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Everything posted by zorgzor

  1. ​never regroup? you really think we take castle and came along is pvp with you but we never tried to regroup ? really? you really think those 1% exp loss will stop us from charging into enemies ? really? you really believe that? Just ​take and look twitch, if dont help, try look secound time abaut what you do on flag, just dieing from 50 ppl, and nobody fight in non siege zone, i dont need to think nothink just say that i see on siege.You rush with no buffs, whats why i say if ppl lose % thay will not rush like fresh meat, :))) https://www.twitch.tv/kollclassic/profile
  2. need to thx GM for destroying server, no % lost in siege = never kill zerg who resp on flags, enemy never regroup, cose thay dont need, just stand near flag and be like meat, gz for SM, but like i say in some topic all systems which we have now just destroy this server, and in 2 month all clans just defense self castles.Also thx GM for drop items from guards, how you see siege when clan who have castle cant attack other, cant put flag, drop % and drop items from guards, and in future you wana make no teleports in siege towns.....
  3. zorgzor


    lets tham post i dont know nicks of dwarfs just speak on ts
  4. zorgzor


    dont know abaut hwid limit but lots crafters spoilers active or chars who was created 1-2 day ago was baned from all. From friend other clans to, what why i say 50 % online less ;///
  5. zorgzor


    50 % server baned gg server
  6. at least more ppl start test debufs, and land rate, nice, cose admin nothink say for me, debufs land rate is like shit...... bigest lvl = less chance, from fuking 15 skills OL just 4 skills posible use
  7. GM ????? !!!!!! WL 70 lvl cant stun 60+ members. all resists Root on 45 lvl who have m def buf 3 / 10, sleep 3 / 10, fear 3 / 10 , testing with aoba +5 + orfen earring
  8. i dont see GM an answer abaut debufs land, imposible root sleep or debuf 50+60+ members when we are 70 lvl, what is going on.........
  9. ​You must understand that blocking Teleport will make harder to your wars to find you and if you win fight against them - you will have more time that you can spend on killing guards and etc. Also it will prevent big ally from running between castles each 2 min ( because teleport is available ) just to not give you castle. ​agreed, i think ncosft changed this becoz with big majority of players of official, make teleportation valiable means more fights and more intense for big alliances, but with this server i also dont think thats a great ideal, but as i said koll, pls make siege 4 hours if you wanan make this happnes, becoz i really dont wanna use those precious 30 minutes just to run @@ ​why 4 h ? maby 12 h or 24 h xaxaxa Also it will prevent big ally from running between castles each 2 min: bad idea , L2 its not only pvp, its also abaut fast regroup and fight and defens two or more castles. so if change this in future other ally will take dion, someone gludio and that all. nobody from this ally will fight other castle, cose thay will not wana spend so much time to run other castle, cose all wana defens self, and in 2+ months nobody will fight in sieges just stay this 2h time in self castle . GG
  10. i am waiting topic when war will make wote for limit online in game
  11. zorgzor

    My Demon Staff +1

    ​and how situation will look if i sell self old item when i buy nev (who was stolen from someone) my old item will back for me ? or i will lost two items ?
  12. ​Isn't "Not lose exp on siege" making more PVP, not PVE? ​Forcing people to go inactive making it. (taking that hold them here away) ​I don't understand the bad side of this thing. For example: Plus: - Clans will regroup slower. So 1 clan/ally will not able to have 2 or 3 castles. Clan attacking castle willn't need to fight each 3 - 5 min and will have time to process on castle capture. - Flags are not useless. Right now better don't use flags and just regroup in city - it will not take longer then to regroup on flag. Minus: - EXPing for some players will slower or even stop for this time because they will be lazy to run or it will be impossible to run to next farm location. ​Minus: - Clans will regroup slower. So 1 clan/ally will not able to have 2 or 3 castles - (I didnt want to talk about it but) Not that much online so it will be separated on all castles w/o chance to group all online of server on one castle. You must understand what im talking about if you have seen at least one siege on ru classic. (posted prev.) Siege here is not about standing 2h on same castle its about fast regroups. You must mess wars to take castle you must help ally to take castle and you must protect your own castle THATs what makes sieges interesting in L2C. ​Isn't it making 1 sided server if 1 Ally will be able to do all of this in short amount of time? ​i will say that its not one side problem, its problem wars who dont know how to make other sides and just making small clans with 10+ ppl
  13. zorgzor

    Paagrio Heart

    Restores a clan member's HP with 159 Power and recovers 53 HP per second for 15 seconds. Regen 35 hp per sec .
  14. 509For 15 seconds restores 33 HP of the target each second.Skill regen 22 hp on this lvl
  15. Proposition to reset PK top List, there are players who have 2-3 days online, its mean nobody from tham play, so we need refresh it for players who still play
  16. zorgzor

    Siege (2016-06-05)

    ​missed some places when you all died ? ​Like i promised... Here you are, a bonus clip for You! And really... thats all that i had recorded in this siege... ​ yes, this looks much better. someone think. that perkunas have God mode (ON) from GM :DDDD
  17. GM ? did you check mental and debufs land rate ? i dont think its normal abaut 1/10 land rate feer for example on 40+ 50 + lvl
  18. OK i find shit..... SOUL CRY bugged and low lvl of enemy. Just now tested on daughter EE 42 lvl, with no soul cry 7 / 10 sleep. with soul cry 3-4 / 10 FEAR on the same person 42 lvl 1 / 10 (with no soul cry tested) FEAR on the same person 42 lvl with soul cry 1 / 10 SLeep on 60 lvl person with no soul cry 9 / 10 Sleep on 60 lvl person with soul cry 8 / 10 Fear on 60 lvl person 4 / 10 Fear on 60 lvl person with soul cry 3-4 / 10 Casting speed with weapon or not weapon the same. debufs enter with weapon or not weapon the same chance. There is how debufs must enter, and we have just only 15 targets max there.
  19. all fine, an ok, just why sleep dont enter on this members ? or i must make movi and put there, ?
  20. how much % resist have mental 4 lvl ? and how he work on different lvl enemy ? if person 50 lvl have mental 4 how debufs work on him from 60+ lvl ? I have make topic secound time cose admin dont say nothink abaut it, today we have the same shit, me and SWS from cp cant sleep and root persons 50+ lvl, i have try 7 sleep and 0 enter on this person, i am 68 so that is going on there.
  21. ​you are Gm you can't get ban for one pc :DDDD if this server was 8-10 years ago, one pc, and no boxes server like bufer will be the best server. but now ppl have less time for play, so ppl need self bufers, also server dont have 10 k online like it was 10 year ago :(( my best server was abyss 3x, with internet ip block, so active pp / wc are selling buffs on exp zone, was epic game.
  22. One of ur daughters eh? Reminded me of mine elementary & elite grammar school classmate. Just kiddin' w/ 1st part. // Edna z tvoix docheri? Dievochka napomenula moiu odnoklassni4ku zo shkoli. Pershia 4ast eto sranda. https://www.instagram.com/dajan_bee/ Off-topic: Gnomes surveillanceID00-05 were mine back then, and yeh it's a crappy tactic. ​i am from lithuanian so cant be classmate