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Everything posted by Pendragon

  1. Pendragon

    zaken pvp

    Dont do it, hero sws is all fortuna has, im afraid he will commit suicide if he looses hero.
  2. Pendragon

    Maestro - Olympiad

    You're adressing Mr. N 'Hahaha i got zaza heuheuheu easy points... Omg i lost to zaza' Rolla
  3. Pendragon

    Maestro - Olympiad

    weeaboo @San0 prolly masturbating to this
  4. Large Firecracker PogChamp
  5. Bump. Got chars 78+ for all these classes, if vouched or not a total nobody can easily give them to drive.
  6. Talking as if you didnt pr everytime i came to gc.
  7. I actually got legal windows now, RIP watermark
  8. We get your point and we counter by saying your point is retarded. Baium was never taken out of server which made no grounds for complaining about it, baium even with chains was hard in the beggining, meanwhile zaken 100% to 5% in 35 minutes on second try, hmmmmm...
  9. Pm here mail/pm ingame sjeks/mmmdanone
  10. Noone farms baium with chains anymore, get out of 2018 please.
  11. via Imgflip Meme Generator
  12. via Imgflip Meme Generator
  13. Pendragon

    poor content

    equal terms is my 2 mages with +10 weapons no taliks, necro hero off 1 mage hero vs 3 dds heroes + both healer heroes, yes very equal terms LOL. gf tho