Looting items from pk or ppl who die to mobs during pvp by accident is also different thing than reloging full pt in spot when 2 guys duo farm and waiting for the best moment to log to intentionally drop em to mobs. U think this is moral and fairplay tactic? Result is same, juts method differs. But thats result that matters the most right? you dropped because of dying to mob. this could happens anytime to anyone. they did not take the items from you by intention. just comparing recall of a character with game mechanics just doesnt makes sense, you can still play while this guy lost everythng. this just shows what kind of low life you ppl are. you didnt care when the char was useless, now leveded and equiped you pull the "your fault when give items use someone else char" crap and the bizzquit guy "ts spy".. get over yourself. you not in command of an army. you just playing a game and should be happy about every active player. no matter on which side he is