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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. 10 days left before the month is over :v
  2. ​hence why they'll get a ranged stun in 2.0. they'll basicly become like gladiators, just with more stuns.
  3. ​and resist shock ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  4. ​Or he just never refreshed the pages he opened few weeks ago & was still reading those pages :D. Or even better he is using Internet Explorer 5. ​
  5. there's been plenty of people that made alts in KR/RU just to grief other people and get their loot, wether they were bots or legit. so if you plan to play here, you should mentally prepare yourself to deal with it, because the same thing will happen here for guaranteed. if you really can't stand that way of playing, i suggest you to start with a character with high CON and that will eventually get stun/paralize-resist skills later on, because 99% of the retards that will play as griefers will most likely try to stun/paralyze you when you're under attack by mobs. [edit] on a sidenote, playing together with friends/clan ensures you that if someone else tries to grief you, he's likely going to get his ass wiped by the other 8 people from your group.
  6. that's one reason as to why people should not play alone in Classic. [edit] not sure if they'll change it in classic too with further patches, but i think it was only around c5 that they changed it to drop from inventory only, and not from the character itself anymore.
  7. in mass PvP, it's a given that the range of attack always makes the difference. it's a common role in warfare, simply because those who hit first have the advantage. group vs group or solo PvP is another story thou, since there's less numbers involved and the situation may vary depending on class/party setup.
  8. full warlord party. with detect Dragon Weakness. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) there is no way in hell a melee party is better than an archer party in pvp. ​ ​depends. a party of gladiators/warlords in 2.0 may wipe out an archer party just with ranged stunlocks. needless to say that with Lionheart active, you won't even stun any of them unless the gods of RNG decide it's your lucky day. then again, fighting a party of daggers/tanks is another story.
  9. you can have a costant party without even being in a clan, just sayin'. what really matters is that you're able to get along with the other people of the group and enjoy the game for what it is. then, if those you're playing with actually know what they're doing, would be even better. otherwise, if you'll find yourself playing with assholes most of the time, you're going to regret it soon or later, even if they're skilled players. that's also what usually happens in clans that aim to be top-tier after a while, simply because after the core members have been set in stone, anyone else joining after tends to be left behind on their own just to make "quantity". been there before, so i know by personal experience. small/mid size clans work way better party-wise simply because it's easier for everyone to get to know each other and band together when needed. then ofc, having someone else in your friendlist help as well.
  10. ​offi has only adena x3 at the moment, so it would already be 1/2 C1 on retail adena-wise. here, we were supposed to get x3 on both exp/adena at Live. and i've already made another thread in the suggestions section to ask about exp loss as well.
  11. so, on offi they've set exp loss on death to 4%( since the previous 10% chased off most casuals and PvP died after hitting mid-high levels ), and increased the adena drop of x3( since 1/6 of C1 was way too much of a handicap ). will we get the same improved rates here at Live launch, or will we stay with the 1.0 default crippled rates? i'm asking because changing them in order to match retail would simply make the game less grindy, and PvP way more enjoyable for everyone. any answer from the admins will be appreciated.
  12. when it comes to gear and groups, it would probably be better to get first the +12 dyes after reaching lv40, since it's a "static" change, and then think about improving gear again. the problem for some classes is that as a melee you'll need to change your NG armor and weapon to D grade at some point on the way to lv40, while mages will have to buy spellbooks too, but at least they won't have to worry about armor sets too much.
  13. ​i think you have no clue about retail L2C rates.
  14. ​it's not only about russian. they should just lock it to english simply because otherwise everyone could use chinese/arabian/whatever non-alphabetical language.
  15. if RNG goes wrong and you get the other weapon, at least you can always try to trade it for the opposite.
  16. not sure if they'll ever implement Sin Eaters again in Classic, since there's PK coins now. that was the main/best way to keep spoilers locked at one level, without the need of suiciding on guards. surely better than any other kind of customized shit.
  17. well said, lock it to english and that's it.
  18. ​Which competition? Only competition I think is 4game and I doubt they would launch in September. http://classic.melcosoft.ws/ ​well, if they manage to get most of the ruskys from here to there, i sure wouldn't mind considering how was this forum before, during the 1st beta, i'd be very happy instead.
  19. ​on offi, when GoD launched, you had rows of 50-60 people waiting for a single quest monster. GMs didn't help at all, and things got settled on their own. here may either happen the same thing, or eventually PvP may happen. but considering the usual mindset of most gamers nowdays, people would rather prefer to wait their turn instead of risking to loose a 10% exp.
  20. the main reason as to why most people prefer BD in PvE over SWS is not only for the damage-boost dances, but also because they have Hex+Bleed+Poison along with better dps given by dual swords passives. SWS has only the Holy Blade Toggle at best to deal some more damage against undead monsters, and has passives only for 1h swords. however, don't expect to see BDs with decent duals anytime soon in Classic. as for the Buffers named previously, i won't bother explaining their role again since at this point everyone should have at least a basic idea about how supporters work in Classic. imo, leveling a Cleric up to 35 for an extra Holy Blade+Berserk and then leveling a WC to the max, would still be the most profitable "standard" combination for every person that plan to dualbox with melees.
  21. this is kinda offtopic :v SWS got silence in Classic thou, so at least in PvP they'll actually be more useful than BDs since they can also stop the enemy healers/mages.
  22. well, in the long run SE and EE are still better suited as mage supporters than any other buffer, but as i said above, EE is kind of a late bloomer since they get all the important stuff( Clarity/WM )way later on in game. i always looked at EEs as an hybrid Bishop due to similar skills, with the addition of Party Recall in case shit goes wrong. it's simply a class that's better suited for PvP rather than PvE. too bad that the essential buffs aren't as early as the ones from SE, otherwise they could've found groups easier. they will still get groups eventually, since everyone will be playing with a scrap of paper and a wooden stick at the beginning. they just won't be a "priority" buffer, that's all.
  23. up to lv 20-25, soloing shouldn't be a problem. the issues will start when you'll get to the point of having obsolete gear and not being able to handle the mobs of your level properly. in that case, you either get better gear, or get a group. in order for a party to be effective/profitable for everyone, people will mostly make AoE groups with either melees( lances )or mages( AoE spells/debuffs ). that's just for "default" leveling thou. if people will find hunting zones locked by Clans or other groups, they can eventually go for higher level mobs by making full groups and using the single-target method. probably it won't be as fast as AoE farming and you'll surely need healers in order to stay alive against red mobs, but that's the only alternative if all the other current farming spots are taken.