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Everything posted by Stiba007

  1. Stiba007

    Castle of 2kkk

    CC with 160-170chars, activ max 130-140. All CC never was on one place. Oren castle was take with 2parties. Enemies cry about zerg 3:1/4:1. So everyone can see on video max 33-46 enemies, if it is true or enemies are just mad? U can see it inside movie. Btw.Thx for leading Kiam.
  2. U probably didnt see him in game. Its better way waste time on Legiana's movie than talk with people like kkt. They dont see difference between EE and Sps or 2activ guys with 7boxes or lvls difference. Do u think that he can understand something from your words? Are u sure that WL dont find other useage in slimline ToI? Wl 74lvl has much bigger landrate on right chars. For u is not good try stun some chars. On other side when u see people like Tys0n in fight, their land stun is lower, if u use terrain. I have big fun yesterday when i was playing on Lafi(ES) and Tys0n show us his skill. Trees are so bad.
  3. To much boters in your ally. Its all. Did we have vote about alliance leader? Wow, its new for me. Who won it?
  4. So when i start use bot, i made 76lvls, u take me only actual adenas/resources from farm in my inventory, when i will be banned? Rest equip u let me, dont decrease lvl, dont take me item/resources from time when i wasnt catched and i bought for it my equip?
  5. 1.Its first time, when i dont belive u. We all know how will look ban list if u add there people with first ban. 2. " Each released to freedom bot user will be deprived of almost all his Adena, resources and all quest items for the Adena quests." U took him emi +16? U take him his equip? Probably epics jewel set? No, u did nothing.
  6. @Koll @Kse @San0 Can do u tell me all about your unban system? Why do u unban players with perma bans? I want just know how much money people like Exotq give u, than u give them again unban. For me like fair play player is this unaccaptable, probably u dont wil change nothing on it, but with this unfair system i start think about escape this server. I havent problem wait on patch 2.0, but i dont will play on server, where cheaters for real money getting unlimited unbans and admins on fair play players. Thx for answer.
  7. Trash talks? I wrote true. Maybe log in game and u probably get invite to 2nd pt on ganks one enemy pt in AB. SM has many good people better than me, but tons of tards like Cleef, Myrmidon or Kkt too.
  8. 4 from 9 are under 70. Its rly most under 70. 5xDD with avg lvl 70,6 vs 2xDD with avg 70.5. U are not fool, so u cant open mouth. Your pt member is fool and he start talk about it. I react on it. You are rly very stupid, more difference things in one post and u take it all as one about your pt.
  9. Wow, i see u hit lvl of dementia KKTnxbye. Gratz. Nooooooooooo. But cg, 500kk to much for SLS. Yep, not surprise for me. No brain people like u or ProGressive never understand how much make difference lvls on DDs in pvp and their equip. U dont know, because your are stupid, its all. U talk about yesterday pvp probably. 2times u wait than we will have trains on us. We were 7activ people vs 9activ. Our sws/bd pull mobs and i was playing for 70lv necro, i wasnt there for 74DA. Surprise for blind tard like u. Sws/bd were out of pvp with tons of mobs on their back. 9(5dd) vs 5(2dd) and how many times u die? U won it because i (necro Oldik) was out of mp after few kills anytime and orcs. If u have fraps, u can post here and everyone see it. U can ask sjeks, he saw how many of my pt were online on TS. When we were full activ and we won vs u. Second time u relog or soe to town. 9vs9 easy win vs you now. (DDs 70,71,71, BP and BD 70,ES and OL 73, SWS 72 and me 74) When "i was crying" about high lvls pts, its mean when chars like jerryz hits for 1500-3000dmg per skill/99%landrate debuffs and your lower lvls dd hit 500-800dmg per skill and 99% debuffs resist. Its not pvp. But i said it manytimes, no brain people like u dont understand it. When we are full activ, we won most pvp and starting be normal, that SM take 2pts than go 1pt vs 1 pt.
  10. Dont make from self more fool, than your are now. Im top lvl in my party, i made for 3days over 70% on lvl 73, because i want be on CS 74. My bp/bd finish 70lvls shortly before CS. Unfortunately no brain people like u never understand difference if your pt have DDs 70lvls without +++ weapons vs enemy pt 74lvl+ with +++ weapons. Our lvls grow up and SM dont leaving town without full activ pt. AB going mostly with 2activ parties. So im appreciate our progress. Did someone from server see solo SM members exp out of town? This your dream about knoriks and TT pt is still in your mind? Its funny. Im little curious who saw it. Because one sws with dc isnt full death pt. We were reloged, i remember it very well, because we again and again killing Pride (boters pt xxxGrossxxx) pt and RoK and Anytime pts coming again and again help them. Tons of relog but u never stop us. Archers were 65+- lvl and now? Many of them 73-75lvls and where is Angela CP? Change side again, calling for protect, relogin or dying...
  11. I dont care about your eyes, i care only about your sls. I dont will change nothing on 1.5. Cry me a river little boy. Tell me more about lvls, equip players like Parasitolos, Nasujama, Slonjaboy, etc. Huf Huf Huf ...
  12. Today, we meet many enemies. When Eulogist cp havent box, it can be better pvp, but gf. Angela CP can fight only with second high pt or they wait than we take trains or relog/soe. And u? TT won pvp with u, what do u will doing now? Delete char? Send me epics as apology for your thrash talks? Almost this game make lvls/ equips on this chronicle. Every week, when i see how rest server cuting lvls difference from SM, i see how players from SM are more and more nervous, agresive, losing more and more pvps.
  13. 1. Example TT had 4pts in CC. One of them was only boxes. Burro like u take all numbers like activ people and u never will be good prepare on mass pvp, its not our problem. U can only ganks people with trains. Its your maximum. 2. Post here when i wrote your side about 69. I think that u are from BP, so u can ask Zacman on my opinion. TT never leave WS, we pick one side and we will play for this side in good/bad times on the end this server. Its main difference between us and our enemies. Dostanesprespicu didnt play over summer time. We exp with max 1-4people in AB and we were using on buffs only OL/ES and we dont need recharger on exp. Dostanes start play again 1.9. and he start play for clan's Sps and he change nick on it. Now, his EE log mainly Dostanes, because we need Mental/Resist on pvp. EE is still out of pt. I repeat again, my party didnt use PR almost 3 months.
  14. I bet that u still think that Dostanesprespicu is EE. Btw. Almost 3months we dont use PR, because we havent EE in our party. +2k CP? Hm, maybe next time i kill alone full your pt for Rosenberg. Last time i kill alone 3members+1bsoe. Relax pills? I know that u need tons of pills. 3:1? Koll's stream is good proof.
  15. And your english is perfect? "Try again zerg boy" Most of us use sh.t english like me. Crybabies will have still stupid talks about zerg or english. Good point is that many of our enemies starting play like fair enemies.
  16. Let them think whatever they want. Btw.TT had 4pts there ( lots of drivers and 1pt only buffers ) It was great Castle siege, very good goodbye for untroubled guy and his CP.
  17. Stiba007


    I like this post, but on the end miss me JungleForces and 1/2 SoulMate. Tell me sincerely, do u think that your side havent "no brain" players like JF?
  18. 1. Your pt without crest start killing ally people like first. After it, u add crest and u think that they dont will make revange. 2. U have problem with greeks guy, not people from chn. 3. Problem? I dont see problem. Rats leave us and good people stay.
  19. 2 years and your 74lvl+ pt dying by farm on top spot AB from mobs.... I never forget on emo rage your death sws and his soe!!! Free up!!!
  20. Stiba007

    Xorx CP hleda lidi

    Z čeho? Z tvého "skillu"? Lidi jako ty k nám nikdy brát nebudem, takže jsem v klidu. Pár prohraných pvp pt vs pt a omrzí se to hned u loajálních lidí jako on. Pěkně jste to rozjeli, jen tak dál.
  21. Dream more boy. So bad, that u are banned on our TS and u cant cry anymore that u are still ally, create new rooms and try fake others players. I know very good, that your shi.s face will be show our enemies too for some time.