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Everything posted by ooH

  1. Don't invest in Amber Gold http://www.economist.com/blogs/easternapproaches/2012/08/polands-shadow-banking-scandal
  2. +10% exp per day for vote and all will be voting. But it was said that voting sites are corrupted and it is a pay for votes. So it's better to use other form of advertisement. But with that point of view no one is voting
  3. But if you prove all what u say to GM. GM is able to track your character and ban hardware of thief and connected accounts. Classic.club CSI
  4. I've voted on both options cause this topic is stupid and made for emo cry. Go change to glad and one hit all PR on Fatal Counter with banana stun. It's like on official and it's proved.
  5. We are fully equipped. We're looking for active english speaking clan, with a lot of ppl on TS. We don't like unnecessary wars but smart pvp seems legit We came as a partners so we always play together. We can play almost everyday GMT+1 ~21:00 ~24:00. We don't want a clan who disrespect and flame enemies even after lost pvp. Just keep calm and have fun Pm here or mail in game ooH, Enid.
  6. ooH

    WTB Great Axe

    pm ooH
  7. ooH

    Event: Classical Squash!

    Yes. Better would be to use it for saving life sometimes. Between mobs Greater Healing Potion is enough.
  8. ooH

    Event: Classical Squash!

    Than make reuse 5, 10 or 30 minutes. Make it usable It will be impossible farm RB that way.
  9. ooH

    Event: Classical Squash!

    ​Enable for PvE / PVP and make reuse at least 1 minute
  10. ooH

    Event: Classical Squash!

    ​And like A LOT ​Because items from this Squash have different chances, for example: EWB 3% Proof of blood 10% And all this items together doesn't give 100%, so if non of the items chance worked to drop - it drops QHP. ​But Quick Healing Potion is not on drop list of Large High Quality Squash mentioned on first post. So I am understand that is set: if no drop than QHP. But QHP is trash. It is possible to use in peace mode only. QHP is supposed to work like that?
  11. What droprate is on herbs? I was half an hour on Breka Orc with monk lvl 32 and no herbs dropped. (I made update before)
  12. https://eu.4game.com/lineage2classic/play/saviors/classes/#PatchnotesContent
  13. ooH

    Event: Classical Squash!

    Why Large High Quality Squash drop Quick Healing Potion?
  14. Make post on Your clan forum/communicator/etc with voting links. Spam others If we want more ppl on server we can do little work ourselves.
  15. Make post on Your clan forum/communicator/etc with voting links. Spam others If we want more ppl on server we can do little work ourselves. Little reward for voting can help imo.