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Everything posted by Stiba007

  1. 1. TotallyToxic never pked people without reason ( attack on our others members, f to our farm spot ) 2. We are ally with Anathema, but we dont solve their matters. So, when we try kill u anywhere, you or your clan must give us reason for it. Dont use TT in your lies. Thx for it.
  2. Example for me is flame only to pm, not all chat, i play mostly only with clan/ally/whisper chat He use slovak language, i dont think it than he know it than u dont play only bishop, i think it too than your other char play someone other. Počkej až tě bude spamovat transka Tyriastene. To je top třída.? K poslední části. Část jejího nicku máš přímo tam. Jinak přeju hodně zdaru v budování ally a co nejmíň sviní v ní, na serveru jich je opravdu víc než dost.
  3. Wow, cmon. Tell me nickname one of TT which flame u for last months. From your CP i talk only with Sayomi and it wasnt unfriendly chat. Last our chats were when iNevil killing your party in FoM and when u offer me for our clan slot in new ally with CH from NF or im lier? For Giran castle u must say big thx one Lady with blue hair. Lies and wrong blames about TT give u Giran.
  4. Someone need psychiatrist.
  5. U know nothing Myrtan Snow. ?
  6. Oooohhh, im celebrity, im on Soils screen. But cmon, do u see loki how he is obtrusive.? Gl at works, deadly monday is here. To Soil: Maybe better stay as small loyaly grup than invite many rats and be frustrated from l2. Enemy cant ruin your game, but boters, thieves and traitors, selfish players in own ally can do it so easy. I was robbed from newbies, betrayed from guys who call allies , maligned from enemies but never from core of TotallyToxic. We never give up it. I just cant understand, why u give up all. Not daily playing, but CS. Its for me the best part of this game.
  7. Stiba007

    PK points

    Just do it. Your broken ally do it all time than hunt us with same nonclans. Nothing new for us. Im just surprise than u try make some bodyguard and u havent idea about his behavior. Gl Anytime in protecting looser which try bug people in AC/FoR with 57warlock or 50+ warlord.
  8. Stiba007

    PK points

    U make my day. U cry everywhere about my clan, about pk. Just keep distance from me and my clan and we stop pking u again, again and again and again, again and again. When we r 9people activ on low chars, we can pk u 9x3+ 9x3 mains + buffers without chance on drop, we port to Castle and so easy shut down karma. R u rly think than u as emo solo players can stop us? Your warlock, warlord will lose more and more % and then u stun 29lvl under mobs. Its funny, when he get for one train 2-3x more %. I love so much claasic. Server for party players and bad time for solo noobs. Btw. Funny as u think that your exploitation bug summoners cubic can stop us. ? Your delevel on you cat master coming.
  9. Its TotallyToxic. I see so many our players from our clan on this screen. ? 1) This clan Lostinparadise is not regular clan. Just some bullsh.t random enemy which he has as 1 player a lots of chars and recruit same randoms on free CR. Its sad for him, maybe one day he find some real friends too. 2) Everyone who will attack on our others clans TotallyToxic, we will killing him our top chars from main clan. We protect our players. Its so so much simple. U see guys without crest from TotallyT0xic, T0tallyToxic or T0tallyT0xic and u dont want problems? Just dont attack on them, keep distance from them.?
  10. Everyone call me other name. From Alláh to Zero. Dont get falsely info newcoming. Its simple.
  11. When u r not noob as SpoilBerserk, which talk totaly bullsh.t, u can make solo AoE with warlord to lvl 69 very easy. Warlord from my clan make train with potions+self buffs in Fields of Massacre. U will be rich, so some times u can be dropped and so easy u will buy new items on self.
  12. Ahh Coco, u betray own class!! but dont be alone, join to us!
  13. Hey noob , very well, weakest players leaving us, tryharders taking break and evenings players play still and cut lead top players. Patch 2.0 will be soon. ? Perfect time for players as me and rest working people. Vigazerk breakup, exatly as i said it. Some archers pts change on mages pts, few drama about CHs with happyend. Its all, so good bye.
  14. Can u tell me more info about u, prime time, where r u from, age, language? max lvl?