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Everything posted by weeeeD

  1. Is this what we get for letting goodlife free farm kariks and 3w? Flame on our recruit thread? damn, dark days !
  2. Not sure we lost castle to the crash (more like 2 biggest allies in the server 69'ing and chn zerg trampling us), but still very bad timing to crash.
  3. Is possible that it is activated as monthly or something cuz i fished on an alt char few days ago and he could take the reward. But i cant on the chars i fished more often.
  4. He did.. we were having this nostalgic chat other day. Best servers ever to me, aerith/nanaki/celes
  5. You might have a good day here, then get crushed next week, or even win many but make few points..... You never know with this oly, I think i've seen all top enforcers have bad weekends in these 2 months... For all we know maybe you got easier matchups for having low % win last month ? The win/loss matters very little if you faced bunch of scrubs, it is literally one day of oly and with bunch of desperate people trying to do feed waves, the day of the month with more random chars registering....
  6. We know.. cipka is too strong for this server. We considered replacing him for a weaker player to balance things out.
  7. Oh boy, how easier it is to have excuses in hand than admitting that this CP has been wrecking the entire SA prime for a while...
  8. Yea, neither does circlet....
  9. Even in chess you have the advantage for playing first =p. You play in a competitive ally, go beg for a castle or smth, it is not the game's fault that you are focusing on boosting a single clan.
  10. He was compensated very well from what he told me, not with adena but smth else ... I was never sure the story was true until now, lol.
  11. Yeye ok nice lowbie hero video ! But I think everyone who faces an ES 77 should automatically be granted resist shock lvl 4 before match starts . PJSalt
  12. Are you still talking about olympiad ? Overall dps is not high cuz no empower you know.... If you have guard on, vortex doesnt land and u have no crusher. If you have benefaction on, you laugh at the damage. But sure outside of oly and with arcane power the mages will do fine... you know, if one day they get all those tablets for them. edit: and olympiad is obviously a lot more about feed waves and 69'ing enemy allies, as we are currently seeing. Gratz on allying the two biggest allies for olympiad, we are all so impressed....
  13. The "competitive" community is questionable but the server is great and most definitely worth giving a shot, there is a place for everyone... i think
  14. weeeeD


    Huge difference between wanting a zerg of 5x-6x people to beat an also big group of 7x (and hero zerg) and 2 somewhat-even groups of 7x with one side having meatshields' number advantage. Even totallytoxic won an aden siege for WS in 2016 by respawning lowbies nonstop at the flag and running at us while the rest fought.
  15. weeeeD


    It was not luck. China screwed up hard in the last 5-10 mins and everyone saw.... Big mistakes ^^
  16. weeeeD


    You're wrong. They wouldn't call you if they thought they could win the fight without you. Maybe in a world where skills don't cost MP weaker parties don't make a difference. In its current state, even a 5x party meatshield helps.
  17. weeeeD


    You mean when we entered TOI with same ammount of CPs and you'd PR to come back with minimum 1 party advantage over us? sure...
  18. @Lina 72+ ? You talking about levels? 90% there are easily 74+, most of them 76+.... They even have a chinese WC with CoV helping them.... I think you just described more than half of your party ^^..... biggest crybaby on this server lawl
  19. weeeeD


    Personally, planning to take my CP to play golf on France or the Netherlands and come back in a few months.
  20. Certainly doesn't feel like it, at least on mystic classes.
  21. Server would not be up for 2years + heavily populated if it was a cheap java server. But suit yourself. Daily rewards should come back soon enough.