here:( exp can't w8:( gl bro at least I am not chicken and can tell you whatever I want directly and have my own opinion which I can't say about u poor biZZ. Live in your own little world where you sitting in your dark coner and fear everything until troubles gone by themselves. Seeya my lovely troll community!! Rizo, Modoy love you guys!! Datplays. Zorg never forget forum monkeys! personal hate for AD fuck you bro. and so on
  6. Hope your plague will destroy you by yourself ps: asslicker
  7. It's fine that we talk about "circles of life" etc.. But if biZZ would leave server the amount of garbage here will be close to endless waterfall of sh1t I am glad that at least our side is patient
  8. To be honest finally some break from this endless cleaning ABG from this Zerg ... Can exp my twink in piece and relax :))) ty guys for cooperation, but for sure Ty for fun, your PT was tho most interesting to fight against,. Only your party can coordinate and lead this VIG side, w/o trash talk about honor Zerg and bla bla:) just ty for your present here bad news that one more old high lvl party is leaving server..have fun on next server and seeya on the battlefield:)
  9. Almughty AD he is sitting now in some deep hole... Making hue hue .. I got AQ lvl 1 but I am homeless nooby piece of bullsh1t ... Where is his brave stories of epic wins.... BTW as you VIG can see we took castles but there is no EPIC topics about how strong and OP we are.. We know the situation how it happens and why and didn't harras you as this retarded BOT party FF did... gl hf
  10. Typical kid.. Realize who is who too late. Wasn't it you who protect this yard soil every time?) and now when he show his little Greek rat soul.. You start to blame him. He doesn't have honor or this tard koukou or anybody else from this CP.. Still can't understand what honor you are talking about
  11. Ходят слухи, что ты ишак
  12. Doesn't change the fact you make tp to ABG with 6 pts vs 1... And it doesn't matter for you that such amount of 60 is strong vs 70.. But you are still dumb. Ok Gl hf. Make PR great again. but you are sooooo brave glady at ABG coming vs 55 lvls stunning them under train.. So plz .. Common go to your wild at garbage clan and leave your statements like "hypocrite" there.
  13. EtoRazEtoDva

    Siege 26/2/2017

    And only soil likes thisXDDD btw let's talk w/o sh1t if you are so called "honor" type in shout statements like "ES RATS" etc... You are not respecting enemies, you know? Whom you will play against without this "rats" and this "the King is here" most imbicil ever on server and it's not only my opinion.
  14. Сейчас бы в линейку 4 часа поиграть мммм.. И 6 часов прайм это мало
  15. Bop5 for demon 13 uahahahahaa bop 7 for demon 16? So bop 12 for soes 800? like ppl living in their little pink world
  16. With ribos.. W8ing us for PR: bsoe
  17. at least he has it in his inventory use it and know what it is ... Which I think will never happen to u little troll.
  18. EtoRazEtoDva

    Dino island xD

    Focus EE don't let them PR oh w8...
  19. Boxed bishop for honor CP /special delivery
  20. Doesn't change the think you are random glad for 2 nukes making hue hue derp derp here. And if you are talking about things you have no clue about .. Plz go back to wild at Zerg and farm top spot ABG with 2-10 pts then when 1 pt is coming PR Bsoe again .