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Everything posted by Stiba007

  1. Stiba007

    DarkLegion pvp in LOA

    Very good player, its hard kill u.
  2. Stiba007

    Cepeleros Vol 1

    So funny, again my post about boters deleted. True is true, its not russia here!!! This party were botting, punished, so i can called this thrash botters!!!
  3. Man, dont have fear from it. Go on TS and try speak and listen others. Game info u will understand everytime and u can learn more. I can russia/china vulgarism. And my eng grow up too, my eng lvl was 3years old kid, now i see it on level as 5years old kid. TS make 1/2 fun this game.?
  4. ​Oo. My system chat lying me? It says about ~10% of overhit bonus... No, your system say true. But when u use overhit and this give 5000dmg and boss has 4999, its not calculated as over hit and it give u 0 or very low bonus exp.
  5. Your mistake. Be happy for this lection in game. In real life it can be worst.
  6. Disgusting, so many rerolls. Its suck system!!! Limited it!!!!
  7. #1 Server has x-times more money from Premium acconts and Items from Nostalgia. 2# Who care CP problems? Do u think problem when Fishfood CP get again bans, so they buy chars for real money and change on bishop? Y, help more boters, good server tactic. 3# Server is still alive. U want new char? Do u can create new acc and exp from 1lvl. Its 100x better for server, cause u need D/C/B grades items, best for server economy.
  8. I dont talk about it. I state it.?
  9. Ignore him, i want normal discusion on this theme, but tards from Vigazerk can only crying or trolling, just Soils standard.
  10. So, its good thing, not everyone can pick char on start, which is fun for him. But its rly disgusting when people calculated with it as gm buffs others chars. I dont think than im alone who want some limit on class change. Example max 1times for years or 2times for all time. What do u think about it?
  11. Stiba007

    Bug, cant see enemy

    Add pls this bug priority number 1#, its rly often and its rly suck, u see death enemy and he/she/it come again and killing u from invisible position. Rly often we have it when we farm and we many times kill enemy from WatH/UQ.Its nothing pleasureable.
  12. Its not Irelia, its not Enid (short hair,from TT). Im litlle confused. Its secret signal for Pheonix on close this trolol topic? ?
  13. Stiba007


    Its awesome server. Now its rly good politics on server, all sides pking neutrals, killing enemies, so why all of us crying here? Everyone has own truly version story, stop talk about this sh.t, never will be listen your story. AngeliNeri add Vigazerk. Done. Maybe they dont want it, maybe they have just twinks chars from enemy. Dont care. Now they must accept war and start play neverending game with wars or losing 4% everywhere or leave clan as cowards as many players from both ally when they want farm.
  14. Stiba007


    don't u think that blame whole clan/ally in botting is stupid? record vid, write admins, don't cry here Boy, your ally leader cry here. Your ally members have bans for botting. Do u rly think than im crying? ?
  15. Stiba007


    Dont try it here boy, admins never will be ban u without reason!!!
  16. Stiba007


    About bans, everyone know it, randoms players too, how many archers from Pride/Unique r botting in LoA. Maybe others, i cant say it, i dont see everywhere.Thx for it gms, dont let unbans these sh.t. About rats from ES? Why do u call them rats? U have more players, almost All players from u have longer playing time than players from us. Look inside your ally how many players leave us and come to u, cause they need only one, epics jewels. U losing control with Epics and players in your ally, without loyalty raging? Next time, after end your ban, dont write topic with emotion and tears in your eyes. Maybe we can make good discusion.