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Everything posted by weeeeD

  1. Hi, just passing by to remind everyone who is the garbage collector in this server:
  2. Yea, except for the part where my facts comes from your entire alliance lying in public when the split happened.
  3. Funny, it just makes you guys a bunch of hypocrital propaganda bitches for flaming ES like that on forum. Not surprising, for me personally.
  4. you literally flamed them on forum for betraying you into another alliance with ooc. is not opinion, is fact.
  5. Lol, 5+ months later after the death of DL, pure carebear farm for many months, and only broke because ES decided to leave, not because you wanted anything zerg boy.
  6. Your english is very poor but it seems you (darksky btw, not "ordinary rb player") lost the boss before the server problem ?
  7. Fixed that for ya.
  8. You do realize that there is water near what would be "giran shopping area" and it would not be very different ? If you move market there people would probably start fishing more there cuz that's just where they would be at the time, they run to water hit fish and go to sleep/afk. And it makes it a lot worse for everyone actually having to pass through giran, be it for grocery, quest, group for loa, grouping for rbs, buying talismans, making toi tali, buying luxury shop, having clan hall in giran (would suck so hard to have low fps inside ur own ch) or just teleporting somewhere else, while you can completely ignore giran harbor if you are not going to buy or sell stuff. So what's better, to annoy everyone that has to go to giran to do anything or annoy only the people that will buy/sell at harbor ? Yes we've all survived shops in giran in other servers, but doesn't mean it wasn't laggy as fk or better than harbor is. Your arguments are too flawed, you have nostalgic reasons, not logical ones.
  9. Poor zombies are no match for Masha....
  10. weeeeD

    Chatuba de Meskita

    lmfao, nsfw music
  11. Wanna try playing in small server with 20 shops? I don't get the complaints. Imagine having that quantity of shops in giran and having to port giran during a siege... would be super fun...... I'd agree about the sleep animation but i imagine it would be equally laggy without them anywayz ;D
  12. weeeeD

    Music Thread

    @rhaegar ................... Jerry doesnt like it, so i'll go to sleep and i'll pray for Blue...
  13. weeeeD

    Music Thread

    @JerrySM ! Is all pvp music to me. But we can go more underground...
  14. Brags about dropping from people in toi 11, but in reality spends 90% of his playtime stunning 6x randoms in abg...
  15. something something, 3 boxes per party, something something
  16. I'd advise some Pince CP member to stop him from embarassing you guys even more....
  17. Yes, we got destroyed in the siege so we had to manipulate the media. This one is for you, 100% photoshop.
  18. He just jinxed it... NF to lose Oren next siege...
  19. Because... to make it clear for you: All mobs are NPCs, not all NPCs are mobs.
  20. ps: now i get why sometimes they roam around our castle and some afk fishermen even get killed for being in bad position, they are just checking if other clans cheat the way they do... @Pendragon you don't have to kill inside to break the rules, luring inside and closing gates is enough as you are forbidding other people to touch the RB. And the reason he moved it outside is obviously cuz he noticed he got caught
  21. 4months later still doing the same thing they did on first month... but "he didnt know" ahahahahahaha
  22. And im not rly sure who is warlock hero. Tbh hero list in game says Baldwin so im going with that :D
  23. 5 -> 3 -> 3 i think, you're counting past allies or something... And March hero warlock is wrong there, it is Baldwin chinu too.