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Everything posted by Stiba007

  1. Its tax than summoners can exp so fast alone without others. Tell me how other char can exp so fast alone on own buffs without breaks? Hm????? U dont must use spiritshots, u can go afk and wait on regen mp or recharge summon and summon recharge u. U dont need ww potions. So u dont spend Spirit Ore Cost= 53,280a Spiritshot Cost = 63,000a Wind walk potion = 1440a
  2. Myrciu change nickname? ?
  3. U have true in one point. This server is not for solo players, exactly as main idea this game. U can play as oldschool, but u cant play as solo player but u must be part of clan. GK is top, everyone know it, but its to much hard and it is all to much hardcore and in top can be only tryharders. EU topic is sh.t. People there have fear from pvp and server is under control russia players which make a lots of real money there. Our server Classic club is for me gold mid way. U must be team player, but u dont must be tryharder for playing top. Next big PLUS for our server is interconnection between players and admins. So good bye Coco, gl, hf everywhere u will be playing and when u change your solo style on team oldschool style, u change your opinion on this server.
  4. I dont think, just exist some players witch dont tolared boters and thieves. I report lots of players too and i dont care that is enemy/ally or clan member. I dont say than KL is boter. I didnt see video and i never see exp him.
  5. vasilij and +- same nick name example on warlock is player Salaras, he play bd in oppa CP. How i know it? Cause we kill them and he came raging on our TS room.
  6. Just check server stats, people as JackHerrer running for low location and making ego up. They are loosers, just dont give up, exp exp exp. He never come to higher location, theirs others chars play in clan Rage/StonedPortress (crest weed lief), so we killing these noobs everytime, when we meet them. They are connect with clan Nighstalkers, BP Kyrgios.
  7. Stiba007

    WTS Lance +5

    Prize for demon staff + 10? To pm when its secret.
  8. Its classic. I know it too. Deal with it guys. Everyone was pking high lvls.
  9. Stiba007

    Easter Event!

    Drop is ok. Balanced for all events items. Reward for event is perfect. Enchants is way to hell in events.
  10. I dont know u and i dont care about brainless guys without sense of humor as u. Have a nice day and cry me a river.