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Everything posted by Myrtan

  1. Myrtan


    Auto-attacks ftw! Thanks
  2. Myrtan


    Everyone has his bad sides
  3. Myrtan


    Nah, not gonna cut auto attack parts This is how real fight with gladi look, 1 min spam skill then go to auto attacks.
  4. Myrtan


    Thank you very much, I appreciate your opinion Hope you will get to my lvl and start doing videos yourself so I can enjoy.
  5. Myrtan


    Sure, everyone has the right for his opinion.
  6. Myrtan


    Look dude, I didn't know if these are boxes. The thing is I don't back off, I was alone and seen in the distance some perkunas. I attacked them anyway so please.
  7. Myrtan


    Y, ITommy with Lanza forgot what is theirs farming zone, and came to fight for spot
  8. Myrtan


    Why would I show all these boring out of mana deaths :)? Im showing how I die in mass pvps etc. Yes you beat me in 1 v 1, but before pvp you used bleeding skill on me from that sk/bd is one the video, so I was out of some CP before the fight, still I left you 2k hp. Im still level 71 so stop bullsh1tting.
  9. Myrtan


  10. I like when you think you know everything. You think very immature here, because you are getting orgasm when win vs bunch of lower lvls than you, and you say that we only looking for easy game. For example today we had pvp 2 parties Jungle vs 2 parties Perkunas, and we didnt pr althought we had EE in both parties, we rushed you. As someone said, you keep repeating your false assumptions and think someone will actually believe them. Many clans just didn't join Perkunas side because you guys simply are douchebags and that is the reason Perkunas is most hated Alliance on the server. I don't care about any free farm, if I did you could see by now me in the other Alliance so stop your false assumptions. You have serious problem here, becase seems like you really believe in all of this and your obsession grow each day. Everyday you repeating same hate over and over under every topic and many people are just bored from you, even me. Many Times I just dont answer your imagined assumptions, because you never say anything new. All you say is: "Perkunas best ally, we kill all, all other enemies PR and all other enemies looking for free farm and all other enemies sucks" while your Alliance collecting far the most known gold seekers from this server. The truth is obvious yet still you are trying to make people actually believe your fake propaganda. Even now I actually dont think so you come up with something new here. Wait enemy parties to reach your lvls beat them in fair fight, and then act big. Im finished with you here, whatever you answer me Im not gonna react to. For me, it's boring You never criticize yourself, all you see enemies mistakes but for you Perkunas is the perfect ally and fcking paradise. I Wonder, what would you say if DL never died and high parties from DL didnt leave the server and when chances were equal for all (And Im not talking only about Honor CP here)
  11. Nah, your ally was just too PRO for us
  12. Indeed, Eulogist told me when Jungle was still new one party clan in Ab, BizzQQ pmed him to join WS or -4. Then Jungle decided to go with Dark legion. Ah that genious recruitment strategy!
  13. Good frapses, and I also see myself when I was like lvl 62 (3:18) :,) But this kind of video in my opinion need some hard metal/rapcore song not a pop, but I guess its matter of preference.
  14. Just face the fact that you are not any better than any of us. You still flame And talk sh1t in a lot of topics here. Cmon hypocrite, you need to criticize yourself as much as you criticize others.
  15. Yes, we can say everything but ES is the most mature ally in this server And I never saw them trashtalk here like retards (me, ih3art, blackjack, Rizo, Modoy, kkthx)
  16. So claim your hero, even you can do this on first month of the start of the oly since there are not many SRs anyway. You will not be able to kill me because of your class in 1 v 1 anyway so completely not my business... even such flamer like me is tired of amount of useless sh1t was said in this topic for last few hours, so thats surprising. Anyway, I dont wanna get cancer from this topic so CYA AROUND on the battlefield.
  17. Seems like you ppl started this flame. Now, stop this retarded conversation becase you guys talking about sh1t, repeating yourself over and over. I don't say iH3art is better because he flame as fck, but so all you do and trying to argue here with 0 valid arguments like kids in their playground. Just shut it
  18. Just shut the fuck up all flamers, go fap or something if you need to get rid of your stress. You getting boring.
  19. No, I said it before why I joined Vigilance. I didn't know sh1t about politics, lets say it was my real Begin of L2, because last time I played was, when I was 10 years old so I really never get into politics, I didn't know sh1t about epics, server sides, rules etc. But I saw siege video few clans of Vigi + 8777898 clans of perks + Chinas and Vigilance that time lost this siege, then I decided I like these guys more. Also, I got along with some guys who were leading DL academies and their mains were in ROK clan. This is how I ended up in Vigilance ally. You could say that I joined for free farm, when ally broke I was still 62-64 and I didn't leave anywhere for free farm and no matter if I farm or no I keep this side if you can see. So no, Im not that kind of person.
  20. Not to mention, I see PoleDance is in Perkunas side. Hmm... let's see. This dude left Vigilance when they had problems, now he leave ES because they have problems. Same like Manifest who go where they have free farm. Ah yes, Stiba too who go to EV with his 60+ clanmates and stun/kill low lvls when he is bored. And you talk about collecting trash. I never saw for example ES trashtalking like some Perkunas or guys from our side like me. Too big ego, many high lvls parties from Vigilance, ROKs left and now you feel great because you still keeping your zerg + few worth high levels parties..
  21. I did, but this guy want to know the numbers so I replied to modoy who trying to fool around
  22. No, Koll protected the castle for us
  23. Exactly, we casted with other clan char right on the time. Chinesse fought us instead rush pray room. Castle casted and all what can I say to them GG
  24. Jungle Forces CH + Castle GG