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Everything posted by Stiba007

  1. Dont create topic here, it dont help u. Create recruits topic and build own party.
  2. Send me screen with my cry. We roll u in mass pvp, my party growing up and killing same lvls and dont let catch from parties with higher lvls. Its perfect way for us. Btw. How many exp do u have from top spot per evening when constantly u running help others to rahha/bloody spots and exp on one spot with 13-18ppls? Im sure, that i mean same. Because u cant exp without bot, so when GMs give u perma ban for it, your max lvl is +-55lvls. Gj with this lvl in pvp. How much Bsoe u use yesterday? 4-5 per 1hour? How many times u running away from battlefield and u let dying your party because u dont want lost 1%? Real Leonidas
  3. My english is same lvl as your skill in game without using bot. So yes, its rly suck. So 3lvl 70lvls+- vs party with boxes and dds 61-62lvls. Its 8-9lvls difference. U fail it and dont stun ee, u do nothing. 1x necro 76lvl vs your party. Its only 5-6lvls difference. He kill u all. Funny. ???
  4. Boys, u think that more lies = true? We return here 14.8.2016 and we start from 0. I stop play my archer 69lvl before 3months and start create new pt from news people. Lies, lies and next lies about us. Bad for u than everyone can check it on forum from date by my post. Btw. I start think than u lie to much than u trust it.
  5. Yes, master stun necro 61lvl and not ee with PR. Little fail boy Oet/narkomane/pangawi are 56-60lvls? Next good lies 3of4 from my mages are 61-62lvl. So its easier fight 61-62 vs +70lvl than 56-60 vs 61-66lvls? Hmmm, good logic, Crybaby Capone Funny liers from Jungle Bye, bye Stiba <PR>
  6. Nice lies boy, we have same numbers. Jungle/Pheonix had 3pts and we had 2 and after 3pts where example my pt had only 6activ people on last mass pvp then enemies give up and wait than most our ally will be off. So, keep dreaming. I hope than u had fraps how my party was killing same lvls party on rahha spot, we kill them all and u everytime running there on help with 2pts. Name video: Jungle and their (un)effective farm in AB Btw: Wtb Bsoe for Botaki
  7. Dream more, fishfool, dream more... Maximally u can try teach your eu guys how using bots and how your ass earn money on unbans, but u cant do more from your cave. Have a nice day.
  8. Oh, dear Fishfool, master of boters, go back to your cave and save money for better bots program. Have a nice next day, Stiba. <PR> Lierbeast, its rly sad if u cant send normal report on them. Maybe try close your kids rude mouth here and try learn how send report for GMs.
  9. Drogs are bad as debts,imigrants or idiots, i know it, dont worry about me. I dont live in Greek. I try said u than i report all boters, from ally too. So i dont think it than one side is clear and only enemies cheating. I try said u if u heard something about it, than we hade perma boting party in LoA, its not surprise for me and i wrote u next funny lies about us. On the end i try said u why probably guys lies about us so much.
  10. Zakna is thief. He steal ring and try made that it was my clan. It wasnt mistake. Zakna is biggest trash on this server. On this forum i talk only for my person. I report all chars, where i see weird behavior. I dont care how clan is it. U can ask San0, i send him people from ally on check which get banned. I heard about me/clan than we had BoP+14, cooperate with Jungle or than someone must let TT castle or than i farm last months in FoM/SoS. Funny lies. I dont think than exist more closed clan than TT, so yes, about us always enemies will talk only shi.t.People from our ally know true and i dont care about enemies opinions. I dont have time on it in game, with our short prime time we try only exp, help ally on mass pvp or killing epics.
  11. Hello master of cheaters. If GMs have balls, boters rats as u have perma bans. U did nothing with normal way as me or others, so trash as u can go back to cave and continue with cheating. When i was playing for HE(+-3months back), i was top lvl in my clan and i was going max to LoA with rest of my clan on pvp or farm. Only naive kids think than i was farmimg last months in FoM/SoS, because my archer char was sitting in GH 24/7, exception CS or epics, when we need pking. Dont forgot than only 2clans from EU WS did epics. For last months i was exping chars on epics, i was killing epics and try build new mage party, cause clan/ally need it. Im not cheating as u, im not stealing as Zakna, im not selfish as AD, im not lying kid as Myrciu. Who am I in game? Serial player, which build national clan loyal one ally to the end this server. Have a nice day, Stiba
  12. Your mind is rly broken man. Respect and loyalty is stronger attribute WS. I didnt see other ally which play so long and stable under one leader in bad or good times together on our server. Your respect = blindy follow same leader without own opinion.
  13. I talk only from my own experience. BSOE Masters as Lilith, HelloFriend, NebaStark and same SK/WL and DA + necro from Arcano13. Wow, first trully info about DL ally before Vigazerk broke up.
  14. Here we have big difference. Wickedsick dont crying. We just play and enjoy this game. Gf, for 2 weeks see u again on battlefield. I dont know nick Aracne, but its ridiculous, if its true. First side i see most clans from eu normal fighting with war status and second side, i see america players how crying as Arcane and when they fight in AB versus 10-15 lowers lvls, they take non clans chars and last survivers killing for 4%. Probalby more people have there personal characters as rats from FamiliaD.
  15. Čas se dá najít vždy, je to jen o chuti a ochotě hrát v určitý čas aby parta jela nahoru. Když by si šel zase hrát, tak pm/mail ve hře na mě.
  16. Welcome to world of lies about ally Wickedsick. Yesterday i listen next amazing lie, TT are cooperate with Jungle, its your work too, master of boters Fishfood? Yes, we know it, we ignore u.