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Everything posted by Capone

  1. Sry mate i forgot to buy food from the pet shop today to feed some trolls and their trolling posts.. Hmm, you should start thinking if the weeeed is that makes you look stupid insteed of my "denial". I thought i was clear on my posts. Peace out Because we didnt joined them yet, its so simple but hard for some brains to understand that. Im saying again that there are many guys who respect us and we respect them to thats why i want to join their alliance. About OOC that they belong there right now ofc if we are not accepted there we cant join them and keep standing alone Doesn't need maths.. Peace out mate..
  2. We joined OOC? Oh i see many ppl here know more things than i know. Please mate if we will join OOC you will see the crest on the left side side of our names.. So far i dont see nothing yet excpept iam blind.. About that we demand from ally to choose between jugnle or ooc i think i wasnt wrong as long as we had war between us, am i? Just asking because im new here and i dont know if there is possible in an ally to have war each other.. Have fun mate and less rage.. I can see, you are polite, my wrong on previous post. P.S. Dont be mad bro, i never said to someone that he is a lier so far except of that Trillvile / Balu or who ever was that driver yesterday..
  3. Making a Greek funnydumb comment and trying to be smartfun in the next also comment doesn't make you so polite.. GL and HF you to in the rest of you game.. Good luck mate..
  4. A guy who doesnt have a single cell of leadership on his brain cant understand this.. Ye many ppl here know if we can or "cant" play, I dont know why u replying like we already joined Rebirth atm we are still alone like i said before. The part that i was dislike Awaken was the part of thinking and supporting from guys in your alliance that awaken is still ally and he had war with Jungle only. Well, thats called a backstab for me untill Awaken been clear to me that he is not belong to this ally anymore even if many of you still count on him as alliance. Becase i dont want to argue with you Sayo as long as we have a friendship here i can say that you are right and end this here before have be "had" from you as long as you know what kind of person iam. I really appreciate everything we had from previous ally and all i wish to you guys is GL and HF most of all as long as games made to have some fun!
  5. We joined Rebirth ally! GG! Oh wait, did we? Well, hope we will join them as long as there are many guys like Rolan who respect us and he is one of the few guys who can see that we are some Guys here with BIG BALLS fighting every night against Hypocrites even outnumbered with low lvls and low equipment. The reason we left ally for those who wondering is that we couldnt stay on an ally who playing in Asian prime time and im not blame anyone of this ofc, i respect that ppl having jobs and many stuff to do in their lives and i respect also many guys from previous ally like Jerna, Jerry, Sayomi, kktnxbye and many more who tried to help sometimes even late in their prime, but as long as Jerna told me on last conversation that they cant help more than this, i dont have other option to stay more. From the time ally demands from me to take LOA for us and xp everyday there they also have to support this. They did 1 time but 1 time is not enough i guess.. About the ppl who flaming a lot in game in the past you have to know that some ppl still living in their childhood age and they need a daddy upon them (me) to teach them that this is only a game and not need to flame when some trolls trying to provoke them to start flame. Just to clear my possition as a Leader of Jungle clan all i do is to keep my clan alive and stronger, because we are here to play and not rage quit like many did when DL broke. We where here on the battlefield even when DL broke, even when we stand alone and you will keep see us here standing!
  6. Tankadin is not the real, not all time cuz there are 2 ppl gangbang that char, 1 is the real Tankadin and guess which monkey is the other one..
  7. Good movie Jerry! Hope we gonna see more like this one!
  8. And if i would started to frap @Rizos @BlackJack @MoDoy on their forum fights, i could make a legendary movie for sure.. Well played perfectly on clown roles, but believe me i prefer for sure to not give a fck from now on your posts, just put it on garbage..
  9. @FireBeaSt @BlackJack @MoDoy Out of topic again.. Let me remind you that this topic created to discuss about siege..
  10. Out of topic for one more time..
  11. Theese days i used to scream every night in TS to @Myrtan "Myrciu STFU you fckin cryer" because we all know he is crying to much.. But right now i realize who are the biggest cryers here in the server.. @BlackJack after everyone saw how much u love this @Myrtan by using him as ur profile photo for several weeks and you are one step far to go meet him in real life and suck his d1ck, you have to accept sometimes your poor defeats like everyone does and im saying poor defeats because everyone knows that we are not the same lvl's with you guys we dont have the same equipments and hell we are not the same numbers. Thats the difference between "you" and "us". ATM go dream more your shining hero in 2.0 @Rizos Yeah nothing interesting to watch when we gang you there under train and tell me please if its more interesting when we farming there and u always gang us under train again.. 2 Days before we gang on rahha spot manifest CP with one party of Jungle which it was on rest and not on train and insteed of theese pussies fight back as long we got the same lvls with them they were running and we killed them without even anyone of us died and sudenly the meat @Stiba007 apears there with his party and they died 2 again without anyone of us died, after this, the true rescuers Uchi and Bizz party are coming to help there also. We killed 2 of your parties with only one party of us and you mofos need more ppl to mess with 1pt of us? This is why u said Uchi's party had a day off? You see on video we gang there with 1 PT Jungle 70 lvls and 1 PT Phoenix 64 lvl 3 or 4 parties of your ally and high lvls and u still wanted help from Uchi's party? Come on.. Like i said to @BlackJack sometimes you have to accept your poor defeats. (Stop thinking you self always like a pro player here.. I remind you that you are playing a fckin PR character if u know what i mean.. @BlackJack is playing one of the most broken chars in this meta but i accept that guy at least have some fingers to play.. @kkthx What the fck are theese bullshiets are you cry/saying right now Mr caveman? Idk what SM and the rest doing there before we gang you as Jungle there but i guess they were fighting also outnumbered. No more words for you LokiCLOWN back to your cave when you finish with translator.. I know guys i might be a "bit" salty right now but the main reason pushed me to be like this right now is this @HellHound Monkey who came back to forum acting like a GOD of 1v1 like it matters on a team game. Before you coming here APE to tell your bullshit make sure that only braindead ppl watching your videos so they cant see that you are using an adrenaline behind that automaticly force you with momentum stones back to lvl 2 force after you are using your skills like TSS DSS. You really belong in the same APE category like Soil but at least that guy took a banana in the ass and he rage quited after leaving his drama on this forum. An example of those who wants to check carefully this time is this video: You guys are not see me many times getting in forum and be salty like this but who knows maybe you are goin to make more posts like the previous and provoke me to come again for theese shits.. @MoDoy I tag you also because i know that you dont have anything more interesting to do in ur misery life and its about time to see you coming on this topic also to give us ur shit again.. Peace out..
  12. Capone

    Jungle Wars (4)

    WoW my Topic is so popular so far!
  13. Capone

    Jungle Wars (4)

    -actually putting this fight with me degraded the movie imo (u might disagree, but 1vs1 duelist SR isnt really interesting, especially when u see me toying with u for 1 minute while there is massive fight going on next to it, and it actually went even better coz u didnt have lion heart when u came back and u were left with 500 mp out of 1600, so my mission was more than accomplished) Yeah that was actualy foolish to go on you while massive fight was happen behind me. Oh wait i thought again about it.. You are the foolish Modoy if you think that was better if i join the mass fight behind me as a Gladiator while there was more than 2 parties with mages/archers (Ranged Characters) hiting from max range for 1 minute before the battle would be on the last stage of Rushing inside them, and ofc it could be better for us if i would let you free behind everyone and taking sneaky kills on the back of my team there.. If u tell all this to a guy like Stiba maybe he is gonna believe it, but not to me.. -lots of parts could be skipped or sped up (for example from 4:10 to 5:10, there was no fight, u did absolutely nothing, totally useless clip going in normal speed) All the movie was running at 150% speed boosted except the first clip with the dagger. -also this just shows next duelist who just spams all his self buffs at same time w/o paying any attention, removing clarity and resist shock You are right on this, i can say for my self that im not a good Gladiator, ofc im playing Gladi first time and never played again in the past in any server and there is a lot of things that i still have to learn about Gladiators like i dont even know yet what is the best setup of dyes or what is the best Combo to burst someone in a fight 1v1. I can say that im still testing theese also still working with the Macros and builds. -not using buff potions after u die, when in reality ww potion and haste potion are only things u need on duelist to izi frag Agree with the part that i didn't used potions, very bad move from me but i dont agree with the part that all a Gladi wants to take easy frags are the mobility potions.. The last thing i want to say is to stop dreaming the magic terrains and the wild trees that will make you win against a gladiator cuz i proved to you few times in game that even a bad Gladi like me can win easy a typical SR. Hope you remember the times that you were telling me.. "Now that i learned you play on Eulogist its time to remove my PKs, you cant hide now and bla bla bla".
  14. Well, if its not ur bussines then dont mess in every single topic on forum to show to ppl that you are the bla bla king here, they know it already..
  15. At least im not see ghosts like the 2 parties Stiba says running to help on rahha spot. We rush there 3 times 2 or 3 guys from our party after killing train on top and like everyone knows even 1 guy is enough to make stiba's party to PR.. So running 2/3 guys for 1 minute there and goin back to top while mobs arent respawned yet and be grouped from tank for kill them i guess this is not making our xp uneffective there..
  16. Didn't said that 2nddistrict is not war to you i said they are not Jungle members cuz stiba saying theese guys (supposed Jungle members) failed on XP with his deadly gangs..
  17. Who talked about l2districted clan? and who told you that 2districted clan belongs to Jungle also? Again out of point poor imigrand.. say crybaby cuz u dont have anything else to say..
  18. Stiba's epic party goin to rahha killing smellyrats clan 56-60 lvls and they PR everytime who see even 1 guy from Jungle running into them. C0cksucking wickedsuck ally to come ABG protecting them to get some xp daily and after we get some parties to gang them again they force them selves to be meatshields again and fight us. The funny thing is that we got some balls here, we dont PR, we fight everytime even outnumbered and even lower lvls but yeah its about time to see you again hiding and farming in FoM for 1% daily like you always do. P.S. SmellyRats clan is not Jungle members, its completely random clan that farming with random guys who making parties from party window. BIG achievement from you to kill randoms and think on the same time that you killing Jungle members.. Poor atheist..
  19. Capone

    Jungle !

    u did well, believe me i barely live from the time i watched it 2 times..
  20. Capone

    Jungle !

    and i was wondering who is missing from this topic..
  21. Capone

    Jungle !

    Check all posts on this topic.
  22. Capone

    Jungle !

    He had lionheart ON...