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+1 for Good POV from a WS EU player to keep me up to date :D

+1 for killing myrciu

+1 for lateralus





All requirements to touch myself checked out, brb


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Good vid, +1 from me.

(i wont argue about that 11:40 fight, lets agree we dont agree with each other and thats it for today, this vid doesnt deserve such flame) 

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25 minutes ago, Kure said:

Good vid, +1 from me.

(i wont argue about that 11:40 fight, lets agree we dont agree with each other and thats it for today, this vid doesnt deserve such flame) 

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

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3 minutes ago, BlackJack said:

You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Ok, come.
*hold my beer, i got this*

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8 minutes ago, Kure said:

Ok, come.
*hold my beer, i got this*

hopefully not a mythos that shit sucks hard also:


Edited by BlackJack

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2 hours ago, BlackJack said:

hopefully not a mythos that shit sucks hard also:


You have spy on our TS or what?!

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3 hours ago, Kure said:

Good vid, +1 from me.

(i wont argue about that 11:40 fight, lets agree we dont agree with each other and thats it for today, this vid doesnt deserve such flame) 

It might not seem like it, but i respect your party, sometimes im just being an idiot and say stuff to trigger people, cuz @Sensei (kakar?) triggers me after he kills me and says stuff, so i just wanna do same for him.

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Just now, Pendragon said:

It might not seem like it, but i respect your party, sometimes im just being an idiot and say stuff to trigger people, cuz @Sensei (kakar?) triggers me after he kills me and says stuff, so i just wanna do same for him.

Sensei is Kyrios (bishop from Ribos pt)... at least i think its him. 

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sensei (forum) = kyrios (ingame) ... and kyrios is ribos cp´s bishop (dont worry you will see them often from now on since 2.0 is coming) :P  

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15 minutes ago, Kure said:

sensei (forum) = kyrios (ingame) ... and kyrios is ribos cp´s bishop (dont worry you will see them often from now on since 2.0 is coming) :P  

I was meme'ing srr, implying that he is, in fact #irrevelant

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Bought char (probably Oppa or Dee) wondering who I am when he plays here  +-1 month. 
Ah, I get it! I'm hard to notice since I don't even need to rez anyone vs. his pt (+1 pt extra).
Nah, who am I kidding, he was just too busy nuking tanks again...
Sweety, mark my words: You'll be cashing out in few weeks. We've seen a lot of "factors" of your caliber (fishfood much?), they pass by faster than the autumn breeze.
Go make me a video untill then.

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44 minutes ago, Sensei said:

Bought char (probably Oppa or Dee) wondering who I am when he plays here  +-1 month. 
Ah, I get it! I'm hard to notice since I don't even need to rez anyone vs. his pt (+1 pt extra).
Nah, who am I kidding, he was just too busy nuking tanks again...
Sweety, mark my words: You'll be cashing out in few weeks. We've seen a lot of "factors" of your caliber (fishfood much?), they pass by faster than the autumn breeze.
Go make me a video untill then.

Yyy no? He wrote to me 2 and half months ago about cp. Back then he was 73 lvl. Fast lvling doesnt mean that char was bought

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2 hours ago, Sensei said:

Bought char (probably Oppa or Dee) wondering who I am when he plays here  +-1 month. 
Ah, I get it! I'm hard to notice since I don't even need to rez anyone vs. his pt (+1 pt extra).
Nah, who am I kidding, he was just too busy nuking tanks again...
Sweety, mark my words: You'll be cashing out in few weeks. We've seen a lot of "factors" of your caliber (fishfood much?), they pass by faster than the autumn breeze.
Go make me a video untill then.

I played here for an year and have been part of the community since 1.5 years and i have no fucking clue who you are in-game. Guess i bought char too oh well.

Edited by BlackJack

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34 minutes ago, Bambi said:

Both still on statistics.

he bought a 76 100% sps and deleveled it to 73 ( his earliest video on youtube ), than he bought another 76 and renamed it to Dee, so it doesn't look suspicious, pretty obvious stuff bro.

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3 hours ago, Sensei said:

Bought char (probably Oppa or Dee) wondering who I am when he plays here  +-1 month. 
Ah, I get it! I'm hard to notice since I don't even need to rez anyone vs. his pt (+1 pt extra).
Nah, who am I kidding, he was just too busy nuking tanks again...
Sweety, mark my words: You'll be cashing out in few weeks. We've seen a lot of "factors" of your caliber (fishfood much?), they pass by faster than the autumn breeze.
Go make me a video untill then.

Ok this one was pretty week, but i get it, i put you on the spot tagging you, you probablt felt like you had to post something witty, it was probably late aswell, its saturday, perhaps you were drunk, but its ok, everyone posts autism time to time.

Edit: btw im 75% now, bought that too EleGiggle

Edited by Pendragon

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2 hours ago, Rip said:

Yyy no? He wrote to me 2 and half months ago about cp. Back then he was 73 lvl. Fast lvling doesnt mean that char was bought

By the way its not easy to reach 73 lvl too...Or suddenly appear from nowhere as 73 lvl SpS ..Just saying 

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4 minutes ago, MyrmidonAch said:

By the way its not easy to reach 73 lvl too...Or suddenly appear from nowhere as 73 lvl SpS ..Just saying 

yeah 10 days of solo farming with 2 rechargers , rly hard.

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2 minutes ago, BlackJack said:

yeah 10 days of solo farming with 2 rechargers , rly hard.

2 Recharges 1 BD 20 CHN protect you ...Yeah that way isnt really hard..

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1 minute ago, MyrmidonAch said:

2 Recharges 1 BD 20 CHN protect you ...Yeah that way isnt really hard..

clueless, but that's not unexpected for a meatshield like yourself ;/

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Just now, BlackJack said:

clueless, but that's not unexpected for a meatshield like yourself ;/

Calling me a meatshield its something i really appreciate..Tell me one of your amazing stories like this one when i FC Cleef..


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1 minute ago, MyrmidonAch said:

Calling me a meatshield its something i really appreciate..Tell me one of your amazing stories like this one when i FC Cleef..


Speaking of cleef, i assume he is in your archer party right now, he and those supports have spent more time in bs to combined WS EU ally over the past 6 months.

Edited by BlackJack

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5 minutes ago, BlackJack said:

Speaking of cleef, i assume he is in your archer party right now, he and those supports have spent more time in bs to combined WS EU ally over the past 6 months.

You are boring...W.e yeah you are right...Cya

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