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Everything posted by Osito2Dancer

  1. ​Thats why, they dont drop ANY items (not even event items), they just give XP.
  2. ​Those monsters are XP only, so they dont drop items. Same as Doom Knights, and other special monsters that just give x2 XP.
  3. ​Did you update your client? If you use other patches (such as the one shared in the spanish section), you have to download it again.
  4. https://mega.nz/#!OY8xxACT!0_XBzkqDtMfeTNEAU4lztUVsp6qIl91BD7rzMfAxOp4 Se actualiza parche para agregar mobs de evento (01/07/2016).
  5. The opinions expressed by myself and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not reflect the opinions of the general administration of L2Classic.club or any employee thereof. As such, they are not responsible for the accuracy of any of the information supplied by myself. They do not express the opinion of the staff whatsoever, i just tell it how it is percieved by users themselves.
  6. ​Im guessing he needed some money, so you loaned him some, and you just lost your char, so he selflessly gave his to you. No purchase indeed
  7. Perhaps he really bought it from his owner with skittles and good intentions :D.
  8. Eso mismo, no penalizan la XP.
  9. ​SE or EE? The topic is about EE. I don't see SE having problems to get party because of Empower, like I said on first post. ​Not quite, since everyone has an SE / PP box, it is harder for them to get parties (since they prefer to put that slot to a healer - DD and keep them outside party).
  10. That is for all books, or just summoners ones?
  11. ​Hay unos monstruos en blazing swamp que en el parche antiguo salen como lvl 71+ (Hames Orc XXX), esos los cambie a lvl 70. Las agresiones hay que verlas como estan configuradas en el servidor y modificarlas acorde. ​https://mega.nz/#!qQk3AB4D!uUDFR3g_jQB3rk2VEUfNEYejyYQkvS_kkSE0XBtoTLs Ahi modifique las areas de Cruma2 y Dragon Valley, para que se vea que los monstruos son todos agresivos.
  12. Si eres level 40, la buffer puede ser lvl 26 (pero le llega el 30% de la experiencia), o lvl 31 (y le llega el 100% de la experiencia). Ejemplo: Tu matas un mob lvl 40, te da 10.000XP a ti y 8.000XP a tu box. Si tu pj es 26-30, en vez de recibir esos 8k, recibe 2.400XP (y el resto se pierde), pero si es 31, ya recibe las 8k correspondientes.
  13. ​Hay unos monstruos en blazing swamp que en el parche antiguo salen como lvl 71+ (Hames Orc XXX), esos los cambie a lvl 70. Las agresiones hay que verlas como estan configuradas en el servidor y modificarlas acorde.
  14. If you need to update Drop/Spoil and get info from server files, i have an script that does it (although i would need to update it for classic).
  15. Se confirma que el parche funciona para 1.5, se hizo una actualizacion a los niveles de los mobs para ajustarlos a Classic. https://mega.nz/#!rJdz3ToQ!Ae6A8GO-6PlOegmLZKpg0IjxuZg7rzSGfqglWdzVWwQ
  16. Lo deje pinned para conocimiento general, gracias por el aporte.
  17. Level 58 BH here: ​For now, you can try going to EV and spoil Forest Runners (for Enrias, nice markup) or Liele / Fline Elders (for Asofe, a little less markup). If you feel adventurous, you can go Cruma 2 and Spoil Dark Lords (4 monster family), for SOP and Ori Ore (that sell quite nicely too, and is 100% useful for B crafts, so stock up ) If you wait a week, new zones open up and better material drops come with them (Forest of Mirrors and Cemetery).
  18. Cubics and Combat Aura +1! But the nicest change: 2 - Vampiric Rage effects change. Vampiric rage effects are finally getting back to what it should be. After the update, players will no longer life steal through magic attacks, skills, ranged attacks , etc. etc. It will work only for normal melee physical attacks. This changes will apply to all vampiric effect granting abilities such as Vampiric Rage buff (SE) and Chant of Vampire (WC) How it was working before: Depending on the level of the buff players would have a 30 % chance of recovering 6/7/8/9% of any damage given to the target or targets. This would include normal hits, bow hits, magical skills, physical skills, etc.How it will work now: Only melee normal attacks will take advantage from vampiric effect.Magic skills, ranged attacks, bow attacks, physical skills will not take any advantage from vampiric effect.Chance is no longer applied, on normal melee attacks, player with a buff who grants him Vampiric effect, will always get the 6/7/8/9% of the damage dealt as HPLIKE! PS: You missed the "Soon(TM)" trademark, to avoid the dreaded question ("When?")
  19. English in forums please.
  20. Whisp "Lum or PM offer here, looking for good adena :D.
  21. Nice video, last PVP (EV v/s Rennaisance), i pressed Fake Death by accident and didnt notice (hence the WTF), noobs mistake
  22. English in general discussion forums please. If you do not provide a translation, then please use your designated forums for your language.
  23. Es solo copiar encima de la carpeta system, y sobreescribir los archivos antiguos. Si abres con el updater, tienes que sobreescribirlos despues de que termine la verificacion de archivos.
  24. No deberia pasar, a menos que tengas lag de PC/conexion. Si se mantiene, cambia de proxy o manda un ticket a soporte.
  25. On higher levels (50+), tanks are appreciated because their lure skills are better than SWS/BD (at holding mobs together). But until then, you are easily replaceable by a SWS, and they are more entertaining (songs and shit). Depends if you want to depend on clan or you want to be somewhat able to solo reliably (also, TK are boring as hell as a tank).