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  1. 2 points
    I suggest starting off with the 1.3 patch first. Don't rush updates, we have all the time, and with 1.3 added new stuff will occur. & I rather having a full functioning 1.3 without any bugs then 1.5 with several bugs. Besides when I see the patchnotes, it seems like they are increasing experience also, free teleports till 40, which makes eveything more easy again, makes no sense to me. once again dissapointed in the NCSOFT updates. It should stay Classic. & adding enchant scrolls is indeed a joke.
  2. 1 point
    Dear friends! We follow the updates from NCsoft and we promised you to make 2.0. But we are very cautious of these updates and we believe that they are not correct and bringing a great disbalance in the gameplay. For example, a scroll that will be available only for clans who own a castle, which increases experience and SP rate by 45%. Or again, for clans with castle, almost epic jewelry.   We don't think it's right to add these changes to our server, and dutifully follow updates from NCsoft. We want to go our own way, but all of you came to the Classic and this "our way" this should be considering your opinion.   Our main tasks we highlight in a few points: 1) The server must continue to be hardcore. 2) Skills and mechanics must continue to follow the Classic (except for very strange decisions as the transformation of the character giving stats). 3) Addition of new items shouldn't give an advantage to someone special.   The first important step on the way to update our server will be v. 1.5 update launch. We have resumed work on it after we solved one of the main problems with the groups. It is also possible to add to the Olympiad in 1.5, but has not yet decided what criteria needed to qualify for the Olympiad.   But again, the question arises as to produce an update. For this that poll was created. We see three options on how updates can be made: 1) Completing v.1.3 and installing it, then completing version 1.5 and installing it. Installing agreed with users. 2) Mixing 2 updates and putting them by subgroups.   Example of subgroups:    a) Opening of Aden.    b) Adding zones in the city of Aden.    c) Addition of Clan Halls in Aden.    d) Addition of Aden Castle and it's siege. And as soon as the subgroup is fully prepared and all the tests are completed - we are introducing changes to the server. 3) Creating a full update to 1.5, and releasing it after agreeing with the users.   Each option has its own "time to be done". For example, when choosing №1, wait until next update will take longer than №2, but faster than №3 etc.   Below we have written important aspects of the upgrade to 1.5 (All that is not included in this list is not unimportant. It means only that the changes are a subset of the global update and will be made according to how they are made at NCsoft). On the left you see updates from NCsoft, on the right what will be added to the server.       1.3 Update Castle sieges “Seal of Light” / “Seal of Darkness” 4 Castles: Gludio Castle, Dion Castle, Giran Castle and Oren Castle. Experience is being lost as usual Switching between sides after capturing Pluses and minuses of Light and Darkness sides Coins for Castle owners New skills and books for them Changes in old skills New zones Changes in old zones Epic jewellery Changed amount of used shots Enchant scroll added to the shop Sword of Paagrio added to the shop New quests Drop/Spoil/Adena amount Other changes Exp loss when dead changed from 10% to 4% Castle sieges “Seal of Light” / “Seal of Darkness” 5 Castles: Gludio Castle, Dion Castle, Giran Castle and Oren Castle No experience loss in the siege ground Switching between sides after capturing Pluses and minuses of Light and Darkness sides Won't be added as well as all items connected with it. New skills and books for them Changes in old skills New zones Changes in old zones Epic jewellery Epic jewels levels Changed amount of used shots Won't be added Sword of Paagrio added to the shop New quests Drop/Spoil/Adena amount as in v. 1.5 Not all other changes will be added. Exp loss when dead changed from 10% to 4%   1.5 Update New skills and books for them Transformation skills Changes in skills B armor 70% + 100% recipes Dualsword Craft Stamp added Changes in items Levels for Epic jewels are added New zones Aden city is added Was not in update New Raid Bosses New Aden zones Changes in zones Amount of monsters in starting locations decreased, their respawn time decreased Decreased respawn time for monsters near: Gludio, Dion, Talking Island Village and Gludin. New quests New quest “Moon knight” for D grade armor Enchant scroll fragments Changes in quests Increased experience for first class change Increased experience in party Changed the pose of the char with the sword Clan skill changes Interface changes Other changes Free teleports till level 40 Add Aden Castle Siege New skills and books for them Will be added but in different form and without stats Changes in skills B armor Will have only 70% recipes. Dualsword Craft Stamp added Changes in items Will be added with Epic jewelery New zones Aden city is added Aden clan halls added New Raid Bosses New Aden zones Changes in zones Amount and respawn time will stay the same Respawn time will stay the same. New quests Quest “Moon knight” for D grade armor won't be added Enchant scroll fragments Changes in quests Won't be changed (experience on NCsoft = 50% on level 20. Increased experience in party Changed the pose of the char with the sword Clan skill changes Interface changes Other changes At this moment we don't see the need to do it  We also are working on the questions from this thread, and we believe that they are very important in creating a better and comfortable server, but we need your response. The topic of the discussion: https://4gameforum.com/threads/534942/ Your comments and suggestions, based on this thread, you can leave here: http://l2classic.club/forum/index.php?/topic/7049-additional-updates-discussion/ If any of the positions will be approved by both you and us - it will be included in the final updates . 
  3. 1 point
    you have to go deeper. its deep inside of mithril mines almost at the end.
  4. 1 point
    PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: The Logical Approach. ​The point of uploading any footage at all is to promote some fun hostility among the warring clans on this server, and to provide some entertainment to the rest of the server and clans who are avoiding wars right now. I don't know why people take it so personally and need to feel judgmental about sharing a little PVP on the forum. I mean, who else is trying to promote "the other half" to this game on this server? And no, there's hardly any drama from either side--at least no serious drama. No one is taking it personally (at least I hope) and if anything it's all just for fun and a bit of aggravating trolling here and there to keep things heated. Oh, and to end all of the past/future "LOL @ YOU POSTING THIS! IT NOT WAR MAN, IT JUST YOU 2 PARTY VS. 1! DA FUQ? DIS NOT EVEN GOOD VIDEO!"--guess what? War is war is war is war is war is war is war, etc.. There is no proper way to kill or run, but there are smarter ways to pick fights to ensure the best outcome for your side. Hell, world history has this written all over its textbooks, so it should be absolute common sense to incorporate and see this strategy in something so small as a video game of all things. (If none of this rings any bells with you, here is the alternative message: "QQ.")
  5. 1 point
    I see only one correct decision- use first tactic servers update. Cuz we can get a lot of bugs and it's too fast for new content. Server have to many peoples who can't play every day for 5 or more hours. This situation get disbalance to server and big clans or cp will dominate more and more... + I think this server must avoid mistakes that ruoff (innova) made in earlier chronicle (started from gracia). Don't hurry! In the future it reflected badly on the server. It's 100% inf. And don't add transformation never! 4 castle it's ok, don't need 5th. Big territory with online less then 3k don't need. Players must see each other. It's social game. And for the future don't add solo or party instance zones, it's servers killers. p.s I don't play on this server, but I know what u need, cuz this story has already been with innova, and I was eyewitness how that company destroyed his empire to means stupid acts. With best wishes, soon join u :*
  6. 1 point
    Si.! lo pense igual, lo but he probado con gente del Mismo Nivel y también me ha Pasado, si bien el nivel es determinante, debería Estar consensuado las Diferentes clases y "Características" del personaje.- Muchas gracias por responder.!
  7. 1 point
    Lineage 2 Classic 1.0, Resumen Resumen de las novedades / cambios de Lineage 2 Classic 1.0 A continuación vamos a analizar de forma resumida las principales características de la primera actualización o crónica de Lineage 2 Classic, teniendo siempre presente que hablamos de la versión Coreana. Razas, Clases y Niveles Tenemos las 5 razas originales del juego: Human, Elf, Dark Elf, Dwarf y Orc. En cuanto a las clases tenemos el primer y el segundo cambio únicamente, nada de nobleza, héroes o subclase. El máximo nivel es el 75 pero es poco probable alcanzarlo debido a que los mobs mas desafiantes son de nivel 60, lo que nos indica que este nivel esta planteado para futuras actualizaciones. Zonas de caza / extensión del mapa El mapa es el mismo que teníamos en la primera versión del antiguo L2 : Prelude, es decir, la zona de máximo nivel es Dragon Valley y aunque el continente se llame Aden, la característica ciudad aun no esta disponible. Esto significa que tenemos 5 castillos y por supuesto nada de catacumbas todavía. algunos Raid Boss están implementados, así como el Orphen, Core, Ant Queen, pero nada de joyas épicas.                    Objetos/ Equipo El equipo de máximo nivel sera el de grado B, el grado D podrá adquirirse en las tiendas de las ciudades y el grado C (mid) en la Luxury a cambio de cristales, a partir de ese grado todo lo demás tendrá que ser crafteado. (con el sistema de crafteo pre-GOD). Los Soul Crystal están disponibles ( se suben mediante RB) y los Dyes pueden adquirirse en las ciudades. Partys y Clanes El máximo de miembros en una misma Party es de 9. No se podrá adquirir experiencia si la diferencia de nivel entre dos miembros de la Party es superior a 9 niveles. Se aplicaran beneficios según el numero de miembros de la Party. Ej: si un mob otorga al matarlo 1000 de EXP y lo hacemos con una Party de 9 personas, cada miembro recibirá aproximadamente 222 de EXP. (1000 EXP multiplicado por el  Bonus de 9 personajes en Party y dividido entre esos personajes, (1000*2)/9)  El maximo nivel que se puede alcanzar es el 5 De nivel 3-5 se necesitara los objetos “Evidence of Blood” ( que se consiguen por Drop de las “Bloody Queen”)  , en lugar de realizar las misiones Se podrá enviar Clan War cuando el clan sea al menos nivel 3 y supere los 15 miembros No existe la Academia ni ningún tipo de “Sponsor” para ayudar a los niveles bajos   Existen algunas Skill de clan que son las siguientes:   Penalizaciones Cuando un jugador muere a manos de un mob, pierde un 10% de Exp. y existe la posibilidad de dropear. Cuando un jugador muere en PvP solo pierde un pequeño porcentaje de Exp. En cuanto los PK, tanto por mob o PvP, pierden un 10% de Exp. y pueden dropear. Misiones Ademas de las misiones de primer y segundo cambio de profesión, existen algunas mas que son interesantes, actualizaremos este apartado con brevedad. Raid Boss: Ubicación y Niveles En L2 Classic podremos juntarnos con otros jugadores o con nuestro clan para encarar a poderosos jefes repartidos por todo el continente de Aden y que nos recompensaran (si los derrotamos) con poderosos objetos, si, estamos hablando de los famosos Raid Boss. A continuación os ponemos una lista con todos los que podemos encontrar actualmente en L2 Classic, por lo general estos Raid Boss pueden enfrentarse con una Party completa (DD, healer, Tank y Buffer) aunque no hay un tope de jugadores máximos para hacerlos:   Existen también Jefes mucho mas poderosos que los Raid Boss comunes, para enfrentarlos debemos reunir a mas de una Party ya que el enfrentamiento es mucho mas duro ( también nos otorgan mejores objetos):   Spellbooks: Zonas de drop En las primeras etapas de Lineage 2 para aprender muchas Skills era necesario obtener unos objetos conocidos como “Spellbooks”, en las ultimas Cronicas se elimino este requisito. En Lineage 2 Classic vuelven estos “Spellbooks”, aunque esta vez solo para las habilidades mas potentes de cada clase , reduciendo así considerablemente el numero a conseguir. A continuación les dejare una tabla con los diferentes “Spellbooks” para cada clase, así como el lugar y el mob que lo suelta.   "Una Comunidad Unida, no tiene limites"
  8. 1 point
    In my opinion the first option is the best.
  9. 1 point
    First of all, thanks for your amazing work! Keep it up. This is an excellent server with a lot of potential, and I am extremely excited to see these updates. I would vote for either 1.3 -> 1.5 or by groups. Going straight into 1.5 seems like it has the greatest chance of bugs happening. It also probably means we have to wait the longest of the 3 options for an update in content. A steady flow of content keeps current players interested and attracts prospective players. Overall, most important aspects for me with regard to this poll is risk of bugs and steady flow of content. It seems like either doing 1.3 first and then doing 1.5 or just adding content by individual groups would be the most stable, and in either case we are getting a decent influx of content.
  10. 1 point
    Yo busco una mejor fuente de los skilles y la subo esta tarde!  Â