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Everything posted by Stiba007

  1. Every sane person knew that 76lvls+ is custom and that it could be taken away before than u start exp over 75lvl and 100%. If you didnt well too bad for your. Dejavu????
  2. Yes, thx for answer. This sentence told me all. If u need, u put insistence on offic, if u dont need, u put insistence that u are free server. Your trend where server going is very confuse. For me, i got wind that you just dont want pay for own mistakes and admit it. 1. No compensations for impaired people ( all summoners on 2.0) 2. You have huge delay with 2.0, its only your fail. U cant admit self and u are totally blind how huge advantage get players hit 77lvls. On offic it was imposible, here no, because u made many mistakes. Everyone is only human, we are not perfect, your anti bot system giving second chance too, but very sad cant admit own mistakes and dont try repair it. Its all, its closed for me. Thx again for your answer, San0.
  3. @Kse Its true or u have lies info? Because i still know about HUGE problem with max lvl. Where 84 players will have advantage on patch 2.0 because u still dont fix this problem.
  4. Better position, bigger numbers and win it only because enemies mages didnt have mp on next killing. Gf, now rest server can see SM style. 31chars = 2,5pt new record in SM couting
  5. U know nothing about us, So shut up and go die again from guards to Oren, noob!!
  6. @San0 start replace? We stop exp almost SE/EE, when pt was 60-65lvls. Now we have pt 71-75lvls. Very fair stance for mages pt with activ ES. About nerf summons, its rly comedy!!! Just remove them and set up lvl cup 75lvl 100%!!!! What about custom 76lvls+? Do u plan decrease them all too? On offic u can hit only 75lvl 100%.
  7. Why? Because this have nothing to do with repair custom things on this server? 1. Remove summons with buffs 2. Max lvl is 75lvl 100% on patch 1.5 3. GM set all chars 76lvl and 100% 2 of 3 points make server close to offic. So u can think about it little more.
  8. They decided add summons to game too and now they plan remove customs things and make server more like offic. Patch 2.0 on offic u can start on max lvl 75 and 100%. Everyone know that is true, but noone dont want angry someone from his clan, Its ridiculous. Almost noone didnt exp with ES/Warlock in pt. Only few pts, we have warlock/es activ, we know very well how much time u ruin them. They could all time play like DDs. Now we lost important buffer, we stoped exp SE/EE, because we had ES/OL/BP on almost full buff, only sometime we box EE on mental/resist. I dont agree with remove summons, but i can understand it, if u want repair others customs like 76lvl+ and GMs give example 1-2weeks chance ESs/Warlocks free class change after patch and all people with decrease lvls on 75lvl and 100% get PA on 1-2months like compensations.
  9. Stop flame here about sh.t. Everyone know who move prime asia or america prime time and who play only own prime time. I want solve here problems and bugs. My clan was impaired from bugs on server, i ask on repair. I didnt write trash in poll topics about repair custom summons. Dont try start flame here, where we can talk about repair custom lvls caps. (76lvls+ is custom like pony/cats buff, i hope than GMs will be fair and they repair on start patch 2.0 both things)
  10. I know what Rip wrote and i answer situations, when we didnt got CRs after conquer castle and when we lost 2k CP by Dark side. Only last 2 periods we are first time on side Light, because we need CPs vs zerg.
  11. When we had first time Giran, when we had first time Oren, we never got 1,5k CRs. When we lost it, we everytime lost 2k CRs and we were in this time by Dark side, we had 30% taxes. Last time when we conquer Oren, we get 1,5k CRs. When last CS we holded Oren in our hands, we got 750 CRs.
  12. @San0 Do u plan repair it like u plan repair thing with summons? Remove summons = decrease all 76lvl+ on 75lvl and 100% Both cases people lost many times, but it will be like on offic. People with 76lvl+ dont must spend 20euro for class change. What about CRs from Castle? My clan lost minimal 4k CRs because it was bugged and few last CS it work normal.
  13. I want ask on few things. 1.We have many times castle. If we conquer castle early times, we never get CR for it. We only lost CR by lost castle. Now we second times get CRs for it. Did i miss any update with this problem? 2.Next thing is about CP from castle, sometimes, without reason, some players lost CP bonus from castle. 2k CP fall down. Some other with castle with same problem? 3.And last thing is about 76lvl and CR. My clans members start hitting 76lvls but clan dont have CR from it, why? If its problem with cap lvl on 75lvl and 100%, so just shut down all 76lvl+ on 75lvls and 100%, its same custom like summons.
  14. U know nothing, Grikius Snow. First read more info about this chronicl, check more movies and after u change your opinion on it.
  15. Your prime time? Where are u from? More info man.
  16. One member from our clan was there max 15mins and she drop Aura flash. So.... Bazingaaa
  17. I havent pt there and Lafi too. Lafi said on TS: Stiba, u can log in, no enemies. I log in game and mininal 2pts enemies in my back and Lafi was laughing on TS like Devil if he saw me. I didnt have idea where archers were, they used PR few mins before and let me and Lafi alone there. Our TS cooperate is on 30%. We, specially me, work on it.