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Everything posted by Koll

  1. There was fast restart. Try to connect now. For now there will be only 1 proxy available.
  2. Hello. Please contact me at skype: koll.classic
  3. Koll

    Cant Register Game ACC.

    Hello. Please contact me at skype: koll.classic
  4. We are making new launcher. Hope we will have enough time to make it tomorrow till Final Beta start.
  5. Koll

    Event - Advertising

    Yes. Rewards stacks.
  6. Koll

    Event: Five steps to WIN!

    We will close event on October 24th.
  7. Please contact me at skype: koll.classic about your crit.
  8. Koll

    Link to database

    The most correct base is l2central. But as you said it's russian. We have downloaded l2central when it was 1.0 Classic info, but it still in russian. So we need to translate it to Eng just to help people understand. If we just translate it with google translate it will be the same as you go on l2central and check it by our self. If we start translate it properly - the amount of htmls need to be translate is: 9.369, so it will take hundreds hours.
  9. Koll

    [FIXED]World map

    Try to add this file in SysTextures folder. https://mega.nz/#!8RA3WB6B!VgE3GmW8OlDs98Mrq9t_kyjrqkeIrVC8CPVgtIje8mg It's from our client, but you don't have it for some reason.
  10. Koll

    [NOT BUG]Bug Exp.

    ​If you see 2nd screen - char lvl 5 was attacking monster, so he get exp based on damage he made to mob. Checking if % of getting exp is correct.
  11. Already fixed on server with live rates.
  12. Koll

    A detail.

    Will check.
  13. Koll

    GeoData reports

    Thanks, will check.
  14. Koll

    [NOT BUG]Bug Exp.

    Can you make screenshot of your test?
  15. ​You first post is copy from another site. Just corrected somewhere http://i.imgur.com/7XmfC3f.png https://roosterteeth.com/user/wolfdragon?page=16
  16. Koll

    [FIXED]Stun Animation

    Hello. We have this report. Will be fixed.
  17. The main goal of any MMO game is to make players play together. We understand that most of you are trying to make everything solo nowadays cause you afraid or too shy to find party or create it. If everyone will have infinite boxes - classes like PP or any support will be just boxed. So players that like to support most of the time will not have party cause everyone will have their own support. We want all of you to become a team, where every class will be very important. Cause if you will play all the time solo - the game will not be so interesting and fun as in a party. But we still give the option to play solo for players that just come to find out what Classic is and don't want to coop with anyone.