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Everything posted by MoDoy

  1. thanks thanks god only one of the blows is called "BACK"stab and works (not always tho) only from back side of enemy for example in game vs doraiva, or vs horzellius, or pretty much any other of the matches shown in video (except tat0 which i put coz i needed 5-10s filler in between 2 matches because of song)
  2. nevah, coz its fully epic dependant hero and i dont think i want to put full epics on some account which is not mine but maybe one month when i run out of classes i might try OL if someone from our old side provides me account, but not really hyped for that class to be honest
  3. depends, if you have high enough lvl and enough adena, it wont be that hard at all (
  4. PR all the way, HE is playable and SR is trash
  5. Diversity of Olympics - Plains Walker Server: Chronicle: Classic 2.0 Name: MoDoy Class: Plains Walker (PW) Clan: Defcon1 Alliance: No Alliance Length: 9:19 So after long time i finally decided with which format i want to go with my olympiad frapses, so here is first volume of series Diversity of Olympics, where i will be playing different classes as i am not stuck to play classes from my CP anymore to secure some of the heroes. Rather than doing oly video from previous month, it being mixed with 3-4 different classes, i will rather make class based videos after i get enough footage for the class, This time its gameplay of Plains Walker, next video will be from one of the classes i play this month (SPS, ES, WL). With that i am also looking for suggestions (but please, not some absolute garbage class like dagger ), what should i play in january? Enjoy
  6. daggers wouldnt need fixed skill power if they were as skilled as you
  7. kinda optimistic about the zaken update those are frapses which were never publicly uploaded coz of sh1tty resolution and badly rendered purple color (had different monitor during summer + was using different soft)
  8. MoDoy

    resurrecting this section

    1) question is, did they beat us 160 vs 70? no. never. did they get aden in those numbers? yes, they did, not because they beat us with those numbers, but because of us **** up things (for example botngot finishing crest on aden 10 mins before siege end, where all perks spawned in front of castle while our force was spawned in town, thats huge freaking difference 2) shall i upload some of the 69 china perks or what are we talking about? are we trying to deny something or? 3) as i said, i was thinking what i could do better in all those matches, last 5 matches finished with like 1.5-2k HP left on uin while having 3rd class skills advantage, the moment the game was deciding he lost it (by 3.5-4k HP margin) and never showed again, not my problem tho dont worry, i never expected him to win match vs ES, but i also dont expect that sorcerer will deal 0 dmg to summoner as dealing dmg is pretty much essential to the sorcerer class, you gotta go really big to achieve that kind of sh1t for example imagine the game where HERO dagger deals 0 dmg to you in a match, thats kinda laughable, isnt it?
  9. MoDoy

    resurrecting this section

    1) feel free to browse media section through july/august dates, only thing siege related (and thus "160 CC" related was musulmon movie which was from like may or june where the numbers were totally different on both sides), other movies are just ToI actions, but yeah, i am delusional 2) ah, right, we all know about the 69, or you put lowest range in options so you dont see npcs next to you? (thus not seeing perks in baium pit or on sieges?) then yeah, definitely my bad 3) i have frapses from our last match just before he emo quitted, wanna see theories come true? i also live in present, but looks like someone has better memory, i play solo so i just play olympiad, not interested in toI, so if you want to talk, you can talk with actions next time, last time it was very poor performance with 0 dealt damage
  10. MoDoy

    resurrecting this section

    1) yeah,no. there wasnt single video of your dream 70vs160 fight, stop being delusional 2) who are we? maybe you dont see past tense "WE DID THAT", yeah, thats what i mean, our insane 160 CC 3) yeah, definitely just theories, @Pendragon can you confirm that perkunas and china were never alliance? i think some people forgot it and starts to think you had some pact, lulz yep, we got rolled on zerg side, thats why i posted video of us rolling everything in august when we had 160 CC, but you can keep dreaming about past
  11. MoDoy

    resurrecting this section

    can you show me 1 fight where we lost 70vs160? i would love to see that, funny how you dont count china into that, as we all know how your 69 was also i see "focusing aden" is legit excuse for you to have poor performance, yet when we did that then its unacceptable, hilarious boi
  12. MoDoy

    resurrecting this section

    60-70 CHN vs 60 perks - 1 castle, 160 DT vs 70 perks+60-70 china you mean? or china was non existant? well, maybe chinese will figure out life crystals exist and if you dont kill them, owner of castle can freely ressurect people inside castle, maybe
  13. idk, black ore jewelery was always BO and it actually works fine, why would people change it? you just gotta start those few braincells to figure out how to sort it away from the other items rather than trying to change everyone else
  14. MoDoy

    resurrecting this section

    good thing china isnt the sharpest tool in a shed and they couldnt send 3 destros to destroy crystals (1 destro each, so they die in 1 min) when they tried to retake aden in the end also give to kiam some burst DD class, he will do better job than on warlord i think
  15. this? blocking is for weak people, just let him ventilate a bit
  16. i wouldnt give epics or already overenchanted stuff at all, i think improved enchants were okay reward, as people are running with star wars weapons already, it allowed to catch up a bit with enchanting armor/jewels, however rates to get those enchants were too high in christmas event imo improved enchants, blessed enchants - so you dont give people ready items but they still have to risk/invest into armors, but it makes it easier - ToI crystals, those CH crystals which you need for toi 6, A grade PK scrolls, death certificate, maximum like 50% xp scrolls on the other hand i would take away PA boxes from event, i would keep it only for CoLs so you actually support server if you want to box stuff what was the biggest game changer for me when i played on officials was this, they introduced similar mechanic with every event which promoted actual farming instead of just pouring money into buying event items, generally increasing online on daily basis during event as everyone wants to get as much bonus as possible Example: you can take Halloween Curse everyday and timer resets at 6:30 CET The Halloween Curse has three levels with Level 1 lasting one hour, Level 2 lasting another hour, and Level 3 lasting for 2 hours-- for a total of 4 hours. Halloween Curse Level 1 Pumpkinface's Halloween buff. Acquired XP/ SP +10%, P./ M. Atk. +5%, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. +5%. You can receive a Halloween Gift once the Lv. 3 buff expires. Level 2 Pumpkinface's Halloween buff. Acquired XP/ SP +20%, P./ M. Atk. +5%, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. +5%. You can receive a Halloween Gift once the Lv. 3 buff expires. Level 3 Pumpkinface's Halloween buff. Acquired XP/ SP +30%, P./ M. Atk. +5%, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. +5%. You can receive a Halloween Gift once the Lv. 3 buff expires
  17. so you are telling me if i sell our baium ring to koreans i can have unlimited amount of kebabs for next year? dayum, i was never oriented in RMT prices, but that seems like hell of a deal ? ps: those "extraordinary" rewards, on official it wasnt exactly handful of people getting those, but it was rather common (maybe coz of amount of bots so the amount of event items were high thus many rewards, but still), you realize giving to someone things like demon staff+16 or eminence+16 or bops+8 isnt exactly balanced
  18. i thought him being 62 lvl spoiler is big enough hint
  19. @TrekPazt i am pretty sure that spot was mentioned many times on forum and its good as not so many people visit it
  20. well, stockings are the easiest part to make anyway, sooooo
  21. yikes, failed the plan in the end sad to not witness the blue shine
  22. MoDoy

    new comer

    no, we are getting hero debuffs nerfs from antharas update in zaken update
  23. answer from one account was enough for me no need to switch accounts and answer twice dude