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Everything posted by Capone

  1. Capone


    Report idermeister for hacks..
  2. No ty.. We are already thinking to rage quit the server insteed to face a monster like you.. I mean what is ZacMan and Monster against you? Even me.. The poor gladi..
  3. Damn V4siukas the tremor and the fear in our eyes...
  4. Capone

    Random content.

    I can say that you evolved into the rarest specie of monkeys..
  5. Capone

    LOA Heart 9vs12+

    Because of that stupid l2 recorder lagged my half recording there and i had to replace that mins of video. That was the last time i used it.. Goin back to Action Software..
  6. Capone

    LOA Heart 9vs12+

    Cleef, Tys0n, Myrmidonachiles, slonjaboy, pipiska, bilbao, parasandalos, kure, afronus, jambo, xaroyli, songmaster = 12 active, IDK about Cosmos but i think he was boxed so +3 boxes Cosmos, monara, oelfas.
  7. Capone

    LOA Heart 9vs12+

    Malaka fck off im ROTFLMAO...
  8. Capone

    LOA Heart 9vs12+

    9 minutes of total fight. A bit speed up in the movie to make it shorter.
  9. Tell me please what is that makes you free from being the monkeyking here? You coming to forum after long time missing from game and you continue saying your bullshits and lies. You were playing here when we were all 60+ and wining fights against us with more than 9 lvl diff and the best part was when u acting like a pro player here and telling me that we cry about lvls because we said we are low against your party and ur clan at all.. The only thing you are doing here is to come and forumfighting with myrtan? Accept it or not you belong in the same bag and i told this to myrtan also that he will get my respect only when he stop to using forum. Even your allies and clan mates said how retarded you are and Modoy is an example. Modoy is might be a troll to here in the forum but at least he is trolling with the good way and not by saying lies..
  10. Im really wondering what this monkey ( @BlackJack ) still trying to prove here.. Get over with it monkeyface everyone reallized here how retarded you are. You just dont have nothing else to make it worse.. About the fights with SM unfortunately i dont have the fight in LOA heart but i can admit we got raped there and i have the Oren fight, will be online in my next movie with more siege fights. @Kure Dont try to be bigger monkey than @BlackJack.. Its waste of your time..
  11. Well played and nice Vid! but you really need a PC mate
  12. You dont have to apply somewhere just to win me in 1v1..
  13. That crest is a remake of our 1st crest when we started to build clan.. @Anytime
  14. Just to much butthurt asses for that low community right now.. Keep crying me a river with your salty tears fellas..
  15. Maybe you both start consider if server losing ppl cause of your chineese actions.. (The new players) You both know what actions i mean..
  16. Capone

    Spy POV #1 - SM x JG

    We were 8. Only klansider box and mequmi
  17. I think im to drunk right now that i see you making good coments right? I will come back tomorrow and check again..
  18. You forgot that he is always crying about gladiators also, imagine nerfs and living his wet dream killing a gladiator in 1v1 by using his brain and hiding behind trees, rocks, walls and elpies..
  19. No mate, he just got scammed..
  20. Because games are made to have fun.. Enjoy it!
  21. Capone

    SoulMate PvP

    Really idk what are you trying to do there @Myrtan.. We said many things on the past and we had many arguements.. Are you trying to repeat the forum fights and start bullshiting again? Do you compare your self with blackjack and rizos? Idk man what is your problem because its obvious you will never stop be a forum fighter.. About the 9v9 with SM its not the same ofc to change their prime and let them hunt us, you just set the time and the date and you pvp, thats all.. Please stop it..
  22. Capone

    Old 1.0

    Damn i saw many old vids and i found many interesting fights and players. Just hope 2.0 comes fast enough and get some old players back + the newbies..
  23. Capone

    Old 1.0

    What happened to theese clans i saw on many old vids of that server? They quitted or renames? And the players? Who are they?