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Everything posted by Stiba007

  1. Stiba007

    Red August 2017

    1) Most of "Neutral" or "No clan" players were from DL and they want only free exp on high lvl without pvp. WS politic is good for us and for server, cause people must play as party/clan. Classic is about mass grups, not for solo/selfish players. 2)WS players were in game 1/2 time as top players from DL. WS made ally and we cant for it that DL ally broke up. So many players in DL were so toxic, Soil was poisoned from it , they broke up, so we must destroy our alliance? ? Wake up. It doesnt work like this.
  2. Dva počítače. Jinak nic jiného, za co nedostaneš ban neexistuje. Každopádně v dnešní době 10E za měsíc máš jedno posezení u piva.
  3. Give me Core lvl3 and i will smiling your epics joke too.
  4. I dont know to much ES, because Lafi has set up skills bars on F1-Fx, so i play for him only in neccesary situation. ES has haste/zerk/hp/dark resist buffs for pony? All these buffs help u in your movie. Yep, next guy with so important topic is lazy do something more for me. Btw. Thx for video, i like watching on others ways how exp with AoE.
  5. I dont use wl on solo farm AB top/hill. 3chars only and train is rdy for 1:35-1:40 +- 20s and train is killed. U dont need other char on buff. I saw in your video pp buff, so its not solo for me.
  6. I dont want ruin your dreams honey, but on patch 1.5 u can farm there alone too. 68lvl get more than 1% per train. And u need only 3chars on farm without break and 100% faster farm than with your amazing pulling mobs with your pony.
  7. 1. U must think about time line in game Early game: Mages>Archers>Melee Mid game: Mages>=Archers,Melee Late game: Mages <= Archers <= Melee Exist rly good parties and they can kill better set up pt thx their skill. 2. Daggers werent create on killing tanks, they must focus only chars with weak p.defs and huge dmg, heal. With mid/late game, if u are not noob, u must have top buff, good equip +++ and probably some epics jewels. 3.This game is about mass pvp, not 1vs1. So your work is remove from fight mages or healers, archers. Tanks, melee beasts as tyr/glad/destro is work for mages. TH can kill one his target on 2-3skills and its good for him on this patch. Exception is Oly, but there u havent top buff and u cant win everytime, if your enemies arent noobs. Its simply oly. Its magic lineage. Solo people or small group do nothing here, its reason why Classic is so fcking good.
  8. Wow, amazing test asassin try kill tank. Maybed u can use your brain and u can start think why l2 has 31classes. Wait, waaaaaait. Hawkey dont kill tank too. Call gm team and remake hawkey on stronger beast, because its not fair, he cant kill tank alone. You are so extremly stupid. If u want make more test, try test some bomb or gass bottle with fire, your test help the world. 1 of 5mld idiots will be here less on this crazy world.
  9. They didnt know about us. Yesterday we had 2 normal fights, 1w 1l. Around 22, if your eu prime time starting and our ending, we were 6activ, 1 of 6 ppl my pt was afk(Fusso/worfik) and we relogin boxes(Kuba) and prepare boxing, Shortik/eQQz were ending. If we saw u. I said all relog or pr, if u havent normal buff, if u have 4activ, its stupid try fight. I still dont know why all run with us over BS, we just try save boxes. If we lost second fight, we have Kuba/Fusso/Bowpriestess as boxes, our activ dd were Oldik 68lvl with common equip and Ayra 69lvl, me 72lvl/lafi 71lvl/worfik 68lvl/sws 70lvl. Its only info for u, trust me or no. Second fight we very hard fuck up with our position, its all. Gf Btw. Can u tell me, why do u think that im crying if i lost pvp? And who is Zacman? This guy wrote me so many times pm, if u won CS or some fight, spam me, that he dont let me farm AB and other bullsh.t. Its some rename or why he so much love me?
  10. Can i get info who try lead enemy allies? I was watching on CC after start CS, i saw number 160. If i watched on Kolls stream before GoT at morning, i saw crying one polish boy about numbers like 500, so i dont think, that u will trust my numbers. For long time we had many mass pvps, SM was as bomb on battlefield. Very interesting tactic i saw from BadProducts, i call it "Run of Death" on Giran, 2times Gf @Koll Man, i like your stream, but u miss so many mass pvps. Why u dont use function port to char? With it u can very simple find most mass pvps during CS, just make list with clan leaders.
  11. Fungujeme stále, ideálně kolem 20.00 zkus napsat někomu od nás, Bez nainstalovaného TSka ale nepsat.
  12. Ok, just wait on this long cooldown and after all skills work corectly. Pls locked my cry.
  13. Death spike has more than 18min cooldown. RR pls. More skills have same problem, aura flash/ heal from ES, .....
  14. You are not lazy, u wrote tons of shi.ts on this forum. U just havent idea about it. U start with +12, now u cry about +10 staffs after almost 2years. Its ridiculous. You are ridiculous. I mean that u are typical czech/slovak player with big pet army playing solo.
  15. Can u write some players with +12 staffs? Tons of people = 30-40nicknames write me here, ok?
  16. Angela, u are old lady loving imigrants with long items in pants,
  17. GK > > .......................................> Korea discoland>.............................................................................> Skelth Skelth is eu server, where russia players earn money on eu players. Its shame of all officials servers. I know few players playing there and they are not pvp players. They love farm with macro (official bots) and they dont want pvp.
  18. Zdravím, pěkná smečka, není problém Vám dát základní informace tady, určitě bude ale lepší, když dáme řeč na našem ally TS a řeknu Vám víc o serveru, jak to chodí, s čím můžeme pomoci a vy se mě hned můžete optat cokoliv Vás napadne. Máme 1 hlavní klan (klan 5lvl s 40sloty) s klanovou halou v Giranu, kde nyní fungují 2cp (lukařská parta 68-75lvly, mágovská parta 66-72lvly) a +- 20 klan.warů. Dále pro nově začínající máme dva akademy klany (lvl3 s 30+30slotů + 10% bonus exp bez warů). Tam lidi necháváme poznat se, naučit se chodit TS a možnost složit si s dalšími vlastní fungující partu. Nyní tam je jedna melee parta, která již nyní má lvly +- 60 a časem bude připravena se přesunou do hlavního klanu. Další parta v akademce je celkem nová, neúplná okolo lvlu 40-50. Jak asi znáte cz/sk komunitu, tak víte, že lidé jsou s českých serverů zvyklí na armádu vlastních petů za zadkem, tudíž v důsledku toho se jen zlomek u nás uchytí a na low ratu dokáže hrát delší dobu s nějakým výsledkem. Za dobu co ten klan vedu se u nás mohlo protočit v akademkách zhruba 200-250 cz/sk hráčů. Kdyby bylo třeba říct víc, stačí napsat sem, do pm a nebo nejlépe dojít na TSko a dáme řeč.