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Everything posted by Koll

  1. Hello. Will ask supports to check.
  2. https://www.twitch.tv/kollclassic
  3. Yes. But will be delayed for 3 min.
  4. Hello. Because server crush - server time for some reason was installed incorrect. You have 30 min to: 1) Registed on sieges back. 2) Reinforece walls back.
  5. Koll

    Forgot my PIN

    [email protected] But write from E-mail connected to account you trying to get Chars PIN.
  6. Koll

    Forgot my PIN

    You can contact supports via skype: events.classic
  7. Koll

    Forgot my PIN

    Hello. You need to contact supports, after you prove that you are account owner - they will be able to send you pin.
  8. Koll


    Hello. You need to contact supports for it.
  9. All of them must be Enabled in "dxdiag" - or you need to install DirectX or Install Video drivers.
  10. Hello. After you creating first account - it will be already connected to MA ( e-mail ). After this you will be able to create more ingame accounts on same MA. About PA: PA connecting to ingame account, for example your ingame account "Testacc111" and MA(e-mail) "[email protected]". On MA "[email protected]" you will be able to have up to 10 accounts "Testacc111" "Testacc222" "Testacc333" and etc, but PA will be connected only to one of this ingame accounts, so if you activate PA on char from acc "Testacc111" only chars from this account will have PA and won't count as a box.
  11. Koll


    Did you tried to claim weapon?
  12. Koll

    Auction Problem

    Hello. After you bought items supports will manually send it to you in 3-4 hours, then you will be able to take them from web.
  13. Koll

    Auction Problem

    Hello. PM me account name that you logged with on site on that screen.
  14. For char "Forever" https://www.twitch.tv/videos/149468437?t=42m04s
  15. Koll

    Char transfer

    Hello. What is your ticket ID? I don't see tickets with such delay.
  16. Koll

    Update 2.0

    It wasn't deleted or hidden. You just need to search.
  17. Hello. If you didn't have items anymore - please contact supports.
  18. Hello. First step will be make delay 0.75 second and increase sell price to 40k. Then we will check if it's enough and will fix problem.
  19. Koll

    Scam shop in GH

    For first time as always he will be able to unban for free and we will just warn him. If he will continue - he will be actually banned. Can be even permanent banned.
  20. Koll

    Scam shop in GH

    Banned. Thx for report.
  21. Tracert till our server is your provider responsability. You showed that on IP you have ping till 1000+. Also you told that your ping till EU proxy is 30.