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blacksheep last won the day on August 11 2017

blacksheep had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

57 Excellent

About blacksheep

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    Advanced Member

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  1. blacksheep

    April fools

  2. easy to check look if he has 380kk adena on his acount if not he didnt misclick ;p
  3. guess its because kingbotaki got banned there and they got smacked on siege ;x
  4. @JerrySM i found it the best song ever
  5. jerry on phone with chn zerg
  6. that and cucking ppl on aden siege ;>
  7. hey about eastern event can you guys remove the 12h timer for scrolls everyone is gone box 200 chars to farm them anyway its more anoying then usefull atleast i think the items are tradable?
  8. malaka does he revive every weekend ?
  9. i mean u cant be that good at it if u only have 17kk but nice story ;D
  10. all hail sayomi protector of the 7 seas
  11. pretty much the whole clan i guess ;x