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Everything posted by weeeeD

  1. weeeeD

    Giran CH BUGGED

    Entire server can't, buddy.
  2. weeeeD

    Christmas Event spree!

  3. He asked about one sided war, where normal PK rules still apply. But what you said is true for 2sided wars.
  4. So will this EU proxy be changed to smth like it was before ? Or are you talking about something else ?
  5. I wish, it is actually 1-2 sec for me since wednesday's proxy problems. #BringTheOldEuropeanProxyBack Oly day (and probably weekend) ruined for me.
  6. Our CPs werent active, sure we wouldn't beat you with 5-6 boxes lol, but remember how we could still make mixed active parties and teach you how to play the game ?
  7. That's the first question that comes to mind when people think about your CP . People can only bear being with you for so long... Might wanna start learning chinese in advance since you'll have to hop somewhere else soon.
  8. He types this, while his leader proceeds to build another zerg that outnumbers everyone 3:1... zzzzzzzzzzzzz pure zerg, get the fuck out of here.
  9. How can someone not understand a very short sarcasm post with an italic "not" in the middle of the sentence is beyond my mind
  10. Don't go against the crazy ones.. Just join them. I got an old Ipad 2. I regret updating to latest iOS versions, it just got slower and slower after every update. Buy me a new one too
  11. I specifically liked the one with 30 players CC called 18v18. Bullshitting at its finest, makes it hard to feel like opening the rest tho.
  12. weeeeD

    2.0 Duelist

    Yea, because we totally didn't start getting them with 4 cps in front of your 300 players zerg. Then did the same to badproducts' 150. Only free epics guys !
  13. Also Myrciu's pvp in a nutshell. "Circles dead body"
  14. "Epics don't make any difference in pvp" -fishfood, like a month before going to skelth and buying all epics with money. Full of shit or not?
  15. weeeeD


    So why the owner of that warlord still plays and you haven't returned anything ? Scam is scam, doesn't matter if it was reported or not.
  16. weeeeD


    Sure, other than the fact that one is a huge asshole and the other scammed an entire WL gear of my cp, i also have nothing against them either, super cool guys .
  17. weeeeD


    Yea, mb was dermeister on the necro. I don't care enough to search on past threads. Anw, wasnt a matter of luck with new members, look who you recruited...
  18. weeeeD


    He was playing ih3art in your party, that's what they are talking about....
  19. weeeeD


    I'm not talking about yday's gank. This happens since 1.5 at blazing swamp, ab.... The only fights he takes are with other parties on his side... Is standard stiba mindset to think that 2 guys moving towards his party is zerg attack . This would be the most boring server ever if everyone was a carebear like Stiba. The only reason people keep pointing this out is because he has a big mouth and talks shit all the time, cuz it is common knowledge and doesn't even need to be said. lol??? Funny how everything we reject goes to your side or just stays here, we are still with same 3 clans, just finished filling slots, no big deal. If we recruited every party/clan that looked to join our side in the past few months, no one would be able to compete with us in this server and your ally would be a lot smaller . Would also be boring for everyone, specially for us. But we are not biZZerg, most of us are heavily against building any kind of zerg so don't worry about that, we take very slow steps when it comes to recruiting. Meanwhile your ally leader (already having the majority of players in the server) borrows buff boxes to Level 4x CPs hoping to recruit them later if they stay long enough in the server. Soon we might see his PP at talking island.
  20. weeeeD


    Sounds like stiba indeed. We gank him with 3-4 people he shouts SM ZERG, comes forum say SM ZERG, while running away/pr'ing/bsoe'ing with 5+.
  21. Personally, i'm way more annoyed by the fact that you don't get unmounted the moment u get stunned, feared, damaged, etc.... Ganking in 2.0 is so lame, 2 secs to dismount and use skill while person being ganked just mounts quick and runs with speed boost. Mounts suck. But if they are here, let it be retail-like and whatever.