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Everything posted by valkynic
this is a known bug, just relog when it happens untill it get fixed
we though so but apprently not
another fail from admins but hey we cant be suprised they fucked this up aswell
more translation cmon feed the peeps, stiba drama is allmost as good as a threeway, so cmon translate for us!
fat fingers you know dont quote me that fast so i dont have a chance to correct it
oki though so(i would had guessed iana but oki close), then you didnt get it, nomore is at 114
how is your bd again and what pts did you guys end it at?
idd was a fun month, congrats to everyone
just to be clear and please do correct me if i misunderstood you. your saying you lost becourse your bards was not able to agro unfagged players? yet 2 sec into the fight our entire party was flagged so if i understand you correctly you lost the fight in 2 sec????
this was allrdy cleared up, aslong as you react to admins checks whatever they may be its allright, but if you go afk and turn on macro and they check you its considered botting and thats not allowed, we were checked in toi with loop macros going and no problems found there as we were activ. this guy however is 100% botting and the funny part is that he is makeing himself look more and mroe silly withevery excuse he tries to pass along when the vid clearly shows that its a bot and not "macro" so GJ admins keep up the good work even if it meens your risk loosing 1 cheater all of the loyal non cheater saluts you for it
you clearly got cought botting cmon dude its so easy to see, as soon as kse lowers your hp inst use a healing pot and not just once but multiple time so clearly a 3rd part progrem doing that for you. but to answere your question will you get banned in the future: if your botting you will get banned again.
cmon boy n gals we need a new bp as anytime keeps healing our enemies when he plays bp. help us out here!!!
cheaper teleports, and thats about it if iam not mistaken
so your looking for cp and demand that this cp have thees specific classes aswell? if thats the case gl
hahaha thats funny, not even trying to fight just insta pr
i might have misunderstood you and if so please do correct me but it sounds like you created a char on the "us" server? iam assuming that your talking about classic.club and in that case there is no "US" server its just a proxy and all the proxies are for the same server, so in your case you might get a lower ping by useing the euro proxy. again if i misunderstood you iam sorry
it would be abused to hell, id make a lvl 58 pr and pk sub 40's all day long untill someone place a bounty on me and then id just get a friend to kill my pk char and we would share the adena. bad idea and it wont solve anything regarding lowbe pking, good effort though
sorry to say this, but this is L2 getting pk'd is a big part of it. if u dont know how to deal with it on your own, then make some friends that can come and help you or join a clan that can protect you, theres a reason that ppl pk and have pk chars, if your an untagged guy pking you is one way to force you to pick a side. ofcourse some just like to pk for the hell of it and again it might suck but its a part of the game and removeing would be a big mistake just becourse some ppl dont know how to deal with it.
thats how stiba counts or else please explain how he can get 9ppl turned into 2 grps?
thats normal though? even if its 9v9 i bet he screams zerg incomming, the funny part your the ones who had the zerg for the longest time, its not sm's fault that your leaders failed to keep it together and that dosent make sm into a zerg but hey i guess when your as bad as stiba and TT you need an excusse when you cant fight equal or less numbers. its a shame ripwalker left TT now theres no longer any good fights left when encountering TT its just a pure walkover and boring as hell please try to get him back so that we atleast can get a challange
i allways love it when stiba talks about "pvp" players when he is the first to run away in a 9v9 and then have 3242345234 excuses afterwards why he ran like a little girl, it just makes me warm and fuzzy inside to read. keep it comming and maybe just maybe daddy bizz will get you a castle again in the future so that you can wait 5 more sec before running away from pvp
aw oki, best u can do is heal on a timer i guess
hmm not sure if u can stop it, u could do: /target tac sign /useskill heal /target xx /attack in theory that should heal the tac sign and then target your main char and follow him the attack should stop the casting but again iam not sure
as i said i dont know if it would work as i havent tried it but ya it should work and if u just add an attack to it and once the heal is done remove the tac sign and the healer should be following the target it just healed untill you put up the next tac sign.
macros cant check for things so only way to do auto healing would be to do it on a timer ie small heals every x sec's or something like that, or maybe you could do the following(i dont know if it would work) /targettacticalsign 1 /useskill heal and then simply put the tactical sign 1 on the target u want to be healed, ofcourse the healer would stop moveing so you sould have to add in somesort of attack for it to follow again