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Everything posted by Stiba007

  1. Zdravím, lidí tu hraje víc než dost, 1,5-2k můj odhad, z toho dost hráčů na 70+lvlu si dává pauzu před patchem 2.0. Hlavní výhoda je v celosvětové komunitě, hrají tu hráči od Jižní/Severní Ameriku, přes Čínu s Koreou až po tu naši malou Evropu. Do 60tky se dá v pohodě expit i samostatně, ale už během toho je dobré si poskládat partu abys na vyšším lvlu byl schopný ubránit spot na farmě před ostatními. Pvp tu najdeš dost, jen se nesmíš podělat z toho, že tě budou chodit zabíjet daleko vyšší levly. Ignorovat to a časem doeexpiš na rozdíl pár lvlů a pak je to už jen kdo má lepší partu.
  2. I havent bad opinion on Kure, he know it, just i little pity for us than he is not patriot.Modoy is old scandalmonger. I did/had/said so many things, im rly surprise from all of it. ? scandalmonger = kelišová (slunce,seno..), drbna, plkna
  3. No, he is czech in greeks CP.
  4. Maybe, maybe one day u grow up and u start using brain and u will have own ideas. About TotallyToxic We have national clan with function clan system , we have clan hall in giran, we have very good ally, we have happy people in clan enjoying game, castle sieges, killing epics bosses, all of it without crying forum. What we can want more? We dont care what enemies think about us. ? About me and my archer, do u rly think than im playing this char, when Stiba007 sitting 24/7 in GH for clan buff more than 1,5month and he miss there only when server restart or we need pking enemy on epics bosses or CS. ? Do u rly think it? So naive. ? When i played archer, RoK getting from us gank in AB and they dying. Its so easy kill enemy under mobs. Tell me what achieved your clan? ?
  5. Do u know than u talk on guy which know nothing about clan/ally tactics or truly info about lvls, pvp? ? Man, this guy can only waiting by aden gk as dog on rest people from pt, ganking people AB, crying and lie on forum. ? Its as bad copy Soil. Soil can play it. Soil junior cant.
  6. People from my clan starting register on forum today and voting, majority chinese players cant register on our forum. QHPs were in game more than years, so we dont must rush it. ?
  7. U know totally nothing about server comunity and about lineage, but ok. Today i will talk with chinese friends on QQ. I translate them this voting topic and i said about it in my clan too, we will see when u think than 47votes from 2k can talk for rest server. ? Giran CH is awesome, its not for selfish players, trust me.?
  8. U can see me on epics bosses, u can see me on Castle siege. U are not there? Why? ?
  9. I vote no. 1. We talk about it when RoK using it 24/7 and never has problem with it, good way for leaving adena from server. 2.Its funny how this big kid crying, raging and u want listen him? Funny. Totally thrashy opinion, its same garbage as gtbot. He has problem = u must change it or he leave?? Wtf When someone want write threat, change it or leave server, just get out from this server and never come back.
  10. Its so cute, when kids crying.
  11. This movie is level Legiana. No more words from me here.
  12. Stiba007


    You use bots program on your PC. Done. You are boter. Banned. Server continue..
  13. I see problem in your profil photo, i want see more. ???
  14. Cmon San0, take him on date or he never stop write bullsh.t. U can drink a lot of beers, close your eyes, think on me and all of us never must read more posts from him. JUST DO IT!!