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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/04/20 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    totaly agree with low duration buffs so they won't become buff boxes but active cp members, same like i'm against of making 5 min dances songs, I'm just against anything that will end uplike in pvp servers 8 dd and 1 healer partys
  2. 2 points
    nah, there is difference between summoner dmg and nuker dmg, but generally its not that great in long go, consieerin how many pros summoners have compared to mages rather than nukes, i could imagine old buff pets getting back but lvling to high lvl and if you want to ensure ppl wont just log it as box, make buff before pvp and kick, you could do even something as stupid as making duration 60s, so you, as actie summoner would have to resummon different kind of pets during fight to be decent
  3. 1 point
    its ok ordi, dont waste too much breath for someone who thinks skill power is part of FC complecity you will get it fixed for sure, just have in mind how much time they need to fix problems ;x
  4. 1 point
    You try to troll in hope mby GM's won't change it or you really don't understand that the high power on nuke is the only problem. Only because of this you can replace mages in pt for summoners because they have same power on main nuke so they hit as hard as mages but have TP like necro and better summon Seraphim was put back so summoners would get invited in party like it was in c3/c4 when mages had es and archers had warlock ( ps forever solo in catacombs)
  5. 1 point
    Answer from Pr at off. I ll try also to ask for a video and answer from othe people.
  6. 1 point
    Well I already got the " we don't care how is working on off , we want to work like this" so I wouldn't have hopes to get high lvl nuke on summoners anytime soon or like never ?
  7. 1 point
    you can call me crazy but i honestly believe summoners arent gettin nuke boost on next update
  8. 1 point
    I think that your bow try guess year when next patch come on club. ?