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Everything posted by Stiba007

  1. Its cool story for your tired souls. Im so bad boy. Ok, when do u start write some true stories about me?
  2. Tenhle server je pro týmové hráče co komunikují, takže většina cz/sk komunity tady těžce narazí. 20lvl i s přestupem jde udělat za jeden večer, 40lvl jde udělat za 3-4dny když komunikuješ na TS a domluvíš si pomoct, každopádně od 60lvlu+ budeš zažívat teprve o čem je classic. Je zcela normální Pkovani lidi, random hráči nemají v top lokacích co dělat, jakmile si tam zajdou farmit, většinou je vypekujeme i několikrát po sobě dokud to nepochopí. Tahle hra je o partách, velkých klanech/ally. Tohle není český server kde si každý nalogovával vlastní partu. Tady potřebuješ silnou partu/klan jinak ti farma skončí vždy jakmile půjde kolem někdo silnější.
  3. Dear uneducated boy, im slovak like u are clever boy. So pls, stop playing on some wise guy and go back to your cave. Have a nice day from Czechia.
  4. Not everyone is so poor as u, deal with it and stop be jealous that others can do what they want do.
  5. Jedno okno bez PA + nekonečně s PA, někdo to dělá tak, že si nekupuje PA, ale má zaplý stolní pc a noťas po jednom okně například.
  6. Sure, continue in your heroic dying, me and my clan will be continue playing as trash, we enjoy it and clan is stronger and stronger. Its good that it was for u epic victory, its very important for your moral. For us, on the end of our prime time, after 4 hours free exp, it was worthless lost. If u want some respect, stop watching on your ally and enemies from 2 sides. From one side u saying: we are low lvls, we have low numbers, we havent epics, our boter botaki is good guy, gms are bad, etc And from second side: lower party than your pt or party with many boxes give PR and u raging from their PR and flame in town as kid or zakman/iheart everytime flame my pm , u havent idea how much work others must invest to get epics jewels, still again and again u lie about numbers enemies and try from self some big boy, why? If do u want respect from enemies, stop play as jerk botaki and learn from people from NF/SM. They are rly good in pvp, farm epics and people as Kure/Sayomi dont lie and they never flame my pm. After won/lost by epics or castle they or we send pm with GF and normal talk with them. 26,5M adena i got from my clan member. Rest is from ABG.
  7. Zdravím, zkus kouknout na náš náborový sloupek. Momentálně máme u nás dvě nové party. Melee a lukařská, pokud si týmový hráč co hraje převážně po práci po večerech, chodíš teamspeak, tak by se ti u nás mohlo líbit. Jsme součástí mezinárodní ally, klan si ovšem držíme čistě cz/sk.
  8. So do u want call again our dear portuguese beerman on check Rizos inventory?
  9. Stiba007

    Jungle Wars (4)

    Its as preparation on your kids when u make them if tons of beers will be in your blood. U have only two ways: 1.Say true and they will hate u, make noob from u, etc. 2.Say answer which they want hear from u and they will love u.
  10. Stiba007

    Jungle Wars (4)

    I thought that he is from babyrage cp, but we had few fights with them and never from them had stupid talks. Just gf. So now i guess that probably it is this tard SK from zacman party. We won pt vs pt yesterday versus higher lvls and helenic slut and this tard run on us from second wave and cry to my pm.
  11. I hope than u post it, from start when u were 3. ? Said person which will be suck own dad only for epics jewels.
  12. Its funny for us, because u open your mouth few post back and put here video with my party with many boxes vs 3 with your fail. Yesterday u+2players meet my party without box and u run away as chicken. Do u have fraps? 1.U cant relog, u were all time in combat. 2. U dont try fight, we kill u as gremlin. Necro use bsoe and 3rd guy stop run away probably in aden town. Stop lie boy. ?
  13. Ok, where?? U mean Isno and his demon staff +10 on the ground?
  14. Zdravím, napiš mi mail na postavu Stiba nebo na hráče Apocalypsa, po 20lvl pm klidně , kolem večera jsme ve hře většinou.
  15. I didnt say anything that u said it. I just wrote u solution from your problem.