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Everything posted by Stiba007

  1. Gratz to 429Adena? Keep your lies, post more irrelevant cut screens. Me, Lafi and Poseidon made tons of exp yesterday, 75lvl coming SOON. My people want me like CL, u must ask on it them, why. TotallyToxic, part of WS+WK, its more than same clan from renegates and turncoats like garbage calling DramaTeam. Btw. No same numbers = no pvp. We find everytime some pvp so easy with our low numbers, we farm so easy too. Enjoy your sharing spots, epics with your big ally, enjoy your minimal pvps and tons of hours watching on reloging enemies. This week i saw u mostly dying, using bsoe/PR or being mad from our relogs. I enjoy this week.
  2. No problem, pleasure on my side. JF and all green ally stay our enemies to the end this server.
  3. Do i want from players from DramaTeam take me some serious? Wow, next news for me. Im everything, everywhere and everytime. Stop being toxic on toxic side? Its not my style. I will be always more toxic on u and i will try worst things than u did my clan. Its very simple.
  4. Use all part from my post. I told all JerryZ´s dogs, that u cant count. Post movies or screens and everyone see true. Rest server see now typical SM fair play pvp style. 3 vs 2pt and we are so njuub that we use relog, shame on us. Screen of true is here
  5. I mean, that u will have big problem, when your pt add some side, when u dont change your thinking about game. Our enemies, try drop us everywhere, last survivers after lost pvp, on farm when few of us is ganked 1-2pts enemies. Its nothing weird, i had on self 11debuffs, when 2pts try drop items from me. U must teach few tricks in game and dont give enemies chance. Its classic. Hardcore game. Dont cry, just deal with it and u must think how make these enemies worst things. On server exist few parties with fair play style, if u dont will play in toxic side, these parties dont will try drop u.
  6. Zdravím, hledáme do našich řad aktivního hráče na naše OLko, aktivní minimálně 4-5 večerů týdně (19/20:00-22/23:00). We are looking activ player on our Ol, playing 4-5 evenings per week (19/20:00-22/23:00 gm+1). Our party setup: [ ✓ ] Sps Dostanesprespicu [ ✓ ] Necro iH3art [ ✓ ] Sorc Lafie [ ✓ ] Wl V4siukas [ ✓ ] Sws San0 [ ✓ ] Bd Worfik [ ✓ ] DA Stiba [ ✓ ] BP Arianel [ ✓ ] Ol Kuba [ ✓ ] CP SE/EE Boxes Pm/mail ingame Stiba or pm here.
  7. I wanted heart true, thx for it. Its all. I never was care about CoB/Anathema dealings. Only when they f up to TT. U can talk about WS+WK what u want, but u still know nothing about our contacts, relationship, etc. European part of our ally is very unactive, we focus on important things and dont waste our time for unsure things. Did i say sometimes that we dominate EU prime time now? We just havent problem farm and we won most pvps vs same numbers. U saw it yesterday, we farm from 18:00 and u didnt stop our farm in our eu prime time. I saw many of SM using bsoe, dying and PR lofas dying so much per 4%. Its funny how fast your DDs run away from me and Vasik's targeting. Put JerryZ to MDT and he make big money for u. Elpy hasnt chance vs him, when me or vasik will be stand for his back. Btw: Amazing PR style from your ally yesterday. U teach from me so much. Im proud on u.?
  8. Edit what u want, i said u, post screens, post movies. Everyone see there your fairy stories. Repeat: U make from 3activ enemies 5activ and from your zerk u can make solo player. No reason talk about it more. Screens/movies show all. I talk about WS+WK, u talk about ally from time, when we didnt play here. Biz builded ally from nothing. Its WS+WK. Tell us something, if u were on our TS and offer me ally and clan with CH, when u are using your longtime memory.
  9. U can post it here, i dont need make some secret. About pvps activ ppl. We havent reason talk about it more, u can do from 3activ people 5activ. And from your biggers numbers u made almost solo player. ? Btw. I was there for DA, 2nd time for Sorc, 3rd time for PR. First time i get sleep, amazing DA/BD or PR can this spell? Surprise for me. Enjoy your PvE, enjoy your epics. We enjoy our power farm and our pvps, so many enemies for us now. Its easier way when big part of our server will share about epics and more parties will be have good equips and lvls, than 2pts with epics and OE items. For some time, your zerk break down and more smallers sides will make good pvps and top pts of u only lost time and huge riches Everyone can talk about me whatever, its their worry. I start care about it, when they will have balls and they say it me. U havent idea who is core of WS+WK. <PR> Nobody
  10. We didnt have deal, Kure just said me about situation, plan in future and gave me offer on slot in new ally with CH. I never said Kure that we join to you. @Kure or u didnt offer us clan with CH? Kkt, Maybe some care about opinion from frontline sps, master of dying in pvp like first. But im not. I can be for my enemies whatever, i dont care about it. I enjoy game with people around me and we work on our goals very successfully. And about my clan? U cant be more rediculous. Most people from our own ally havent idea how TT work inside. U still havent idea about us and our work on epics. Legendary stories about our PR/bsoe or rr are cool. Its so amazing like enemies using bsoe in pvp zone during CS. I havent idea who are u and how side. So thx for 1st place for us. U can send medals on me , i cant comment it more.
  11. Yes, dont wast your time with talk with me. Listen our wise greek cop. Kure contacte me, it was in time, when TT killing most of RBs with 2-3pts and CoD has one pt. So u can ask him on it. Btw. He is my spy. Kick him from clan guys.
  12. Next amazing new about me. So close, i showed when NF offers us CH, when we made with them ally. I showed it, when FamiliaD join to ES, they get rekt instantly when open mouth on us.I showed it if Zacman pm me about ally or invite to pt on pvp vs u. So bad for u, that Core of WS+WK are loyal. Dont forget pistolas, when we came to AQ for Fun on pvp, who wrote on Apocalypsa like little girl:"Lets us stop JF farm AQ" xaxa
  13. Try guess who was playing for Stiba007 yesterday. I little help u. Delete 007. I dont like it. U try constantly killing per 4% , u try constantly drop us. I will try pking all your ally per 4% more, we will try drop u more. Green ally didnt doing it now, they try clear pvp, my PR dont will killing them per 4%. So simply tactic. Greenlight is good guy. Big view about DL he gave me. Our progres is 0, im solist and looser and im aliance leaders, next news about us? Nothing about our huge trust inside ally? Do u share your epics from Soil CP with your ally guys? Probably u dont have trust from brother. xaxaxa
  14. Keep your dreams and keep drogs in your blood. Memeda WK. 1vs5 (me,lafi, panter,pony and poseidon) I said u, post video, how me,my dark panter ,dostanesprespicu and vasiukas attack on u. Everyone will see how many of u were activ(5-6?i dont count summons like u).
  15. Burry, check few post Up. I didnt. 75lvl coming without some complication, maybe before next CS, why u ask me? I havent idea about what massacre u are talking. I can quit server only if GMs make next untrustworthiness. I never quit because enemies, so dont afraid, boy.
  16. Exactly this madness i like so much. When looser like me won pvps vs u, how skill rank are u?
  17. I apology for it. Shame on me, that i like pure madness our perfect enemies from us.
  18. Numbers? Time your check? How many ppl from TT die? How many ppl die per 4% from SM? #farm farm, 75lvl is coming ✓ #23:15 -> pistolas killed per 4% ✓ #enraged SM came and exp there out of our prime time #funny Monday morning, thx ?
  19. 1. I dont understand sence your first part. U want tell me that SM cps have only 1 orfens? JerryZ u are better faker than Devil. 2. Killing PR out of clan, dropping enemies, for me its thrash. I dont think that im alone, thrash like u like it, its your way, we know your morale. 3. Maybe one day, tards like u understand, that many of us log in game 1x per 14 days only on CS. More and more people hits 74+ and more and more from us going to unactive mode. We dont know about AQ, because we dont check epics. Its very simple. Good drogs in your blood probably, boy. Keep it in your mid. Dreams are very good thing and Knoriks are awesome mobs. We dont try farm epics, we know very well how much times epics take and how much people u need. Wake up noob. Your CP have 2nd day Orfen lvl3,your pt play longer than my CP. So dont tell me here something about weakness/incapability to farm epics.
  20. Dont ruin their dreams my friend.
  21. Amazing words from amazing player. I coment only lies your puppy and gratz your ally, where i blame u? We care about self. U wrote somewhere: "no life or no epics" i think that u are not stupid and we can reformed it on " no life or zerg or no epics" If i want start blame u, i will talk about chars like CupidQ. I told u that i dont care about enemies, its not my worry and i had until recently full trust in GM team. We are not nolifers.
  22. I never said that is your problem. We try fight vs more numbers. Its all. I just show true and sensei's lies. First time i was like DA, 2nd time i go there like sorc and 3rd time i go there like rosenberg. After it we go sleep. Not surprise for me about your counting. Rly not. Xaxaxa
  23. Dont be ridiculous. SM farm is rly slow now. If u want talk about lelos and your zerk style pvping with PR out of clan and killing per 4% like a boss, continue. There u were with activ lelos,pistolas and bd/wc and healer vs da(me)/wl(vasik)/sps(Dostanesprespicu). Post me your amazing screen, im rly curious what rest server said on your heroic style. Probably everyone from top lvls know, how much % from day our ally control BS/LoA. About my friend 8826256. Show us more your jelous on their effective farm. I know that SM cant count numbers activ enemies, i know that u dont see difference between EE and SPS, but dont see difference between orc and dark elf. Cmon!! Btw. Gratz to change epics system in your ally, u will need it. Im rly surprise, that yours others pts havent idea how much epics own jerryZ. U are all so naive. He si foxy fox. Last gratz is for your zerk. Dont worry about control epics, WS dont care about epics, JF leave server and let many low pts here. U can continue in free farm epics, probably u can take under your wings next low pts and share epics with more and more people. Im rly curious on holding your zerk and hunting rest low pts of green ally. PS: Many people wrote me about clan. Sorry guys, im not leader like Bizz or Kiam, i care only about my pt, TT and good relationships with our true friends. I havent time and i dont want try care about more. Dont write me more pls about recruit from others countries, only cz/sk to our aca. Thx Others lang can pm jerryZ or Sayomi. They inv u. They have big hearts. ?