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Everything posted by SOiL

  1. Thanks for BW tunic too. Biz took revenge for you! Bwahahaha, UQ sorry for a lot of -4 the problem is we lost many frags
  2. SOiL

    Lucky Enchant =)

    Are you talking to yourself?
  3. Salaras is full of presents, last time he died from mobs when we were at heart, gave us BO neck +3. Santa claus salaras, ho ho ho!
  4. SOiL

    PvP PvP!

    Forgot to say, suggest me soundtracks - songs for next videos! Mail in game or message here
  5. SOiL

    PvP PvP!

    Gang means to go with others.. I went by myself.. Yeah my 100% stun, you don't see the anchor I get on mental shield + lionheart. Even rolan resisted blaster, what lvl is he?
  6. SOiL

    PvP PvP!

    ​Hahahaha! I love you too
  7. SOiL

    PvP PvP!

  8. SOiL

    PvP PvP!

    Enjoy! ​
  9. Damn 38 ppl CC and we had just 23! We shouldn't rush with mobs But, was a nice fight WP
  10. ​i dont say abaut reuse time, read what i say. the same cast time of skill with +/- 0 dex and -15 Dex WTB when stun resist, stun chance from glad skill, CD from glad skill will be repaired ? when OL make sleep with 90 % chance all cry there cose it was me, now when Soil stun all with 90 % chance its normal ? for me no. ​5 euro
  11. ​I believe in classic that's how they balance necros, with these buff resists, there are no other buff resists. But if they're not working ofc he will be much more OP.
  12. Man dunno why are we answering him, this monkey wanna create linemage 2. I did a video about dark-holy resist and invocation song and nobody cared. Now he remembered that orfen is broken JUST FOR fighters ahahaha! and stuns are OP but anchors-fears are not.
  13. 3. TSS that's my best of my skills doesn't have avoid shield def, neither blaster and aoe skills. Just triple slash and fatal strike.
  14. Man it's like you're talking to monkey. Tbh after so many times monkey could understand about orfen..
  15. Upload the video, it will be funny how you're looking at me for 40 mins while you're dead.
  16. ​I'm beast, you're fastcastspelling pussies.
  17. 1. MP +31, Mental Resistance and Atk. Rate +15%, Hold Resistance and Atk. Rate +20%, Healing Power +6%, Skill MP Consumption -5%. Has a chance of absorbing 3% of damage inflicted on the enemy as MP. The effect doesn't stack if two identical earrings are worn. Cannot be enchanted. Dunno where you see about magic damage. 2. Im old school player, didnt see in description there's the CD time, also I play with macros. 3. Ye okay about anchor whatever you say. SWS maximizes heavy armor mastery at 35 lvl, i'm 73. lol 4. I don't have -15 dex and I'm not your friend.
  18. And you're lucky that dark-holy resists are not working yet, 8 months now while 60% of server are nukers.
  19. 1. Orfen is broken, all of your mages are EXPing without mp rechargers. I can do the same with orfen while im hitting mobs for 4k. 2. I didn't know that TSS had 10 seconds CD. I already reported my AOE's when learned about it (Check old posts). Im not killing you with TSS np. 3. Cause anchors got the same. I hit 2k on heavy cause I use my hex first and then I crit. I hitted so much to xwar cause I had 1.4k p.atk this time. (Dyes for EXP). 4. Im not using -15 dex And yes it has effect, if someone use -15 dex it goes -100 atk speed or maybe more. Mages will use 5 spells until -15 dex will try to blaster with duals. Stop crying about balance when you got 1.5k cast speed and hitting me for 3k on critical while I got BO jewells +4.
  20. Rush. Rush on every warrior at H5 without any reuse time on them was so wrong. How is it possible a heavy armored guy to rush into the faces of the others? Like these heavy armored destros? I got a nice idea but dunno if that can work in game. Give rush to destros but they have to wear light armor to use it, also with some reuse time on it like 10-15 seconds. Btw please, just please! Make a penalty on archers-daggers about heavy armors, it's so ugly and these light armors we drop are useless in market. Boost a bit the light armor mastery of them. (I know everyone gonna say no to that cause official is like that too, but we don't follow official 100% here and that's why this server is even better than official).
  21. SOiL

    Mages CON

    And these guys are calling me a noob