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Everything posted by San0

  1. San0

    doom / BW

    after tomorrow restart u should have boots on the unicorn and gloves on the queen
  2. sempre k corres o launcher ele vai ver todos os ficheiros pa encontrar algo k teja em falta, iso em computadores mais lentos ou com internet mais lenta pode demorar ate 1 minuto ou algo assim, s for o caso, ou se demorar mais, tens sempre a opçao de abrir o jogo pela pasta system no executavel la do l2. so precisas correr o updater quando houver mudanças no server ou nos fixeiros e esses sao normalmente anunciados no forum e in game.
  3. San0

    doom / BW

    they were added back to this mobs when loa was open, but for some reason on the late afternoon restart this drop lists went back to the drops list before loa. will be fixed on friday restart.
  4. u have deadman's glory, aoba and heavy war axe.
  5.   ​Most of those commands work fine. Except:  //set_skill (skill ID)(skill level)//set_class (class ID)//gm_speedit says: command not aviable for builder.Imho it would be good to put those commands to work.set_class - atm the only way to set another class on character is creating new one with specific race, its time consuming.set_skill - it would be good to set some random buff on character, instead of running another acc just to make box with buff on test server.gm_speed - not necessary, but might be fun.Ofc, all above for testing purposes. Greets ​//setskill //setclass //gmspeed ​that.. i keep puting underscores everywhere for some reason
  6. ​ ​       ​Most of those commands work fine. Except:   //set_skill (skill ID)(skill level) //set_class (class ID) //gm_speed it says: command not aviable for builder. Imho it would be good to put those commands to work. set_class - atm the only way to set another class on character is creating new one with specific race, its time consuming. set_skill - it would be good to set some random buff on character, instead of running another acc just to make box with buff on test server. gm_speed - not necessary, but might be fun. Ofc, all above for testing purposes. Greets ​Alt+g will pop a window. where u can do pretty much everything, change classes, search for skills, give skills to yourself and other characters etc. u do not need to make other char to have other class.
  7. San0

    doom / BW

    and yes those parts dont drop in LOA.
  8. San0

    doom / BW

    so theres no drop at all or you have 1 - 3 parts? oO
  9. ​<40 : try to find some random pt for aoe 40-50: after finish 2nd transfer quest, go to aligator island and start grinding with your dog 50-60: now go to enchanted valley and do the same thing suggestion: donate 10 euro and make a SE to recharge yourself and have DW/focus buff ​ITS A CAT!!! 
  10. Some of the commands it might be useful.   Level  //setparam lv (level u want). Needs to have target on target. Skills. //set_skill_all  will learn all possible skills for your level and class.         //set_skill (skill ID)(skill level). Will learn on your target the respective skill on respective level. Classes.  //set_class (class ID). Will change the class of your target to respective class. //gm_speed 5  it's self explanatory   //undying onoff also doest need explanation Stats //setparam wit/dex/str/con/wit/int from1 to 99. Items. //summon (item ID) (amount) Lemme know if u need anything else. Just in case try with new account. //summon (NPC name/ID) summons respective NPC. And you can use alt+g to open GM window.  
  11. if you will be a dark avenger it doesnt mater where, dark avengers are like chuck norris of the L2, best class ever. and the most important part, like all real man should, you will have a black cat!!! now that i left my totally not influential comment, ill leave the post for the ppl who actually play the game and know about this    
  12. San0

    Damage bug

    well, first i must say your print screen is indeed priceless, i would be carefull on your future accounts btw, second... lvl 17 with devotion tunic and pants and im getting 39, 36 damage from ruin imp, so not rly folowing the problem. maybe u shouldn't be trying to kill mobs higher level then you when u are naked and buffless and level 12. just pointing it out.  
  13. on loa u have it by drop on some mobs + u have the quest to get them.
  14. they will be added on Nostalgia on next friday's restart.
  15. you could have comented on the same topic, there was no need to create new one what u need to know about it?
  16. San0


    - mobs running back to spot problem fixed. - HP regen problm fixed.  
  17. everyone can see that is obviously photoshoped...
  18. Those problms with training will be solved on tomorrow's restart as well as some other things that were found.
  19. San0


    yes you do, knoriks have a chance of spawning when u kill a pytan.
  20. ​Dont know what u talk about son!!! all normal here!!! nothing wrong with the word anirvesar... i mean.. anniversary    
  21. San0


    this was reported already and most of it will be fixed on tomorrow restart.
  22. San0

    LoA Update Patch Notes

    ​the update is not that big, and there is not that many of big changes so i dont think it will be required a test phase for this one. Pretty much everything was tested by me and koll and dont think we will have any problems with it.
  23. Dear players! Here is a list of all available All classes Hair Accessories: 1. Daisy Hairpin 2. Forget-me-not Hairpin 3. Outlaw's Eyepatch 4. Pirate's Eyepatch 5. Monocle 6. Red Mask of Victory 7. Red Horns of Victory 8. Party Mask 9. Red Party Mask 10. Cat Ears 11. Lady's Hairpin 12. Raccoon Ears 13. Rabbit Ears 14. Little Angel Wings 15. Fairy Antennae 16. Chapeau 17. Artisan's Goggles 18. Dapper Cap 19. Wizard Hat 20. Jester Hat 21. Piggy Hat 22. Teddy Bear Hat 23. Coronet 24. Ruthless Tribe Mask 25. Top Hat 26. Assassin's Bamboo Hat 27. Refined Angel Ring 28. Mischievous Bee Hat 29. White Uniform Hat 30. Chic Silver Chapeau 31. Refined Wizard Hat 32. Refined Jester Hat 33. Laborer Hat 34. Afro Hair 35. Refined Devil Horn 36. Hat of Cheers 37. Baseball Cap 38. Brilliant Beach Sun Cap 39. Napoleon Hat 40. Manor Scholar's Hat 41. Puffer Hat 42. Shark Hat 43. Fungus Hat Hats can be purchased on Nostalgia NPC Best regards, Classic Team
  24. San0

    LoA Update Patch Notes

     Added change. ​