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Everything posted by Narmontas

  1. Ive found L2 central showing just Monsters HP/MP stats... But what about their p.atk p.def speed? Anyone knows any resourceful website with these stats? If there would be such a website and administration would allow with shift view moster stats. (If they are broken or incorrect) There could be a list made to fix stats of the monsters here... The idea came from hitting some of the monsters very hard to kill while they are x1 and same level... And receiving while in full D gr armor 1.7k dmg from Tamlin Orc power shot skill... Maybe there's more broken stats.
  2. ​ No commercial advertising here. No advertising of other project. It's plain that almost a blind man could see it We are discussing similar project and its positives and negatives. So that this server mechanics could be improved. There is a saying : "Watch the others , learn from their mistakes and try not repeat them yourself"
  3. About heavy armors... Heavy armor natural ability is to absorb ~30% critical damage. Tank passives at the end adds 35%+ more. Did the testing... The Prophet has no heavy armor mastery with critical dmg reduction trait but still gets significant lower critical damage. Same with daggers : If you equip brigandine set Over Salamander +4 the variation of p.def ~ 90+- . You hit normal dmg ~10% lower with single hit , but from skill... Mortal blow to salamander = 1.2k dmg. Mortal blow to brigandine = 700 dmg. That is tested the loads of times even here on beta. I Just hope that players charasteristics and monsters stats are really balanced so not even one class would be OP while other sucks... On Live I wish to level up Treasure Hunter. I know from classics that they are frag stealers and deals vs mages/healers deadly damage. Sometimes its enough of 1 backstab +blow... Hope that here I will not disappoint. Like in pvp... while Lets say I have top D full equipment 40 lvl Both Sorc vs TH. I run to sorcerer he nukes me for 800 dmg each shot. (lets say he has +12 wit stat... ) each second a shot for 900 range. And while I reach the range to kill him not that my mortal or deadly blow fails to land but hits for ~600 dmg to robe and backstab for 800 dmg. Thats what Im seing here at this moment in pve...
  4. Tried there... THe staff have no experience of L2 mechanics... Lots of exploits and some even minor bugs are fixing for ages... Online number is fake that online 1400+ online. Real number is ~400+ players. Still PvP is balanced just Glad stats sucks a lot and some skills are not working properly. But the rest is OK. fun pvp good pve. Already tested some classes and now got back here to try on BETA prior live... Don't know what to say. Or them or here the monsters stats are not fixed. For close range player to play here is almost like a DARK SOULS still life for mage or an archer is easy... I hope monsters stats will be revised and corrected if they are wrong
  5. Hi , Im wondering what is it like going to be PvP here. Is the stats that are now in Beta will stay or they going to be changed on Live? I've tried another classic server and for example there my TH 42lvl skills Landed Backstab to Tamlin Orcs (51 lvl) 2,2k dmg with shots ~2,4k ž 1 hit from backstab. Mortal blow +Vicious stance = 1 hit as well (if succeeds). Tried TH here same stats same level , same monsters. I hit max 1.4k dmg from backstab with vicious stance very very slight difference. I must use a lot of skills (with shots activated) to kill x1 monster of the same level... Maybe It's the mob's stats... but seriously... I had 280 p.def and tamlin orc with his bow skill attack 1 hited me for 1.7k dmg... (please do check) .While I know dagger skills are unique and for PvE unstoppable. I've found archer classes here very strong and kind of easy to farm... I wonder if dagger classes now aren't unnecessarily nerfed. Because Imagine pvp : HE with heavy armors Deals TH round 900-1.5k dmg crit dmg. While TH with backstab skill will do like 700 or less... Don't know about another classes here. But something is fishy round here... Just before server goes live please do recheck balance of the classes , while it's not too late and fixes wouldn't need to be done while on live server... BTW in current stats : which classes are strong enough for PvE , PvP?
  6. Im up for In game shop for hair accesories and stuff like that Just to make character look coolier and if possible new hairstyles ;D hehe
  7. Yeah wrong dialog + should give q items 2x
  8. Well just before start Most of bugs I think should be rechecked Some quests n stuff... Drop as well if its correct. And well just 1 week prior start should be more advertisment of opening. SO at start lots and losts of people will join well and if they find this server nice ofc they will stay I expect ~500+ online here.
  9. You're reading lame database... someone made it without doing quest themselves. It has always been this way all l2 versions since prelude (I know from my own experience) 1. You must do quest in Gludin : Vanquish the Remnants from Leo... 2. If you bring him 100+ badges u will get black lion mark. 3. Once you got black lion mark you can abort quest and take another quest in dion (Hunt of the black lion) p.s. I've played L2 classic 4game Russian one and Had Elven Wizard 28 lvl... had to do quest in gludin first.
  10. Yeah , I've found shots kind a bit laggy out here... Happens often sometimes shots are auto-used 0.5-1 secound after cast. Tis rly sucks for casters especially if u're on critical health and trying to use vampiric claw u cast prior using shots f***************************************************CK - ure dead ^^
  11. Well the only thing I would tolerate here that... Premium acc +1 box acc. Or cosmetic shop with (if possible) GoDD character haircut , facial appearances + Hats n' masks.
  12. Well as far they increase spawn for Q monsters its good for me For example Calpico n stuff... But to be honest the best thing would be for 1-2 first days to get someone from a staff to check the things and how the newbies are faring. For example GM with invisible mode. Teleports from time to time to various newbie locations and helps a bit out i mean spawning quest mobs n stuff to reduce crowding
  13. Narmontas

    Shindebarn?Лик_Хаоса This database is reliable... And it says that Shindebarn should be here And as far i know they're from V 1.0. So they should be implemented here.
  14. I think it would be a nice idea to make quests more dynamic out here. I know that you might get x3 adena. But what this x3 adena exactly means? Is it just you hunt monsters and get adena for actual q items given to NPC as a reward? Or reward should be for Quest items -3x. Check this out : Recover the FarmlandФермерские_земли RewardMerchant Asha magical goods at the Store - restoring ancient relics, during the restoration of a chance of failure: Part of the Jade Necklaces - 5 pcs. - Ancient Jade Necklace Pieces of Bronze Mirrors - 5 pcs. - The ancient bronze mirrors Shards of clay urn - 5 pcs. - Ancient Clay Urn Knick-knacks brass pieces - 5 pcs. - Ancient Brass Tiara You can sell the relic to the store at the following rate: Ancient Jade Necklace 1,147 Adena Ancient Bronze Mirrors 945 Adena Ancient Brass Tiara 945 Adena Ancient Clay Urn 810 Adena Part of the Jade Necklaces 126 Adena Pieces of Bronze Mirrors 108 Adena Shards of clay urn 90 Aden Knick-knacks brass pieces 108 AdenaSo if Adena reward is x3 Should they not give 3 times more "adena reward" for those quest items? Ancient Jade Necklace 1,147 - ( 3,441) Ancient Bronze Mirrors 945 - (2,835) Ancient Brass Tiara 945 - (2,835) Ancient Clay Urn 810 - ( 2,430) and etc? Another quest : Hunt of the Black LionОхота_Черного_Льва There you can collect quest item : "Cargo box" and to open it you must pay 650a. fee. You get random quest items from them. (Since this DB lack source , I can provide another one) As you can see you get q items that you can sell for adena so... = adena reward. But here It will be x1 not x3. So what if you make items worth 3x ? and for example on very rare ocassions if you bring statue of Shilen Or Clay tablet you might get even 90k adena. So... easier for a travalers and more motivation for people to do quest . Waiting for your opinion and explaining how does it work... p.s. If we are doing this according to Korean classic. Reward there is x1 so prices and everything is standard but since here is x3 reward It should be felt like reward is 3x bigger. Thx
  15. Check again , 61% is not adena drop , but experience penalty : 61% /100% xp. Exact drop rate is not indicated. So that's what i meant... You kill lots and lots of monsters and u get almost no adena and no drop even though monster is 5 lvl lower Lolz
  16. What is rates for a penalty for a trophy ? I understand for example If it would be like : I mean green , Fair blue monsters : 5 Levels - 10% 6 Levels - 15% 7 Levels - 30% 8 Levels 60% Atm If im hitting light blue monsters I get adena like 1/10 of monsters and they are still tough. So if im to do quest or farm I still must do delvl What about spoiling etc? Or casual situation like : You're doing quest in forgotten temple : 200+ monsters to kill u get 160+ q items and monsters turns light blue. Rest of 40 killing takes a lots of time and prevents any even slight income from a monsters. So you waste time , and adenas just to see whats the reward Or the wisest choice : SUICIDE!! ;D
  17. It will be subclass like - Never or 5 years after ;D
  18. Well and who have spoken anything about changing rates? It was for example quest : "Which would be better for this server" X3 Spoil rate or X1 spoil rate 3x ammount. LOL. And it's just to ensure fair economy lolz
  19. ​ Link please? Its true. Atm i started to hit light green monsters and I get rare adenas and drop... Its rly annoying
  20. There is drop penalty but not that adena penalty. To be honest I think best thing would be that light blue monsters would have slight penalty for drop /adena. Thats all , because you are right. If Im mage of high level I just go to ants nest nuke monsters nonstop till i ran out of mana and collect such a spoils of hunts that could make like 2 hrs hunt for other players by solo ^^
  21. Well the truth to be told if server would be launched with everything on default settings. This server will reach its fiasco. So once rates are modified , quests should be revised , any actual bugs , visual ones as well. And I think that we (beta testers) should help administration to deal with a problems - providing information of any errors within a game. I myself wish this server to be really good , bugless that players could really enjoy this alternative of official servers. So maybe we could reach best ideas , some customisation to fix some errors and faults that are even within game mechanics.
  22. ​ Well korean differs from russian one I wonder which kind of system going to be here