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Everything posted by weeeeD

  1. I dunno looking at clock it feels hydro landed 1s later... Core does not have such long cast. Maybe clock is just fooling me tho.
  2. Doesnt feel it is the hydro cuz it was a bit later..... could it be bug related to the benefaction talisman ending somehow?
  3. weeeeD


    What actually happens when ripwalker eats pizza playing oly:
  4. pls... our greek bishops start celebrating when they get a h2h matchup with you on oly.
  5. weeeeD


    Few days... olympiad days.... Funny guy, nice feed
  6. weeeeD


    jam6o perkunas boy
  7. weeeeD

    Hero weapons addition!

    but... my RL plans...
  8. Why are the RMT queens posting here multiple times ? Don't they know that we aren't selling, what interest could they have here ? Stick to buying epics, gear, chars and clan halls from the sellers "in your side" guys........ No wait... maybe they wanna share their 69 experiences with wukong, rebirth, jungle, soulmate (pathetic attempts), should we hear their brainwashed words ?
  9. That's not the castle one tho, so they might heal differently. One of them isnt supposed to work in combat, just dont remember which. Probably the event one doesnt work in combat.
  10. weeeeD

    Clan Hall inst.

    Nope, the thing you posted below isn't even clan hall related afaik, that's new arena feature for clans. Provisional clan halls were added on 1.5 according to these patch notes: http://ftp.inn.eu/forum/l2/Amarantha/cl15/L2CEUpn.pdf edit: maybe even 1.0? Those are the patch notes for skelth's start i think, i dunno.
  11. ... meanwhile, zacman and screamforme still blanketing the floor and the sky is still blue.
  12. "Should probably defend the guys who bought some of my chars and epics" - AwakenClown when thinking about posting in this thread
  13. Probably in the hands of every heavy donator server has.... is not just china, but sure they have many investors ^^
  14. Yes, improved enchant weapons were not a good thing for the server's health... Was obvious from the moment they gave the reward list.... Might be too late to complain now
  15. Any chance you took down a certain Lv. 79 SK together, for the same reason?
  16. They admitted to their mistakes tbh. You never admit yours. Get the fuck out.
  17. For me the funniest part is how he makes new acc to defend his alt char and pretend to be super nice on first post... but in 2-4 posts everyone already knows it is the same tard, monkey can't control himself.
  18. I dunno who deserves less, the guy who had his char driven the entire month or the guy who was competitive because of his lvl 79 achieved via botting.
  19. Maybe you just doNT understand english ^^. I'm sure thedandy made more points on his own than you, but thats not the point i was making.
  20. Judging by the difference in quality you played 3-4 weekends, not just 2, and Erky also had a driver on last weekend. It was his first time playing oly in classic and he ended ahead of you... ps: wow 3 pts difference sorc... luckily for the enemies, you fed the wrong hero on that CP.
  21. Played a few games with EE on oly while doing feed and i could resist many stuns in 2 fights.. I don't know the guys' levels but i wasnt high lvl myself, only 62... But for sure it made some difference because on 77 char all stuns land on me when i have no circlet activated, even from 73-74people.
  22. Very entertaining, well played