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Everything posted by Stiba007

  1. I read and Kse wrote there about sell/trade. Example: I have 60lvl necro, i wrote on forum, i want gift char 60lvl necro some bored tank 60+-(DA/SK). This tank is so awesome guy than he will want gift his char some other guy playing with me. Its broken rules? I dont see there nothing with trade, sell. Its example when enemy spam me pm words " You mother***ker", u cant ban it cause its not broken rules.
  2. We have in clan 1ES and 2warlocks(1unactiv) and they havent big problems with it. ? With shots summoners will be OP, almost as me.? Sometimes they talk about it, but they r still useful for party. We like them.
  3. My true post was deleted. R u bored? So u dont log in game and u can try get out from B5 with your Lee ?
  4. 100x better will be when some of u sometimes log in the game, bans these spamers, after check boters in LoA or DV and everyone will be happy.
  5. Stiba007


    ​ ​I need 1h of non stop farming at aoe kariks and not like perkunas doing it, I'm talking about luring the spot from bridge all kariks to bridge of snipers, the whole spot, that for 1h is 1% exp at 75. So who will lose more, you at 65 or me at 75? You talk about lvls you talk about PR you talk about bots and guess what it reminds me, your alliance. In my alliance, nobody get banned cause of botting man, check yours. So what you say, you want to pvp with our alt clans that few people there still doesn't have ready parties? Nice goals you have there at tt. We can't kill our war so open war with your alt clans and alt chars to be able to kill you I want some standart to pvp, fair play, 3-4high lvls(+2kCP) vs 6-7 low is playable and both side have chance to win it. Gf But your standart is take 2x more high players, kill half Pt, DA/SK giving para/fear and killing last players for 4% with dual boxs or try drops eq from us. Its poor hate and u just try poison this game your enemy. We dont play CP system(Constants Parties), we havent time on it and we want play with more players, not only 9-13 as u. So yes, u can open wars with your alt clans, with same lvls us our mains chars, everyone know it than almost chars r your secondary chars, example clan inferno, EV we kill it, they relog it and same spot log in taduliz/tipitapi or dee. ?(Btw nice Bsoe Dee) But after u just dont kill so easy enemy. U probably dont see it, how many players stop playing here when 70+players killing them in location for 20-55 lvls. Droping from them weapons/armors. About bots, i talk with Koll. He say me when they give every bot perma ban when gm catch him first time, we will play with 50% lowers population. Do u still think than all players from your ally r clear? Now boters have paradise here, high lvls try poison game news players, patch 2.0 have delay as hell, H5 coming to February. U will see how many fair play ally players, enemies or neutrals leave. Gl with thrash as ProGressive, sws Laste is not rly SE. ? Joke of day. CP = clan party ????
  6. Stiba007


    ​Bro its so funny, when u full cp try to get dagger 70 level u cry that he runs. But when we 3 ppl kill youur whole cp, and you didnt even try to focus cc characted like me(who dies in 3 archer hits,you can ask ukitachi cp) you cry that we are high levels and its easy to do it. Offcourse it is east when we are archer wc and gladi and u all hit gladi. Second i play wc even if i have logged in gladiator 70+, because i know my class better than gladi. I even play wc in CS what is total bullsh1t while i could play warlord 70 and stun your front line, but its personal priorities, so stop talkig that i play WC only because im high level. About PR with pride. Offcourse they PR if they 4 active, thats why EE was made for. Should i remember you two days ago when u pred from our two parties? Oh wait u died from Knoriks like pigs Can u tell me how CP play in our clan?? Can u tell me how char have PR, when we havent EE in LoA?? Can u post me some screen where u see than Knoriks kill us?? Oh, u think this day when our wl have 2boxes, support and spoil and he have dc, so we stop killing Knoriks cause we need Doom tunic recipes from him. Oh and sone thrash 2pt enemies run on us in same time, so we relog and Knoriks has 1/2hp and retards as u think than 1 Knoriks kill all of us. ???? 1# our lvls growing up, u play here 3/4years more than my clan ? 2# When gm sometimes spects archers in LoA, so many bans coming with IT.
  7. Stiba007


    I dont need recommendation from PR master, boters, rats which exping others chars without clan and others thrash. We fight with our enemy, we dont leave clan for free exp as rest server. We havent problem with lvls, its just info for others. Noobs as u have problem fight with your secondary chars on same lvls as me. U run as girl from fight 3:5(we) and u talk as hero when u run on enemy (we)6:18. Do u see it? ?
  8. Stiba007


    1.We have 5 activ people, u have next 2 archers (bots?), so 5x 57-64lvls vs 3x 65+? and u use PR as little girl cause have fear from lost 1% and 4% on Pets. QQ 2.we have 6activ 57-64 vs 18activ +-70lvl and u talk about hiding in the Dark corner I hope than more and more players will be read forum and they will see how big bull.hit is your ally DarkLegion.
  9. Stiba007


    Btw. When u r so pvp masters, why u dont accept war with clans as WildAtHeart, Apocalypse, Frenchconnection, Inferno or others your clans where u have milions secondary chars? Why do u exp it on top spots without clan as rats? We never leave our main clan TotallyToxic.
  10. Stiba007


    Poors dogs play here on big boss. Ok, balls alias gE, delevel on 55lvl and u can start play in the game on hero as here. Thrash as Progressive rlg sws and play for wc cause his high lvl wc have 95% chance land fear/sleep. Second bull.hit from DarkLegion. Hmm, Anytime why do u use nonstop PR at LoA? Why u run as rabbit vs 60lvls? Archers from syndicate too. Only xxxGrossxxx dont do it, but this noob boting there so much and he havent still ban!!! God, pls, tell me why this no brain kids everytime want change things helping them? Yesterday we were visit yours puppies in AB. Everytime Pride use PR, KoR run as rabbits and they use bsoe so much. 65+ vs our low lvls. LoA is full of enemy, we go there, u havent balls and u go on our pt 60lvl with 2pts +-70lvls.Funny, grills without some standart. Just dont let rlg players, when they lose some CPs.
  11. Stiba007


    Taduliz, tipitapi r still relog there. ? Pro nolifers exp destroyers now. One of milions their chars These guys never saw sun.
  12. Just relax man and u must ignore people as ProGressive, its worst thrash on server. They try poison game everyone news here.
  13. No lifers dogs never understand other guys playing less than 3hours per day.
  14. Do u can change relogs system in game? When players lose some CPs, so he cant relog in combat? Do u can repair bug with poison and sleep? On server exist many players using this bug and they let enemy with 1hp and send him on mobs and they try drop it.
  15. Stiba007


    Pvp on low lvls exist, but some shi.ts as LovePvE, Kakar, Pistolas and others no brain people take his main char 70+ and they make ego up on 20-55lvls. I hope in it than one day mrs.gE make from it some movie. ? Some like true face of ally DarkLegion. Server dont need TvT, to much pvp every where, someday i log, we make many pvps for 2-3hours and we go sleep with -10-20%, np. Just solo players need learn play this game.
  16. Stiba007

    MoDoy vol. 2 LoA pvp

    ​On last siege, we got only 3 death in our pt, dunno what about your infinite respawns on flags ​ You have a castle so you cant even put a flag on the ground, so what makes you possibly think that i was talking about you specifically ? I actually talked in a very generic way not even aiming at anybody. But.. since u wanna hear it.. You did have like 5 random/weak clans just dying and throwing their bodies at us last 2 sieges during aden castle fights. One of these meatshield clans was also at this loa fight yday with a party, hilariously. ​i like how u all count wars, by clans. i dont comment the main point of your message. ​Never said it was 5*40 people, im sorry that you get offended by that. But yea i'm definetly including CoB and TT who were not putting just 1 party each at the siege. ​man dont put words i dont say and dont say what i could feel. i just mention it, because u minions say only what your leaders told. he wrote that we are 11 clans. why do clan matter annyway? i dont make conflict i just mention that its not right to count by clan. btw, stop making things up about our numbers. we are less then u, at last siege we was 20-30 people more because china helped with 4-5 parties. CoB has ONLY 1 party after csa party left server, and it was 2 sieges ago , TT are 2 parties of archers but the thing is u cant compare, because 2 party of 62 lvl archers isnt better then 1 of 72. my opinion. Someone needs to fraps AB + LOA + BS during the entire asian and NA+SA timezones and show to this guy. Free farm everywhere for a bunch of your parties, no competition except a gank or another from ES (and if it is in AB the party that gets ganked just runs to the other party anyway, poor ES boys can't even have some fun against your NA parties, hard to find 1 party alone) or ROK (at least killing chinese and hwarangs is easy for them, even the lvl 72-73 chinese parties dont do much when they meet a real party, might wanna invest more euros boys). He thinks you guys are less because he plays on euro time zone ? Then you have a video above showing an euro-prime time mass pvp where we were about the same during euro time anyway, lol. Yea, TT are just 2 archer parties (been hearing that for a few monhts now, lol), that's why they talk about their 4 clans on recruit section. As if they use more than 1 for their epic chars, as they cant even level up their mains according to you. Hard to care about them tho, specially when their own allies make fun of them being still 62 (inevil please delevel your char to make company to the lv60 archers! stop being so greedy trying to reach 70 alone) . But the real question when it comes to numbers is, are you guys going to 69 your wartags ES again ? Just for siege or gonna extend for any epic boss that happens on sunday too, like last time? ​So funny trashtalk from mr.noone. I start play here from 14.8.2016 and we start from 0, we still recruit new players, they create new chars. Its impossible make same lvl as u when 3/4 clan members play only 4-5 days for week max 3-4hours. We dont tryhard it, just for fun. We start going to CS with 55+lvls, Vigazerk craze from it and start killing us everywhere, i dont care than nolifers talking about us than we r weak. U can see retards as tipitapi with fullepics set without friends and never want play with him. 90% players from TotallyToxic arent shi.t as rest server and TT never leave clan only cause they want free exp. When i see how many of u have so many chars/ nonstop leaving main clan for expin, im rly proud on my clan. We havent CPs, we make pt and go exp, u can see how we exp archer pt with ES, we play for fun, so your trash talk dont care us. Own ally fun from us? Tell me some names?
  17. Tak ve zkratce, podařilo se nám dodělat klan lvl 5, na který je třeba celkově 15.100PoB, jako 10.tému klanu na serveru (ostatní začli o 9 měsíců před námi). Nyní velmi často expíme ve dvouch lukařských partách, doexpují se nám nový mágové, takže je jen otázkou času kdy navečer nebude problém skládat i mágovskou partu. Stále si držíme status čistě československého klanu bez konstat paret. Na serveru pravděpodobně jako jediný klan z top klanů. Tuhle neděli budou po velké pauzu z důvodů vánočních svátků a dohodnutého příměří další CS. Určitě se stavte aspoň podívat a držet palce. Jinak i nadále hledáme jakékoliv aktivní hráče co jsou plnoletí, používají TS3 a mají chuť reprezentovat československou l2 komunitu. Hlavní herní čas klanu je od 19:00-24:00.
  18. WTS: Damascus sword Demon dagger BW Tunic + Stocking BW/ Doom/ Ava/ Zubei helmet In game offer pm/mail on Stiba