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Everything posted by Capone

  1. Well ppl, its nice and healthy to laugh in your life (specialy when its miserable like some of our friends here) but unfortunately its not that healthy to laugh with people who got punished without reason like that administration team prove that to us many times like: 1. Friend of real life started the server before 5 months, he was about 25 lvl and we gave to that friend even full TOP C grades to help him catch up and play with us. He got banned after some days with the reason that he bought adena with real money even if he didn't that cuz he had more than everything he needed as we gave to him and help him. Real reason: 5euro.. He is fine on official server now for those who wondering.. 2. xPsomo, a real life friend and a guy who playing on my party got banned before 2-3 weeks for 10 days also without reason ofc. Admins said that he had scummed items and after 10 days passed which everyday all of us trying to prove to admins with real proofs that every of that items belongs to that guy and there is no any scummed item on him they unban him after they saw that we were right on this, but ofc they delete his mats and adena and they never gave him back, they also kept some of his items like some BO jewels and BW boots with the excusion that they wanted to excuse their selves that they find some scummed items on him. Lmao cuz that items that they kept from that guy (as scammed items) was some items we farmed with our party.. And who the fck is goin to scam some bw boots.. 10 days of inactivity of the whole party cuz that guy is our EE doesn't make a good mood and motivation to people on that server.. Lets go to the real reason: I think server needed 5 more euros.. 3. The facts.. Today admins banned a whole internet cafe in the city of Argos in Greece with every people playing in there cuz of the same IP. People who got banned as far as i know: KingLeonidas, Karfitsa, Aegean, Laida, NwntasGR, Tigrhs and some more that i dont remember the names they told me. Admin's Reason: 1 Guy of them flamed San0 as San0 said to us before so lets get ban everyone of that internet cafe station because theese guys are friends eachother and making trades between them. Btw we dont know yet that guy's name who used that hard flames to San0.. Maybe San0 can tell to us who is that guy, just to know.. Another real reason that i see here is 5.... wait i dont know how many got banned and im not good at maths so imagine that number x5 euro.. Ofc there are more facts that i dont know.. This is not how a good administration team works btw.. And ofc you are doing this to get paid for keeping the server alive and make some money for your pockets, i can understand that this is your job but in order to keep working on that and keep the server alive to keep making you money you have to know that there are some limits.
  2. Capone

    Jungle Wars (6)

    Dont worry you are doing fine so far as i saw you guys, its legit to PR with low numbers active in your party.. I saw you many times to PR from us when you were 3-4 ppl and the rest following boxes and as many times i saw you playing with full party you were always stay and fight us. I give you respect on that and specialy when you try to fight our warrior party with an archer party which is very rare to win against tanky warriors with archers. GL to you guys and sry that i cant say the same to your pussy leader who PR a whole party against 1-2 ppl who rushing on him..
  3. Capone

    Jungle Wars (6)

    At least that archer party got some balls to fight against wars in opposition of their pussy leader's party..
  4. Capone

    Let's Get Ridiculous

    Nice movie, nice fights!
  5. Stop teaching Stiba, he will take your crown one day..
  6. Capone

    My intro project

    Sparks lighten up here between perklovers.. To bad i dont wanna go offtopic, otherwise i would spill some gas here to have some fun while eating pop corn..
  7. Capone

    My intro project

    True sh1t.. Smth like SR
  8. When you realize that you are totaly ignored from serious ppl on this forum and how much your avatar fits perfectly to your profile you are goin to feel better even for your self only. You put your mark by your self on your avatar icon and you proved to everyone here that every single post you posting on topics its TotalyShit. Even some of your clan members realize it and u still living in your own world.. Tried to help you with that post but dont expect another one..
  9. Like or dislike its a personal opinion for everyone and i accept them all..
  10. Thank you very much mate! Appreciate that!
  11. Ye, pls let me out of your shitposts and ask Kakar if u wanna get informed before talking. When he inform me that Isno scummed him the first thing i did was to dismiss him from clan and ban him from TS also. Thanks for watching..
  12. Capone

    ''I'm done, break it!''

    What the fck am i reading?
  13. I didnt said anything about ur fights in Loa and u will never see me saying anything. I'm not Myrciu I'm just playing my game and talking less. All I mean in my previous post is: what is ur problem man? That's all.
  14. Well, Im really surprised on how many ppl react for my new choice and my actions so far, Im really surprised also from some ppl who i didnt excpect from them to react like they did, Im really glad to see everyones true face here on a public forum. You guys always trying to laugh and talk about that Myrciu but if you scroll back and watch your posts carefully u will understand that you are not something better than him. Of course i was excpecting from people that they were nobodies and never shown them selves in the game to come here and pretend that they are the correct and unjust ppl who tried everything beside to help Jungle as the new clan in that ally. Guys for real now, i was excpected all theese bullshits from a guy like Kure to start crying and trashtalking like he did even when we were on the same ally, didn't excpected from many others i can say but i was wrong on that. Anyway, its still a game for me, Im having fun here playing and i will continue. Im happy and surprised on how many ppl i had enemies so long time in game, on how they respected me and welcome me on our new ally yesterday. Something like we never had on our previous ally, many ppl was fighting with my ppl even before, even after and even after we talked about some rules to respect each other if we are about to make an alliance. End of topic for me guys. Like i said in my previous posts, GL to everyone and HF in game. More play less talk. @kktnxbye You were always playing with us in European prime and you know many things that others don't. I really appreciate everything u did so far for everyone and im really sorry for your time waste to tell some true stuff on that topic. You are an adult person and you always act like adults do. Thanks again and cya in game bro!
  15. Wow all theese in less than 2 hours i was missing from home.. Do i have to read also the posts of blackjack or its completely trash like all of his posts on forum? BizQQ, Yes we are bad products of WS you added Jungle on ur previous pathetic post. Oh wait, we where on WS as Jungle? Or maybe failed on the try to recruit us? Im confused right now.. Anyway, like i said have fun all! This is why forum have clowns to entertain ppl.. I just came here to tell you guys that we joined now Rebirth ally as Jungle! Lets go 3.. 2.. 1..
  16. Well, that was just a joke Jerna for some ppl who likes to bother with subjects like this. (The Graveyard Event) You show me what kind of person you are in the small period we played together and this is why i respect you. Thanks for everything and i wish you to Good Luck and Have Fun most of all!
  17. Adult raging? Thanks, we are always having fun but not with stuff like 69 ffs at least iam not..
  18. -Since a guy born human and he keeps been a human. -Ye im waiting for the next event right now "Jungle Graveyard Event"