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Everything posted by Stiba007

  1. Sport for women. R.I.P. Doncho
  2. Angela CP, i knew it!!! What is Dankalov? Some bulgaria momy like Angi?
  3. Nice next amazing teorie from DramaTeam
  4. Wow, 18 enemies. Behind my back? Some next your friends? Hey dog, your master call u. Go back to your cave. Show me my topic where i starting flame u about your PR/BSOE/relogs ? All these things are part of game and your and green sides start cry about PR/relogs when my party was low lvls and u cant catch us or when WK are using relogs/Bsoe. Its all. 1. I havent idea your nickname in game, but i upload 3 fights with DT, maybe u find self there. No sound.
  5. 3rd fight was your fail gank. We jump for u and u had rly good chance on start fight when we were jumping fo u. 1. We see so many your fails. Your ganks without our deaths, your ganks when u use PR/Bsoe or just turn about 180° and run back to town. Difference bewteen us that we didnt from it drama like u. Dbuff/Shortik are boxs staying on farm spot, people from me, dropped so much 6 + 8-9? RipCP vs 9-10? You could fight under hill without problem. But masters of pvp take easy way and run run run.... Use some SM´s theories/story. Its best anwer for SM.
  6. Boy, u know nothing about epics, u know nothing about locations where is top exp. Like i said before and now repeat last time for boy like u. Keep your and your friends theories/stories. Everyone who need it know true about our recruit/ fights and controlling exp location/ epics and our playing time or others things. If u want talk about things like this, u can start be leader of JF or ally leader your green ally, rebuild it. If u rebuild ally like Bizqquit or u will only try keep big ally together, we can talk together again, not before. About winners: In Aden's world one side never cant won. One time u can be top, one time u can be down. Winners are all alliances, who stay together in good/bad times and dont disband.
  7. Divide et impera is random clan like MissClick or Dorfsunited, Goodlife. WS has own politics. We were very long time nice to all "randoms". If they didnt have respect to low WS parties, stun them under trains, highers pts from WS go help them. Its WS, deal with it. About DS,about my pt or "God of AB", u can say what u want, i dont will comment your theories or stories. If u want answer ask @Kure on it, in close future you will be good friends.
  8. 1.Ask everyone from older TT , how many of us was unhappy that we lost for CS over 300CRs only thx porting to flag and your aoe killing. Now CS work good but early we only losing CRs and nothing get, for dying in CS zone we losing CRs like others locations in Adens world. 2. Oh cmon, its so easy find farming TT, 1 guy or full pack activ or with boxes. I dont will saying like u are playing, u know it very well. 3. Yes, this fcking rat will be free rly fast.
  9. Everyone know how much TT were dying on so many CSs by flag. If u have little pride, tell me how fcking rat sending u our clan chat and i give u reward one player without clan. Your recruting teories i dont will comment, its hasnt sense. Keep your true and we all will be happy.
  10. Ok, evening i upload record from this run "Save your ass", u can upload record from pvp in AB. Or u thought size my hammer is lie?
  11. Stop, stop, stop ladies. To much me everywhere. Baium wrote me that he doesnt come 24.10.2017, if u will have Stiba on first place. He cant live in my shadow. @Sensei I tell you secret. I havent idea about half of my enemies what they are playing, because they havent balls use on forum same nick. Btw. I tell u surprise from yesterday. I was exping in BS. I havent idea like look this pvp. I know only our numbers and 2pts were there max with SM counting system. If i go help there, i didnt must use fear and 10people from SM run away instantly if they saw me and my 1,5cm hammer. Or i saying lies? @xNirvana @Kure @GanjaRockzZz
  12. 1. DL had avg lvl 10+, prime time 2-3 longer than WS 2. DL had free farm in asia prime time, EU prime was always worst for exp, best for pvp 3. Traitors from Anathema? Thieves from FamiliaD? Im not sure on 100%, but Comadrejass leave WS because they dont like our politic. 4. Summer time? WS was playing in eu prime with max 1-2pts vs SM zerg vs BP zerg, rest take break or leave on ru offic 5. BP zerg cant farm epics, SM control them --> BP broke, Diehard let lure self on epics to SM, never other want add to them 6. exBP's pts fails on ru offic, they probably come back, EX/DS leave green ally, their comunications with others pts like Volep CP was on point 0
  13. Rly? SM counting again!!! Because if i came to AB and i meet this party first time, i start record it in AB and finish it in BS. I can post, if u want. I never saw u there again.
  14. Abbrevation? 1 year present drama serial Story, its imposible. So many things miss me there. Thieves, traitors, why did u dont write avg lvls these allies in timeline? Their prime times? Cmon @JerrySM, you are very skillfull boy, i please u, spend little more time and remake it better, it can be very nice thing.
  15. @JerrySM take your burro from forum. Told him same fairy story about knoriks. It will be good.
  16. You can see it on game style TT. 1pt vs 1pt we fight Always(archers too), 1pt vs SM zerg sometimes try fight or we try regrup and make equal numbers. Example 13TT vs 18+NF like yesterday, for long time we have almost full activ pt. Angela CP is everytime, everywhere if you are there. Big momy Angi has big heart.
  17. Just do it!! Make this compilation pls, every good player will see true. We never ever with 1full activ pt take next party vs Angela CP. Your pt lost most pvp vs our full activ party, relog or PR. Difference thing is farming with boxes, but SM count pony/ panter like activ people, Sps is EE, etc, so its waste time teach you. TT hasnt problem go to top location with 1-5activ people and farm there. (Over the summer i farmed alone with 5chars so many times top or hill with tons of relogs) Our enemies can max running around aden GK or inside adens church 2-3 hours than bring 1activ pt or more and come to us. For last mounth we made same lvls or higher, because we were exping still on top location. SM is hiding most of their time in LoA. Yesterday we just port to AB with 1,5pt(8+5)and your 2pts on top/hill start running to BS. Do u can post records from yesterday too?
  18. Ask Angela CP about records from this day. AngelaCP hunting 55-65lvls and PR vs same our lvls. 1,5TT pts vs 2pts NF everytimes TT won. Its shame make records on low lvls. Full screen window look some like this: ? Free up for your recruit, wish u luck for rest missing chars.
  19. From 6th and 5th make one pack. Archers/ daggers cant so good farm AoE. Add lvl limit on class change, max lvl 75, without 3rd transfer. 76lvls or chars after 3rd transfer quest cant be changed.