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Everything posted by Stiba007

  1. WTB Brains for noobs playing on Death server so long time
  2. Welcome MandiMei, if your are male, pm Kiam. If you are on this photo, leave america, come to Prague to uncle Stiba on holiday.
  3. Hi my friend Legolas. Thx for your adena.
  4. Can i sell my chars for adenas/items ingame or no? @San0 @Kse @Koll ?
  5. Just go to Giran Harbor, kick out all your items from your inventory and people wish u gl on other server. Or do they want sell theirs items for real money, if they never come back??? @San0 @Kse I believe in your hunters sense.
  6. If u think it, i dont will ruin your dreams Angela. <PR to Prague Castle> Miloš
  7. Fear from lost your % from exp mob per mob. Hey Angela, i understand PR with boxes or dont fight vs high lvls, but u were full activ CP 70lvl+. Big problem is limit on wars. 30 is max and we must wait on the end one side wars. To much enemies clans were defeat. I have fun, how your DDs have fear make more than 3PK points. Ridiculous. If u think, that academies sometime declare war on you, i make mistake about your IQ.
  8. If u try defend your thrash video with lies, its rly sad. Mercy for me? U had only fear from Babyrage cp and u run rly fast on the hill. Entire pt? We were 4 activ, only i had 3boxes and i reloged all, so tell me when u pked my full pt? BP has ress 80%, do u rly think that someone can be mad from -0,8% on chars lower than 70lvls? Everyone in AB know that Babyrage CP focus only pt with boxes or low lvls on rahha/bloody or tree spot and after run away so fast because u dont want meet babyrage cp. Maybe u can make next your epics video from ganks. People will have fun from it.
  9. Ok, my bad, 4-5 activ people. Tell me, what part do u like from it or how part is funny for u or do u take something from it?
  10. I read it, no change. Watch what he put in the video.
  11. I see that Legiana has new rival about best of moviemaker. 1F 1vs1 vs ES exping on self buff 2F Pt vs 2-3 with tons of boxes 3F Epics zerk 4F Pt 71-72 + vs pt on bloody spot 66lvl max? Awesome movie
  12. Stiba007

    SoMe Fights

    Its Myrtan's daddy with him and daddy show him big mirror on the ceiling out of profil picture?
  13. Stiba007

    SoMe Fights

    Funny, i saw yesterday how SM pt was using my favorite skill. Hmm, few last days back, i got very interesting info about your epics, about original owner OOC clan + CH before rename and info about u and your brother. Very interesting. Very funny. Probably Soils cp has very bad luck on people around them.
  14. Wow, my huge 1,5 cm hammer in my pants grow up. I have own tag. But still i dont understand why u talk about me?
  15. Amazing story. You are truly Queen of lies 1. I came there, because our archer Traut from academy +-50lvl was killed some random pt in EV. He ask me on help. 2. Everyone know how lvl u need on mages with CDLs and how CDL work, its about nukers 40-50lvls, we can see on your screens that your char have learned CDL. 3. We were 3 and we havent idea about guy from Nosferatu, we meet him on 1/2 on the road on spot. 4. Yes, we kill your epics chars for 4% , stop your farm and u start cry on forum as little babies . 5. Im so suck player. I just have all what i want. Friendly ally, good CH and amazing epic jewel. Dont use lies on me if u are so stupid. It cant work here boy.
  16. Where did i said that he killing low chars? I post screen where others can see how loosers u are, that we go hunt enemies buffers to Elven ruins. I exp there 4-18lvl. And i want read again your funny stories, how TT going to EV killing neutral players. Yes, i mean your epics chars. Your stupidity is unlimited.
  17. 1. U must say big thx our enemies, cause they are hiding rats exping in randoms clan, after hit higher lvl they go to their official clans. 2. MMORPG is about parties and clans, if u are solo players, u can go on Skleth and exp full pt with makro "oficcial bot" and talk about your news in The Sims. 3.JungleJoker attackt again? Tell me how randoms ppl TT were killing in EV. I want read your funny story again.
  18. Hello guys @San0 @Koll @Kse